More esotropic patients reported to be discriminated against compared to exotropic patients.
Guita Ghiasi, Ahmad Shojaei, Mostafa Soltan-Sanjari, Meysam Kosari, Mehdi Aslani 2013, 'The Psychosocial Improvement after Strabismus Surgery in Iranian Patients', Iranian Journal of Ophthalmology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Most patients have exotropic drift at a subsequent follow-up, especially in the first month after surgery.
Ponnarun Kanjanawasee, Pokpong Praneeprachachon, Parnchat Pukrushpan 2018, 'Relation between early postoperative deviation and long-term outcome after unilaterallateral rectus recession and medial rectus resection for adult exotropia', International Journal of Ophthalmology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Exotropic eyes were five times more likely to point to the blind side than esotropic eyes (85% vs 15%).
P Matthew Bronstad, Eli Peli, Rui Liu, Amy Doherty, Anne B Fulton 2018, 'High prevalence of strabismic visual field expansion in pediatric homonymous hemianopia.',PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (