A dual carriageway is a road which usually has two lanes of traffic travelling in each direction with a strip of grass or concrete down the middle to separate the two lots of traffic.
[British]regional note: in AM, use divided highway
dual carriageway in British English
a road on which traffic travelling in opposite directions is separated by a central strip of turf, etc
US and Canadian name: divided highway
Examples of 'dual carriageway' in a sentence
dual carriageway
Simply widen the existing road into a dual carriageway.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
It turned out to be the central reservation of a dual carriageway.
The Sun (2015)
The primary school attended by my grandchild is adjacent to a busy dual carriageway which could soon be widened.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
Our bus took us down a dual carriageway, over a hill and then the road stopped.
Peter McEvoy For Love or Money (2006)
Drivers on a busy dual carriageway yesterday had to swerve around a bath.
The Sun (2014)
Hundreds of motorists have been banned from driving after taking part in 100mph street races that turned a dual carriageway into a racetrack.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
We in Norfolk still have no continuous dual carriageway north, south or west.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
In other languages
dual carriageway
British English: dual carriageway /ˈdjuːəl ˈkærɪdʒˌweɪ/ NOUN
A dual carriageway is a road which has two lanes of traffic travelling in each direction with a strip of grass or concrete down the middle to separate the two lots of traffic.
American English: four-lane highway
Arabic: طَرِيقٌ مُزْدَوِجٌ لِلسِّيَّارات
Brazilian Portuguese: auto-estrada
Chinese: 双行道
Croatian: dvotračna cesta
Czech: dvouproudová vozovka
Danish: hovedvej med midterrabat
Dutch: vierbaansweg
European Spanish: autovía
Finnish: kaksikaistainen ajorata
French: quatre-voies
German: doppelspurige Schnellstraße
Greek: οδός διπλής κατεύθυνσης
Italian: corsia doppia
Japanese: 中央分離帯付き道路
Korean: 중앙 분리대가 있는 도로
Norwegian: vei med midtrabatt
Polish: droga dwupasmowa
European Portuguese: via de duas faixas de rodagem