one of the foremost of the Greek heroes at the siege of Troy, noted for his courage and ingenuity. His return to his kingdom of Ithaca was fraught with adventures in which he lost all his companions and he was acknowledged by his wife Penelope only after killing her suitors
Roman name: Ulysses
Odysseus in American English
(oʊˈdɪsiəs; oʊˈdɪsˌjus)
the hero of the Odyssey, a king of Ithaca and one of the Greek leaders in the Trojan War: Latin name Ulysses
Word origin
Examples of 'Odysseus' in a sentence
Ajax was as helpless as Odysseus " craft ever was, drifting between Scylla and Charybdis, hoping against hope.
`I feel like Odysseus escaped from the forge of the Cyclops.