of or relating to the theory of design that the form of a thing should be determined by its use
2. psychology
of or relating to functionalism
This orthodox consensus has been characterized by Giddens as an amalgam of positivisticepistemology, functionalistic methodology and liberal political theory of industrialsociety.
Examples of 'functionalistic' in a sentence
Traditional group interventions use humanistic and functionalistic paradigms that do not considerthe unconscious functioning of groups.
Dirk J. Geldenhuys 2012, 'Group-as-a-whole as a context for studying individual behaviour: A group diagnosticintervention', SA Journal of Industrial Psychologyhttp://www.sajip.co.za/index.php/sajip/article/view/1011. Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode)