any beetle of the family Curculionidae, having an elongated snout (rostrum): they are pests, feeding on plants and plant products
See also boll weevil
2. Also called: pea weevil, bean weevil
any of various beetles of the family Bruchidae (or Lariidae), the larvae of which live in the seeds of leguminous plants
any of various similar or related beetles
Derived forms
weevily (ˈweevily)
Word origin
Old English wifel; related to Old High German wibil; compare Old Norse tordӯfill dungbeetle
pea weevil in American English
a seed beetle, Bruchus pisorum, the larvae of which live in and feed on the seeds of the pea plant
Word origin
[1835–45, Amer.]This word is first recorded in the period 1835–45. Other words that entered Englishat around the same time include: crosshead, cutaway, placement, serial, squeegee