a city in NE Scotland, on the North Sea: centre for processing North Sea oil and gas; university (1494). Pop: 184 788 (2001)
2. City of Aberdeen
Aberdeen in British English2
George Hamilton-Gordon, 4th Earl of. 1784–1860, British statesman. He was foreign secretary under Wellington (1828) and Peel (1841–46); became prime minister of a coalition ministry in 1852 but was compelled to resign after mismanagement of the Crimean War (1855)
Aberdeen in American English
(ˌæbərˈdin; for 3, ˈæbərˌdin)
administrative division of E Scotland
formerly a county
fishing port in E Scotland, on the North Sea: district pop. 205,000
town in NW Md.: pop. 14,000: site of Aberdeen Proving Ground of the U.S. Army
Derived forms
Aberdonian (ˌAberˈdonian) (ˌAbɛrˈdoʊniən)
adjective, noun
Word lists with
Former Scottish counties, inhabitant, place, Main British and Irish ports