

单词 got

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Examples of 'got' in a sentence

Once they got home there was no more procrastination.But we'd already got what we wanted.People would load up the trolley and then when they got home there was nowhere to store the stuff so it made homes cluttered.I tried calling the hospital but just got answering machines.I'd just got used to it.He'd already got the hang of it and didn't want to come up!When I got back there was a massive celebration, with all the cabinet ministers coming to the airport to meet me.

All related terms of 'got'

Chinese translation of 'got'



pt, pp

  1. of get
  1. have you got your umbrella? 你有伞(傘)吗(嗎)? (nǐ yǒu sǎn ma?)
    he has got to accept the situation 他只得接受现(現)状(狀) (tā zhǐdé jiēshòu xiànzhuàng)
    he's got to be guilty 他肯定有罪 (tā kěndìng yǒu zuì)


Word forms:ptpp got
Word forms:USpp gotten


  1. to have got see also have, got
  2. (= obtain, find)
    1. [money, permission, results, information] 获(獲)得 (huòdé)
    2. [job, flat, room] 得到 (dédào)
      he got a job in London 他在伦(倫)敦得到一份工作 (tā zài Lúndūn dédào yī fèn gōngzuò)
      we can get something to eat on the train 我们(們)可以在火车(車)上弄点(點)儿(兒)吃的 (wǒmen kěyǐ zài huǒchē shang nòng diǎnr chīde)
      to get a look at sth/sb 看看某物/某人 (kànkan mǒuwù/mǒurén)
  3. (= fetch) [person, doctor, object] 去拿 (qù ná)
    to get sth for sb 为(為)某人去拿某物 (wèi mǒurén qù ná mǒuwù)
    could you get me my coat please? 请(請)你把我的外套拿来(來)好吗(嗎)? (Qǐng nǐ bǎ wǒ de wàitào nálái hǎo ma?)
    can I get you a coffee? 要我给(給)你拿杯咖啡吗(嗎)? (yào wǒ gěi nǐ ná bēi kāfēi ma?)
    I'll come and get you 我会(會)来(來)接你的 (wǒ huì lái jiē nǐ de)
    1. (= receive) [present, letter, prize, TV channel] 收到 (shōudào)
    2. [price] 得到 (dédào)
      ⇒ He got a good price for the car. 他把车卖了个好价钱。 (Tā bǎ chē màile gè hǎo jiàqián.)
      what did you get for your birthday? 你生日时(時)得到了什么(麼)礼(禮)物? (nǐ shēngrì shí dédàole shénme lǐwù?)
      how much did you get for the painting? 你这(這)幅画(畫)卖(賣)了多少钱(錢)? (nǐ zhè fú huà màile duōshao qián?)
      he gets a lot of pleasure from music 他从(從)音乐(樂)中得到了很大乐(樂)趣 (tā cóng yīnyuè zhōng dédàole hěn dà lèqù)
  4. (= board) [plane, bus] 乘坐 (chéngzuò)
    I'll get the bus 我会(會)乘坐公共汽车(車) (wǒ huì chéngzuò gōnggòng qìchē)
  5. (= prepare) [meal] 准(準)备(備) (zhǔnbèi)
    I'll get lunch 我来(來)准(準)备(備)午餐 (wǒ lái zhǔnbèi wǔcān)
  6. (= cause to be/become)
    to get sth/sb ready 使某事/某人准(準)备(備)就绪(緒) (shǐ mǒurén/mǒushì zhǔnbèi jiùxù)
    to get sb drunk/into trouble 使某人喝醉/陷入麻烦(煩) (shǐ mǒurén hēzuì/xiànrù máfan)
    did you get the answer right? 你的答案正确(確)吗(嗎)? (nǐ de dá'àn zhèngquè ma?)
  7. (= seize, catch) 抓住 (zhuāzhù)
    get him! 抓住他! (zhuāzhù tā!)
    the police will get him eventually 警察最终(終)会(會)抓住他的 (jǐngchá zuìzhōng huì zhuāzhù tā de)
  8. (= hit) [target etc] 击(擊)中 (jīzhòng)
  9. (= take, move) 把 ... 送到 (bǎ ... sòngdào)
    we must get him to hospital 我们(們)必须(須)把他送到医(醫)院 (wǒmen bìxū bǎ tā sòngdào yīyuàn)
    I'll get you there somehow 我会(會)设(設)法让(讓)你到那儿(兒) (wǒ huì shèfǎ ràng nǐ dào nàr)
    do you think we'll get it through the door? 你觉(覺)得我们(們)能把它弄进(進)门(門)吗(嗎)? (nǐ juéde wǒmen néng bǎ tā nòngjìn mén ma?)
    to get sth to sb 为(為)某人取得某物 (wèi mǒurén qǔdé mǒuwù)
    1. (= buy) 买(買) (mǎi)
    2. (regularly) 买(買)到 (mǎidào)
      I'll get some milk from the supermarket 我要去超市买(買)牛奶 (wǒ yào qù chāoshì mǎi niúnǎi)
      we don't get a newspaper 我们(們)没(沒)买(買)到报(報)纸(紙) (wǒmen méi mǎidào bàozhǐ)
      let me get you a drink 让(讓)我给(給)你来(來)杯喝的吧 (ràng wǒ gěi nǐ lái bēi hēde ba)
  10. (= be infected by) [cold, measles] 染上 (rǎnshàng)
    you'll get a cold 你会(會)得感冒的 (nǐ huì dé gǎnmào de)
  11. (= understand) [joke, point] 领(領)会(會) (lǐnghuì)
  12. (= hear) 听(聽)见(見) (tīngjiàn)
    I didn't get your name 我没(沒)听(聽)见(見)你的名字 (wǒ méi tīngjiàn nǐ de míngzi)
  13. (= have) [time, opportunity] (yǒu)
    I get the impression that ... 我有 ... 的印象 (wǒ yǒu ... de yìnxiàng)
    I got a shock when I saw him 当(當)我看见(見)他时(時)我惊(驚)呆了 (dāng wǒ kànjiàn tā shí wǒ jīngdāi le)
  14. to get sth done (= do oneself) 做某事 (zuò mǒushì) (= have done) 完成某事 (wánchéng mǒushì)
    to get the washing/dishes done 洗好衣物/餐具 (xǐhǎo yīwù/cānjù)
    to get one's hair cut 理发(髮) (lǐfà)
    to get the car going or to go 使汽车(車)发(發)动(動)起来(來) (shǐ qìchē fādòng qǐlái)
    to get sb to do sth 让(讓)某人做某事 (ràng mǒurén zuò mǒushì)
  15. (inf, = annoy) 使 ... 恼(惱)火 (shǐ ... nǎohuǒ)
    what gets me is his attitude 是他的态(態)度让(讓)我恼(惱)火 (shì tā de tàidu ràng wǒ nǎohuǒ)


