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View usage for: (riækt) Word forms: 3rd person singular presenttense reacts, present participle reacting, past tense, past participle reacted1. verbWhen you react to something that has happened to you, you behave in a particular way because of it. They reacted violently to the news. [VERB + to] It's natural to react with disbelief if your child is accused of bullying. [VERB adverb/preposition] 'How did he react?'—'Very calmly.' [VERB adverb/preposition] [Also VERB]Synonyms: respond, act, take, proceed More Synonyms of react 2. verbIf you react against someone's way of behaving, you deliberately behave in a different way because you do not like the way they behave. She reacted against the mindlessness and luxury of their lives. [V against n] My father never saved and perhaps I reacted against that. [VERB + against] Synonyms: rebel against, oppose, revolt against, rise up against More Synonyms of react 3. verbIf you react to a substance such as a drug, or to something you have touched, you are affected unpleasantly or made ill by it. Someone allergic to milk is likely to react to cheese. [VERB + to] He reacted very badly to the radiation therapy. [VERB to noun] [Also VERB]Synonyms: respond More Synonyms of react 4. verbWhen one chemical substance reacts with another, or when two chemical substances react, they combine chemically to form another substance. Calcium reacts with water. [VERB + with] Under normal circumstances, these two gases react readily to produce carbon dioxideand water. [VERB] More Synonyms of react (rɪˈækt) verb1. (intr; foll by to, upon, etc) (of a person or thing) to act in response to another person, a stimulus, etc, or (of two people or things) to act together in a certain way 2. (intransitive; foll by against) to act in an opposing or contrary manner 3. (intransitive) physics to exert an equal force in the opposite direction to an acting force 4. chemistry to undergo or cause to undergo a chemical reaction Word origin C17: from Late Latin reagere, from re- + Latin agere to drive, do react in American English (riˈækt) verb intransitive1. to act in return or reciprocally 3. to act in a reverse way; go back to a former condition, stage, etc. 4. to respond to a stimulus; be affected by some influence, event, etc. 5. Chemistry to act with another substance in producing a chemical change verb transitive6. to cause to react; specif., to produce a chemical change in Word origin < LL reactus, pp. of reagere < L re-, again + agere, to act 1Examples of 'react' in a sentencereact There are two ways of reacting to this. People tend to react to the prospect of losing the race against the machine with terror.He may react badly but he deserves to know.From the past week there was a lesson in why people react in different ways to similar stories.But the Serb reacted fastest to force the rebound over the line. People react differently when scared, so you have to be careful in case they lash out.If you accuse him, he is likely to react badly and you will probably be the loser.The Wolves midfielder reacted angrily, sparking a shoving match as players from both sides got involved.The player reacted badly and was sent off for kicking an opponent in the second half.You react calmly to changes at work and show what you can really do.Are you reacting with added force because of those memories?There are so many theories being bandied around as to why young people reacted as they did.MPs have reacted angrily to the plans.You are the only one who has reacted this way.But of course these were not the only reasons why she behaved and reacted as she did.You both reacted in different ways to what was clearly a really tough period of strain.Great for sensitive mitts which may react badly to drying soaps.They had informed the police who had reacted calmly enough.Some people react to the flushing experience more strongly than others.When he feels stress he reacts in the one way he knows.When she refused he reacted in that way.He reacted calmly and helped the thief load his donkey with the objects from his cell.How would people react to something like this?The activists reacted angrily and one had to be restrained.This is the chemical that reacts with the amino acids in the skin to make us look tanned.Legal experts reacted angrily to the move yesterday because of the amount of time and money spent on the case.The percentage of patients reacting to chemicals increases year by year as the quality of the environment as a whole declines.Governments are being forced to react.Last week in frustration he threw a book at the wall and she reacted badly and had her dad pick her up.It's music that forces people to react to it, and often react badly. British English: react / rɪˈækt/ VERB When you react to something that has happened to you, you behave in a particular way because of it. They reacted violently to the news. - American English: react
- Arabic: يَتَفَاعَلُ
- Brazilian Portuguese: reagir
- Chinese: 起反应
- Croatian: reagirati
- Czech: reagovat
- Danish: reagere
- Dutch: reageren
- European Spanish: reaccionar
- Finnish: reagoida
- French: réagir
- German: reagieren
- Greek: αντιδρώ
- Italian: reagire
- Japanese: 反応する
- Korean: 반응하다
- Norwegian: reagere
- Polish: zareagować
- European Portuguese: reagir
- Romanian: a reacționa
- Russian: реагировать
- Latin American Spanish: reaccionar
- Swedish: reagera
- Thai: มีปฏิกิริยา
- Turkish: tepki göstermek
- Ukrainian: реагувати
- Vietnamese: phản ứng
Chinese translation of 'react' vi - (= respond)
反应(應) (fǎnyìng) - (= rebel)
to react against sth 反抗某事 (fǎnkàng mǒushì) - (Chem)
to react (with) (和 ... )起反应(應) ((hé ... ) qǐ fǎnyìng) - (Med)
(对(對) ... )有反应(應) ((duì ... ) yǒu fǎnyìng)
Definition (of a person or thing) to act in response to another person, a stimulus, or a situation They reacted violently to the news. Definition (of a person or thing) to act in response to another person, a stimulus, or a situation He reacted very badly to the radiation therapy. Definition (of a person or thing) to act in response to another person, a stimulus, or a situation Synonyms take the bait rise to the bait Definition to act in an opposing or contrary manner My father never saved and perhaps I reacted against that. Synonyms rebel against oppose revolt against rise up against Additional synonymsDefinition to make known that a letter or message has been received They sent me a text acknowledging my request. Synonyms reply to, answer, notice, recognize, respond to, come back to, react to, write back to, retort to Definition to behave a gang of youths who were acting suspiciously Synonyms behave, react, go about, acquit yourself, bear yourself, comport yourself Definition to reply or respond (to) by word or act He paused before answering. Synonyms reply, explain, respond, resolve, acknowledge, react, return, retort, rejoin, refuteAdditional synonymsDefinition to conduct oneself in a particular way He'd behaved badly. Synonyms act, react, conduct yourself, acquit yourself, comport yourself Definition to behave (oneself) The way he conducts himself reflects on the party. Synonyms behave yourself, act, carry yourself, acquit yourself, deport yourself, comport yourself Definition to operate or work The authorities say the prison is now functioning properly. Synonyms work, run, operate, perform, be in business, be in running order, be in operation or action, goDefinition to work The machine operates at a pace of just 2 miles per hour. Synonyms work, go, run, perform, functionDefinition to say (something) in answer He replied that this was absolutely impossible. Synonyms answer, respond, retort, return, come back, counter, acknowledge, react, echo, rejoin, retaliate, write back, reciprocate, riposte, make an answer He had to take a different route home. Synonyms travel, go, journey, walk, progress, proceed, trek, voyage, traverse, make your way |