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View usage for: (fəʳgetfʊl) adjectiveSomeone who is forgetful often forgets things. My mother has become very forgetful and confused recently. Synonyms: absent-minded, vague, careless, neglectful More Synonyms of forgetful forgetfulness uncountable noun Her forgetfulness is due to advancing age. Synonyms: absent-mindedness, oblivion, inattention, carelessness More Synonyms of forgetful forgetful in British English (fəˈɡɛtfʊl) adjective2. (often postpositive; foll by of) inattentive (to) or neglectful (of) 3. poetic causing loss of memory Derived forms forgetfully (forˈgetfully) adverb forgetfulness (forˈgetfulness) noun forgetful in American English (fərˈgɛtfəl) adjective1. apt to forget; having a poor memory 3. OLD-FASHIONED, Poetic causing to forget forgetful sleep Derived forms forgetfully (forˈgetfully) adverb forgetfulness (forˈgetfulness) noun Examples of 'forgetful' in a sentenceforgetful You can become more forgetful and less able to focus on the task at hand.Now he has become quite forgetful.The older we get, the more blasé and forgetful we become.She would be a bit forgetful or she wouldn't want to go out.But we rarely ask him to babysit, because he can be a bit forgetful. In other languagesforgetful British English: forgetful ADJECTIVE Someone who is forgetful often forgets things. My mother has become very forgetful and confused. - American English: forgetful
- Brazilian Portuguese: esquecido
- Chinese: 健忘的
- European Spanish: despistado
- French: qui a mauvaise mémoire
- German: vergesslich
- Italian: smemorato
- Japanese: 忘れっぽい
- Korean: 건망증이 심한
- European Portuguese: esquecido
- Latin American Spanish: despistado
Chinese translation of 'forgetful' adj - [person]
健忘的 (jiànwàng de)
Definition tending to forget My mother has become very forgetful recently. Synonyms dreamy slipshod unmindful apt to forget having a memory like a sieve Opposites careful , attentive , mindful , retentive , unforgetting , unforgetful Additional synonymsDefinition done or acting with insufficient attention Office workers are notoriously careless about their passwords. Synonyms negligent, hasty, unconcerned, cursory, perfunctory, thoughtless, indiscreet, unthinking, forgetful, absent-minded, inconsiderate, heedless, remiss (formal), incautious, unmindful, regardlessDefinition taking no notice She scattered the letters about in her heedless haste. Synonyms careless, reckless, negligent, rash, precipitate, oblivious, foolhardy, thoughtless, unthinking, imprudent, neglectful, inattentive, incautious, unmindful, unobservant Definition not paying attention These children were more likely to be inattentive at school. Synonyms preoccupied, distracted, careless, negligent, dreamy, regardless, vague, thoughtless, absent-minded, slapdash, neglectful, heedless, slipshod, remiss (formal), unmindful, unobservant, unheeding, distrait, ditzy or ditsy (slang) Additional synonymsDefinition lacking firmness One of the problems is lax security for airport personnel. Synonyms slack, casual, careless, sloppy (informal), easy-going, negligent, lenient, slapdash, neglectful, slipshod, remiss (formal), easy-peasy (slang), overindulgent Definition not paying enough care or attention Children who are neglected tend to become neglectful parents. Synonyms careless, indifferent, lax, negligent, uncaring, thoughtless, heedless, inattentive, remiss (formal), unmindful, disregardful The jury ruled that the Council had acted in a negligent manner. Synonyms careless, regardless, slack, thoughtless, inadvertent, unthinking, forgetful, slapdash, neglectful, heedless, slipshod, inattentive, remiss (formal), unmindful, disregardful Definition unaware or unconscious She appeared oblivious to her surroundings. Synonyms unaware, unconscious, ignorant, regardless, careless, negligent, blind to, unaffected by, impervious to, forgetful, deaf to, unconcerned about, neglectful, heedless, inattentive, insensible, unmindful, unobservant, disregardful, incognizant Definition careless or hasty a slapdash piece of work Synonyms careless, sloppy (informal), hasty, disorderly, hurried, last-minute, messy, clumsy, negligent, untidy, haphazard, perfunctory, thoughtless, thrown-together, slovenly, slipshodSynonyms careless, slack, indifferent, oblivious, lax, negligent, forgetful, neglectful, heedless, inattentive, remiss (formal), unheeding Definition (of a person) not concentrating or thinking clearly He was an intelligent but rather vague Englishman. Synonyms absent-minded, absorbed, abstracted, distracted, unaware, musing, vacant, preoccupied, bemused, oblivious, dreamy, daydreaming, faraway, unthinking, heedless, inattentive, unheeding |