an organ or cell in which gametes are produced, esp in algae and fungi
Derived forms
gametangial (ˌgameˈtangial)
Word origin
C19: New Latin, from gameto- + Greek angeion vessel
Examples of 'gametangia' in a sentence
Gametangia are of the common type for the leptosporangiate advanced ferns.
Blanca Pérez-García, Aniceto Mendoza, Irma Reyes Jaramillo, Ramón Riba 2001, 'Morfogénesis de la fase sexual de seis especies mexicanas del género Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae):Parte II', Revista de Biología Tropical Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Gametangia are preserved and closely packed within the gametophore.
Filippo Barattolo, Viorel Ionesi, Paul Ţibuleac 2019, 'A new polyphysacean alga from the Miocene of Romania and its biomineralization', Acta Palaeontologica Polonica Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The gametangia are of the common leptosporangiate-type.
Irma Reyes Jaramillo, Blanca Pérez-García, Aniceto Mendoza 2000, 'Fase gametofítica del helecho Llavea cordifolia (Pteridaceae).', Revista de Biología Tropical Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The length and width of gametophores, as well as the diameter of the gametangia were clearly different for both species.
L.I Quan-Young, S.G Jiménez-Flores, J Espinoza-Ávalos 2006, 'Flora béntica y reproducción de las algas Batophora spp. (Chlorophyta: Dasycladaceae)de una laguna costera contaminada (Bahía de Chetumal, México)', Revista de Biología Tropical Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (