

单词 opinion poll

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opinion poll

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Chinese translation of 'opinion poll'

opinion poll

n (c)

  1. 民意测(測)验(驗) (mínyì cèyàn) (, )



n (c)

  1. (also opinion poll) 民意调(調)查 (mínyì diàochá) (, )


  1. [people] (in opinion poll) 向 ... 提问(問) (xiàng ... tíwèn)
  2. (= number of votes) 获(獲)得选(選)票 (huòdé xuǎnpiào)

Derived Forms

polls n pl (= election) 选(選)举(舉)投票 (xuǎnjǔ tóupiào) : to go to the polls [voters] 去投票 (qù tóupiào) [government] 进(進)行选(選)举(舉) (jìnxíng xuǎnjǔ) , the polls have closed 投票结(結)束了 (tóupiào jiéshù le)

Examples of 'opinion poll' in a sentence
opinion poll

Opinion polls suggest the outcome is too close to call.It is little more than an opinion poll.It has promised a referendum on ditching the euro and is riding high in opinion polls.Opinion polls pointed to a victory for a Yes vote in a referendum yesterday.And as the opinion polls show, he is popular only in his own little bubble in Islington.Opinion polls suggest the'yes' vote will win easily and the mood of the country points that way.The opinion polls look promising for him.Opinion polls consistently show people want the opportunity to have their say.It is a rare international summit that has much durable impact on the opinion polls.For the first time a religious opinion poll was taken and its finding caused widespread concern.And there was opinion poll evidence to support the view.We should not read too much into one opinion poll.It would take only one adverse opinion poll for this discontent to become manifest.By almost all the opinion polls the number one power had become the most unpopular great power in the world.There are no opinion polls, rallies or formal party platforms.Opinion polls consistently show that just one in three Scots voters support independence.Labour can only muster about 40 per cent in mid-term opinion polls.Our current lot - on both sides of the house - seem to form policy mostly by opinion poll.Still, what does that matter compared with a few favourable headlines and a couple of points in the opinion polls, eh?

In other languages
opinion poll

British English: opinion poll /əˈpɪnjən pəʊl/ NOUN
An opinion poll involves asking people for their opinion on a particular subject, especially one concerning politics.
75% of people questioned in an opinion poll agreed with the government's decision.
  • American English: opinion poll
  • Arabic: اسْتِطْلَاعُ الْرَأيِّ
  • Brazilian Portuguese: pesquisa de opinião
  • Chinese: 民意测验
  • Croatian: anketa
  • Czech: průzkum veřejného mínění
  • Danish: meningsmåling
  • Dutch: opinieonderzoek
  • European Spanish: sondeo de opinión
  • Finnish: mielipidemittaus
  • French: sondage
  • German: Meinungsumfrage
  • Greek: δημοσκόπηση
  • Italian: sondaggio d’opinione
  • Japanese: 世論調査
  • Korean: 여론조사
  • Norwegian: meningsmåling
  • Polish: badanie opinii publicznej
  • European Portuguese: sondagem de opinião
  • Romanian: sondaj de opinie
  • Russian: опрос общественного мнения
  • Latin American Spanish: sondeo de opinión
  • Swedish: opinionsundersökning
  • Thai: การสำรวจความคิดเห็น
  • Turkish: kamuoyu yoklaması
  • Ukrainian: вивчення громадської думки
  • Vietnamese: cuộc thăm dò dư luận

75% of people questioned in our opinion poll agreed with the government.
Polls show that the party is losing support.
According to the survey, overall world trade has also slackened.
The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks.
Gallup Poll

Additional synonyms

in the sense of ballot
the practice of selecting a representative or course of action by voting
The result of the ballot will not be known for two weeks.
show of hands
in the sense of survey
a detailed investigation of the behaviour, opinions, etc., of a group of people
According to the survey, overall world trade has also slackened.
opinion poll,

Nearby words of
opinion poll

  • opiate
  • opine
  • opinion
  • opinion poll
  • opinionated
  • opponent
  • opportune

Synonyms of 'opinion poll'

opinion poll

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