Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical that is often used to make hair lighter or to kill germs.
hydrogen peroxide in British English
a colourless oily unstable liquid, usually used in aqueous solution. It is a strong oxidizing agent used as a bleach for textiles, wood pulp, hair, etc, and as an oxidizer in rocket fuels. Formula: H2O2
hydrogen peroxide in American English
a colorless, syrupy liquid, H2O2, often used in dilute, unstable solutions as a bleaching or disinfecting agent, and in more concentrated form as a rocket fuel, in the production of foam rubber, etc.
Examples of 'hydrogen peroxide' in a sentence
hydrogen peroxide
This means more ozone around us; more hydrogen peroxide.
Radford, Tim & Leggett, Jeremy The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium (1990)
Since then hydrogen peroxide has been made much more difficult to obtain in Britain.