Friends often brought by something saved out from their dinner or left over at their commons, a filled bun or a piece of fruit.
Ursula K. Le Guin THE DISPOSSESSED (1974)
All related terms of 'Friends'
a friend
a friend
A friend is someone who you know well and like, but who is not related to you.
be friends
to be friendly (with)
make friends
to become friendly (with)
feathered friends
Birds are sometimes referred to as our feathered friends .
Society of Friends
a Christian denomination , founded in England c. 1650 by George Fox , that has no formal creed , liturgy , or priesthood and rejects violence in human relations, esp. warfare
to make friends
If you make friends with someone, you begin a friendship with them. You can also say that two people make friends .
friends with benefits
friends who have a casual sexual relationship with no expectation of commitment
pen friend
A pen-friend is someone you write friendly letters to and receive letters from, although the two of you may never have met .
Friends of the Earth
an organization of environmentalists and conservationists whose aim is to promote the sustainable use of the earth's resources
the best of friends
If two people are the best of friends , they are close friends, especially when they have had a disagreement or fight in the past .
best friend
a dearest friend
bosom friend
an intimate friend
false friend
a word or expression in one language that, because it resembles one in another language, is often wrongly taken to have the same meaning , for example , the French agenda which means diary , not agenda
furry friend
a pet , esp a cat or a dog
lady friend
Someone's lady friend is the woman with whom they are having a romantic or sexual relationship .
next friend
(formerly) a person acting on behalf of an infant or other person under legal disability
woman friend
a female friend
family friend
a person who has friendly relations with a whole family
personal friend
a person who is a friend , rather than a colleague or acquaintance
school friend
A school friend is a friend of yours who is at the same school as you, or who used to be at the same school when you were children.
make (or be) friends with
to become (or be) a friend of
Religious Society of Friends
the official name for the Quakers
gentleman friend
a man with whom a woman is romantically involved; suitor
litigation friend
a person acting on behalf of an infant or other person under legal disability
four-legged friend
a four-legged animal, esp a dog
fair-weather friend
a person who cannot be relied on in situations of hardship or difficulty
pen pal
A pen pal is someone you write friendly letters to and receive letters from, although the two of you may never have met.