

单词 earthquake

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Examples of 'earthquake' in a sentence

Sadly it was all destroyed by an earthquake 1,500 years ago and the rubble was carted off by Ottoman invaders to build houses.The nuclear power plant is in an earthquake zone.Nuclear reactors are built on earthquake fault lines.There were initial reports that the fire was triggered by a small earthquake.This can mean prayer for politicians and governments or for victims of earthquakes and landslides.Today most of the government buildings have been destroyed by the earthquake.Most minor injuries during earthquakes are due to panic.There is also a risk of triggering small earthquakes.My guess is that no more than a few hundred of these were victims of the earthquake.Their abbey had been destroyed in an earthquake and some of the monks killed.Sceptics say a meteor shower and a small earthquake were responsible.This is significant because the energy released by an earthquake depends on the size of the area of slip.They spent two nights on the mountain because their escape was cut off after the earthquake destroyed paths and ladders.The Japanese prepare for earthquakes in other ways.One is the diplomatic sensitivity about upsetting Japan after the worst earthquake and tsunami in its history.Volunteers said that security forces in the earthquake zone appeared to be more interested in stopping their efforts than in helping the victims.Fault lines form, producing incredible stress that gets released in earthquakes.This summer Stornoway is braced for a minor earthquake.Nonetheless, engineers are confident enough to build high towers within earthquake zones.The duke and duchess were caught up in a minor earthquake in Assam last night.Worried experts said the temperature and pressure in one nuclear reactor were continuing to rise after the earthquake triggered a fault in its cooling system.The Japanese earthquake has made the situation worse as many of the big manufacturers are based in the country or source components from there.In 2011 production was significantly reduced because of shortages of parts after the Japanese earthquake and tsunami.The singer shed a few tears at a press conference in Tokyo while remembering victims of the March earthquake and tsunami.The Japanese people will for sure learn many lessons from the earthquake and tsunami tragedy, but what lessons should they and we learn about nuclear power?

In other languages

British English: earthquake /ˈɜːθˌkweɪk/ NOUN
An earthquake is a shaking of the ground caused by movement of the earth's surface.
Several villages were destroyed by the earthquake.
  • American English: earthquake
  • Arabic: زِلْزَال
  • Brazilian Portuguese: terremoto
  • Chinese: 地震
  • Croatian: potres
  • Czech: zemětřesení
  • Danish: jordskælv
  • Dutch: aardbeving
  • European Spanish: terremoto
  • Finnish: maanjäristys
  • French: tremblement de terre
  • German: Erdbeben
  • Greek: σεισμός
  • Italian: terremoto
  • Japanese: 地震
  • Korean: 지진
  • Norwegian: jordskjelv
  • Polish: trzęsienie ziemi
  • European Portuguese: terramoto
  • Romanian: cutremur
  • Russian: землетрясение
  • Latin American Spanish: terremoto
  • Swedish: jordbävning
  • Thai: แผ่นดินไหว
  • Turkish: deprem
  • Ukrainian: землетрус
  • Vietnamese: động đất

All related terms of 'earthquake'

Chinese translation of 'earthquake'



n (c)

  1. 地震 (dìzhèn) (, )




  1. (= tremble) 战(戰)栗(慄) (zhànlì)

n (c)

  1. (inf) (also earthquake) 地震 (dìzhèn)
a series of vibrations at the earth's surface caused by movement of the earth's crust
the catastrophic Mexican earthquake of 1985
earth tremor
quake (informal)
The quake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages.
The minute-long tremor measured 6.8 on the Richter Scale.

related words

related adjective seismic

Additional synonyms

in the sense of quake
an earthquake
The quake destroyed mud buildings in many remote villages.
in the sense of tremor
a minor earthquake
The minute-long tremor measured 6.8 on the Richter Scale.
quake (informal),
tremblor (US, informal)

Synonyms of 'earthquake'


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