  1. (= become, be) (adj) 变(變)得 (biàn de)
    to get old/tired/cold/dirty 变(變)老/变(變)得疲倦/变(變)冷/变(變)脏(髒) (biànlǎo/biànde píjuàn/biànlěng/biànzāng)
    to get drunk 喝醉了 (hēzuì le)
    to get bored 变(變)得无(無)聊 (biàn de wúliáo)
    it's getting late 不早了 (bù zǎo le)
  2. (= go)
    to get to work/the airport/Beijing etc 到办(辦)公室/到达(達)机(機)场(場)/到达(達)北京 (dào bàngōngshì/dàodá jīchǎng/dàodá Běijīng děng)
    how did you get here? 你是怎么(麼)到这(這)儿(兒)的? (nǐ shì zěnme dào zhèr de?)
    he didn't get home till 10pm 他直到晚上10点(點)才到家 (tā zhídào wǎnshang shí diǎn cái dàojiā)
    how long does it take to get from London to Paris? 从(從)伦(倫)敦到巴黎需要多久? (cóng Lúndūn dào Bālí xūyào duō jiǔ?)
    the talks are getting nowhere 会(會)谈(談)毫无(無)进(進)展 (huìtán háowú jìnzhǎn)
  3. (= begin)
    to get to know sb 开(開)始了解某人 (kāishǐ liǎojiě mǒurén)
    let's get going or started! 开(開)始吧! (kāishǐ ba!)
  4. (= manage)
    how often do you get to see him? 你多久见(見)他一次? (nǐ duō jiǔ jiàn tā yī cì?)
  5. (in expressions)
    don't let it get to you 别(別)受它的影响(響) (bié shòu tā de yǐngxiǎng)
    get lost! 走开(開)! (zǒukāi!)
    how crazy/stupid can you get? 你怎么(麼)变(變)得这(這)样(樣)疯(瘋)狂/愚蠢呢? (nǐ zěnme biàn de zhèyàng fēngkuáng/yúchǔn ne?)

aux vb

  1. to have got to see also have, got
  2. (passive use) 作为构成被动语态的助动词
    to get killed 被杀(殺) (bèishā)
    to get paid 拿薪水 (ná xīnshuǐ)

Nearby words of

  • gosh
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  • gossip
  • got
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All related terms of 'got'





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