Word forms: plural, 3rd person singular presenttense dresses, present participle dressing, past tense, past participle dressed
1. countable noun
A dress is a piece of clothing for a woman or girl that covers the body and part or all of the legs.
She was wearing a black dress.
Synonyms: frock, shift, gown, garment More Synonyms of dress
2. uncountable noun
You can refer to clothes worn by men or women as dress.
He's usually smart in his dress.
...hundreds of Cambodians in traditional dress.
3. See also evening dress, fancy dress, full dress, morning dress
4. verb
When you dress or dressyourself, you put on clothes.
He told Sarah to wait while he dressed. [VERB]
Sue had dressed herself neatly for work. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]
Synonyms: put on clothes, don clothes, slip on or into something More Synonyms of dress
5. verb
If you dress someone, for example a child, you put clothes on them.
She bathed her and dressed her in clean clothes. [VERB noun]
6. verb
If someone dresses in a particular way, they wear clothes of a particular style or colour.
He dresses in a way that lets everyone know he's got authority. [VERB + in]
She used to dress in jeans. [VERBin noun]
7. verb
If you dressfor something, you put on special clothes for it.
We don't dress for dinner here. [VERB + for]
8. verb
When someone dresses a wound, they clean it and cover it.
The poor child never cried or protested when I was dressing her wounds. [VERB noun]
9. verb
If you dress a salad, you cover it with a mixture of oil, vinegar, and herbs or flavourings.
Scatter the tomato over, then dress the salad. [VERB noun]
...a bowl of dressed salad. [VERB-ed]
10. verb
To dress meat, chicken, or fish means to prepare it for cooking by cleaning it and removing the parts thatyou cannot eat.
Her mother dressed the meat. [VERB noun]
...dressed crab. [VERB-ed]
11. See also dressed, dressing
Phrasal verbs:
See dress down
See dress up
More Synonyms of dress
dress in British English
to put clothes on (oneself or another); attire
2. (intransitive)
to change one's clothes
to wear formal or evening clothes
3. (transitive)
to provide (someone) with clothing; clothe
4. (transitive)
to arrange merchandise in (a shop window) for effective display
5. (transitive)
to comb out or arrange (the hair) into position
6. (transitive)
to apply protective or therapeutic covering to (a wound, sore, etc)
7. (transitive)
to prepare (food, esp fowl and fish) for cooking or serving by cleaning, trimming, gutting, etc
8. (transitive)
to put a finish on (the surface of stone, metal, etc)
9. (transitive)
to till and cultivate (land), esp by applying manure, compost, or fertilizer
10. (transitive)
to prune and trim (trees, bushes, etc)
11. (transitive)
to groom (an animal, esp a horse)
12. (transitive)
to convert (tanned hides) into leather
13. (transitive) archaic
to spay or neuter (an animal)
14. angling
to tie (a fly)
15. military
to bring (troops) into line or (of troops) to come into line (esp in the phrase dress ranks)
16. dress ship
a one-piece garment for a woman, consisting of a skirt and bodice
complete style of clothing; costume
formal dress
military dress
19. (modifier)
suitable or required for a formal occasion
a dress shirt
the outer covering or appearance, esp of living things
trees in their spring dress of leaves
Word origin
C14: from Old French drecier, ultimately from Latin dīrigere to direct
dress in American English
verb transitiveWord forms: dressed or drest, ˈdressing
to put clothes on; clothe
to provide with clothing
to decorate; trim; adorn
to arrange a display in
to dress a store window
to arrange or do up (the hair)
to arrange (troops) in a straight line or lines
to apply medicines and bandages to (a wound, sore, etc.)
to treat as required in preparing for use, grooming, etc.
; esp.,
to clean and eviscerate (a fowl, deer, etc.)
to till, cultivate, or fertilize (fields or plants)
to curry (a horse, leather, etc.)
to smooth, finish, shape, etc. (stone, wood, etc.)
verb intransitive
to put on clothes; wear clothes
to dress in formal clothes
to get into a straight line or proper alignment
said of troops
clothes, clothing, or apparel, esp. as suitable for certain occasions [casual dress] or for a certain place or time
modern dress
an outer garment for women, having a skirt and usually made in one piece: formerlyand traditionally the usual garment for women, now more often limited to somewhat formal occasions
formal clothes
external covering or appearance
of or for dresses
dress material
worn on formal occasions
a dress suit
requiring formal clothes
a dress occasion
dress down
dress ship
dress up
Word origin
ME dressen, to make straight, direct < OFr drecier, to set up, arrange < VL *directiare < L directus: see direct
There has always been belief inside the dressing room.
The Sun (2016)
Some offer fancy dress pub crawls with outrageous themes.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
She also has the coolest dress sense.
The Sun (2017)
Put the dressing ingredients in a small bowl and whisk together.
The Sun (2016)
Clearly the correct dress is smart casual.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He has also been dressing as a woman and wearing make-up.
The Sun (2016)
The couple asked all their guests to carry pumpkins to light their way to the venue and to dress in costume or autumnal colours.
The Sun (2016)
Part of a team, part of a dressing room, important to a club.
The Sun (2016)
They left the sordid bit of bringing the kit to the dressing room to the bearers.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
With a delicious dressing a good salad should be the major part of your meal.
Holford, Patrick The Family Nutrition Workbook (1988)
They varied greatly in dress and appearance.
Christianity Today (2000)
You want each one to be covered by the dressing.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Other birds simply shed their fancy dress.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
She just refuses to dress the part.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Guests dressed in period costume are very welcome.
The Sun (2009)
Why do characters dress up as animals?
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
They have contrasting musical styles and their dress sense is slightly different too.
The Sun (2011)
She is beginning to be persuaded to put on dresses again.
Steel, Elizabeth Coping With Sudden Hair Loss (1988)
Key pieces include smock dresses and cropped jeans.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
Wear a skirt or dress in the length that is most typical for you.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
You had to dress up in smart frocks.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
There were eight or nine of us in the dressing room.
Max Arthur Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who WereThere (2006)
They have performed at pretty much all concerts and live appearances since then dressed as robots.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Hang shirts up in dressing room.
The Sun (2012)
He was dressed in green clothes.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
We clean their dressing room, win lose or draw.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Then cover with a clean dressing - clingfilm is ideal.
The Sun (2010)
Shirt dresses come in feminine silks, heels have a tough edge and leather has a utilitarian look.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
The photograph appears to show him lying on the ground with his eyes closed, dressed in militaryfatigues.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
She must dress like a woman, talk like a woman and walk like a woman... she must observe the purely feminine attributes and feminine virtues.
The Times Literary Supplement (2011)
When you're all dressed up and have no place to goGeorge Whitingsong title
Word lists with
articles of clothing, articles of clothing
In other languages
British English: dress /drɛs/ NOUN
A dress is something a girl or a woman can wear. It covers the body and part of the legs.
She wore a yellow dress.
American English: dress
Arabic: فُسْتَان
Brazilian Portuguese: vestido
Chinese: 连衣裙
Croatian: haljina
Czech: šaty
Danish: kjole
Dutch: jurk
European Spanish: vestido
Finnish: mekko
French: robe
German: Kleid
Greek: φόρεμα
Italian: abito
Japanese: ワンピース
Korean: 드레스
Norwegian: kjole
Polish: sukienka
European Portuguese: vestido
Romanian: rochie
Russian: платье
Latin American Spanish: vestido prenda con que se cubre el cuerpo
Swedish: klänning
Thai: ชุดกระโปรง
Turkish: giysi elbise
Ukrainian: сукня
Vietnamese: áo đầm
British English: dress /drɛs/ VERB
When you dress, you put on clothes.
He dressed quickly because he was late.
American English: dress
Arabic: يُلْبِسُ
Brazilian Portuguese: vestir-se
Chinese: 穿衣
Croatian: odjenuti
Czech: obléci se
Danish: klæde sig på
Dutch: aankleden (zich)
European Spanish: vestirse
Finnish: pukeutua
French: s’habiller
German: ankleiden (sich)
Greek: ντύνω
Italian: vestirsi
Japanese: 服を着る
Korean: 옷을 입다
Norwegian: kle (på)
Polish: ubrać
European Portuguese: vestir-se
Romanian: a îmbrăca
Russian: одеваться
Latin American Spanish: vestirse
Swedish: klä på (sig)
Thai: ใส่เสื้อผ้า
Turkish: giyinmek
Ukrainian: вдягатися
Vietnamese: mặc quần áo
All related terms of 'dress'
dress up
If you dress up or dress yourself up , you put on different clothes, in order to make yourself look smarter than usual or to disguise yourself.
to dress (someone or something) again
to spread manure or fertilizer on the surface of (land) without working it into the soil
coat dress
a lightweight button-through garment that can be worn either as a dress or as a coat
court dress
the formal clothing worn at court
If someone cross-dresses , they wear the clothes usually worn by the opposite sex.
dress coat
a man's formal tailcoat with a cutaway skirt
dress code
The dress code of a place is the rules about what kind of clothes people are allowed to wear there.
dress down
If you dress down , you wear clothes that are less smart than usual .
dress form
an adjustable dummy used in dressmaking that can be made to conform to a person's figure
dress sense
Someone's dress sense is their ability to choose clothes that make them look attractive .
dress ship
to decorate a vessel by displaying all signal flags on lines run from the bow to the stern over the mast trucks
dress shirt
A dress shirt is a special shirt which men wear on formal occasions . It is worn with a dinner jacket and bow tie .
dress shoes
formal shoes for wearing with evening dress
dress suit
an ensemble of matching formal evening wear
fancy dress
Fancy dress is clothing that you wear for a party at which everyone tries to look like a famous person or a person from a story , from history , or from a particular profession .
full dress
Someone who is in full dress is wearing all the clothes needed for a ceremony or formal occasion .
gala dress
a formal dress worn to a gala or festive occasion
mess dress
formal evening wear for officers
party dress
a dress to wear to a party
sack dress
a large bag made of coarse cloth, thick paper, etc, used as a container
to place fertilizers on or in the soil near the roots of (growing plants)
tent dress
a very full tent-shaped dress, having no darts , waistline , etc
battle dress
the ordinary uniform of a soldier, consisting of tunic and trousers
dinner dress
a dress, often long and having sleeves or a jacket , more elaborate than one designed for daytime wear but less formal than an evening gown
dress circle
The dress circle is the lowest of the curved rows of seats upstairs in a theatre.
dress length
a piece of material that is big enough to make a dress from
dress parade
a formal parade of sufficient ceremonial importance for the wearing of dress uniform
dress shield
a fabric pad worn under the armpits or attached to the armhole of a garment to prevent sweat from showing on or staining the clothing
dress uniform
formal ceremonial uniform
evening dress
Evening dress consists of the formal clothes that people wear to formal occasions in the evening.
fatigue dress
special clothing worn by military personnel to carry out such duties
formal dress
smart clothes as might be worn at work; business dress
morning dress
Morning dress is a suit that is worn by men for very formal occasions such as weddings . It consists of a grey or black coat that is longer at the back than the front , grey trousers, a white shirt , a grey tie , and often a top hat.
mullet dress
a dress whose skirt is cut short at the front but long at the back
service dress
a khaki army uniform more formal than khakis but less formal than full army dress
sweater dress
a dress made of knitted or crocheted material, esp a heavy one worn for warmth
wedding dress
A wedding dress is a special dress that a woman wears at her wedding.
academic dress
formal dress, usually comprising cap , gown , and hood , worn by university staff and students
A-line dress
a dress that gradually becomes wider from top to bottom , similar to an A in shape
cocktail dress
A cocktail dress is a dress that is suitable for formal social occasions.
dress designer
a person who designs clothes
dress rehearsal
The dress rehearsal of a play, opera , or show is the final rehearsal before it is performed , in which the performers wear their costumes and the lights and scenery are all used as they will be in the performance .
Highland dress
the historical costume , including the plaid , kilt or filibeg , and bonnet , as worn by Highland clansmen and soldiers
maternity dress
a dress worn by a pregnant woman and which is designed to allow for the changes in body size which take place during pregnancy
national dress
the traditional clothing of a country
pinafore dress
a sleeveless dress worn over a blouse or sweater
princess dress
(in Britain) a daughter of the sovereign or of one of the sovereign's sons
rational dress
long loose trousers gathered at the ankle and worn under a shorter skirt
dress-down day
a day on which employees are allowed to wear informal clothing
Chinese translation of 'dress'
(c) (= frock) 连(連)衣裙 (liányīqún) (条(條), tiáo)
(u) (= clothing) 服装(裝) (fúzhuāng)
[child]给(給) ... 穿衣 (gěi ... chuānyī)
[wound]敷裹 (fūguǒ)
[salad]拌 (bàn)
穿衣 (chuānyī)
to dress o.s., get dressed穿好衣服 (chuānhǎo yīfu)
she dresses in jeans她身穿牛仔服 (tā shēnchuān niúzǎifú)
All related terms of 'dress'
dress up
( wear best clothes ) 穿上盛装(裝) chuānshàng shèngzhuāng