a republic in W Europe, between the English Channel, the Mediterranean, and the Atlantic: the largest country wholly in Europe; became a republic in 1793 after the French Revolution and an empire in 1804 under Napoleon; reverted to a monarchy (1815–48), followed by the Second Republic (1848–52), the Second Empire (1852–70), the Third Republic (1870–1940), and the Fourth and Fifth Republics (1946 and 1958); a member of the European Union. It is generally flat or undulating in the north and west and mountainous in the south and east. Official language: French. Religion: Roman Catholic majority. Currency: euro. Capital: Paris. Pop: 64 979 548 (2017 est). Area: (including Corsica) 551 600 sq km (212 973 sq miles)
▶ Related adjectives: French, Gallic
France in British English2
(French frɑ̃s)
Anatole (anatɔl), real name Anatole François Thibault. 1844–1924, French novelist, short-story writer, and critic. His works include Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard (1881), L'Île des Pingouins (1908), and La Révolte des anges (1914): Nobel prize for literature 1921
France in American English1
(fræns; frɑns)
ˈAnaˌtole (ˈænəˌtoʊl) (pseud. of Jacques Anatole François Thibault) 1844-1924; Fr. novelist & literary critic
France in American English2
(fræns; frɑns)
country in W Europe, on the Atlantic & the Mediterranean Sea: 210,033 sq mi (543,983 sq km); pop. 56,615,000; cap. Paris
: Fr. name Répubˈlique Franˈçaise (ʀeɪpyˈblik fʀɑ̃ˈsɛz)
Synonyms of 'France'
Word lists with
country, currency, inhabitant
In other languages
British English: France /frɑːns/ NOUN
France is a republic in western Europe, between the English Channel, the Mediterranean, and the Atlantic.
American English: France
Arabic: فَرَنسا
Brazilian Portuguese: França
Chinese: 法国
Croatian: Francuska
Czech: Francie
Danish: Frankrig
Dutch: Frankrijk
European Spanish: Francia
Finnish: Ranska
French: France
German: Frankreich
Greek: Γαλλία
Italian: Francia
Japanese: フランス
Korean: 프랑스
Norwegian: Frankrike
Polish: Francja
European Portuguese: França
Romanian: Franța
Russian: Франция
Latin American Spanish: Francia
Swedish: Frankrike
Thai: ประเทศฝรั่งเศส
Turkish: Fransa
Ukrainian: Франція
Vietnamese: nước Pháp
All related terms of 'France'
New France
the former French colonies and possessions in North America , most of which were lost to England and Spain by 1763: often restricted to the French possessions in Canada
Pierre ( pjɛr ). 1907–82, French statesman; prime minister (1954–55). He concluded the war in Indochina and granted independence to Tunisia
the capital of Martinique , a port on the W coast : commercial centre of the French Antilles. Pop: 91 249 (2007)
a region of N France , in the Paris Basin : part of the duchy of France in the 10th century
Isle of France
→ Île-de-France
a region of N France formed in 2016 from the former regions of Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardy
Isabella of France
1292–1358, wife (1308–27) of Edward II of England, whom, aided by her lover , Roger de Mortimer , she deposed ; mother of Edward III
Marie de France
12th century ad , French poet, who probably lived in England; noted for her lais ( verse narratives ) based on Celtic tales