It also provides a valuable insight into the palaeobiology of these now extinct animals.
Ewan D S Wolff, Steven W Salisbury, John R Horner, David J Varricchio 2009, 'Common avian infection plagued the tyrant dinosaurs.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Sub-micron microtomography thus provides a powerful tool for studying the structure, development, evolution and palaeobiology of muscle attachments.
Sophie Sanchez, Vincent Dupret, Paul Tafforeau, Katherine M Trinajstic, Bettina Ryll,Pierre-Jean Gouttenoire, Lovisa Wretman, Louise Zylberberg, Françoise Peyrin, PerE Ahlberg 2013, '3D microstructural architecture of muscle attachments in extant and fossil vertebratesrevealed by synchrotron microtomography.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (