Nonvisual symptoms might therefore play a role in the development of eye fatigue.
Masahiko Ayaki, Manami Kuze, Mineo Kondo, Kazuo Tsubota, Kazuno Negishi 2019, 'Association between Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness and Eye Fatigue', BioMed Research International Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Meanwhile, nonvisual modalities are becoming increasingly important in mobile user experiences.
Gang Ren, Side Wei, Eamonn O'Neill, Fenfang Chen 2018, 'Towards the Design of Effective Haptic and Audio Displays for Augmented Reality andMixed Reality Applications', Advances in Multimedia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
We then reviewed how the nonvisual signals reach the visual cortex.
Wen Qin, Chunshui Yu 2013, 'Neural Pathways Conveying Novisual Information to the Visual Cortex', Neural Plasticity Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Repulsion illusions in the nonvisual senses have been less studied.
Lux Li, Arielle Chan, Shah M. Iqbal, Daniel Goldreich, Daniel Goldreich 2017, 'An Adaptation-Induced Repulsion Illusion in Tactile Spatial Perception', Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
The proposed charts have an increasing linguistic complexity trying to minimize the nonvisual factors.
Silvana Terezinha Figueiredo Moya, Lenira Maria Lima de Carvalho, Luciene Chaves Fernandes,André Aguiar Oliveira 2002, 'Nova proposta de treinamento e avaliação do uso de auxílios ópticos em portadoresde visão subnormal New proposal for training and evaluation of the use of opticalaids in low vision patients', Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Analysis of its structure suggests it serves a nonvisual function.
Stephanie F Loria, Lorenzo Prendini 2014, 'Homology of the lateral eyes of scorpiones: a six-ocellus model.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
Relatively long duration retinal light exposure elicits nonvisual responses in humans, including modulation of alertness and cognition.
Gilles Vandewalle, Christina Schmidt, Geneviève Albouy, Virginie Sterpenich, AnnabelleDarsaud, Géraldine Rauchs, Pierre-Yves Berken, Evelyne Balteau, Christian Degueldre,André Luxen, Pierre Maquet, Derk-Jan Dijk 2007, 'Brain responses to violet, blue, and green monochromatic light exposures in humans:prominent role of blue light and the brainstem.', PLoS ONE Retrieved from PLOS CC BY 4.0 (
The interest of the physiological anthropology scientific community in the nonvisual effects of light has been increasing since then.
Tetsuo Katsuura, Soomin Lee 2019, 'A review of the studies on nonvisual lighting effects in the field of physiologicalanthropology', Journal of Physiological Anthropology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
But the current vibrotactile feedback patterns of most wrist-worn devices are too simple to enable effective interaction in nonvisual scenarios.
Feng Wang, Wanna Zhang, Wei Luo 2018, 'An Empirical Evaluation on Vibrotactile Feedback for Wristband System', Mobile Information Systems Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
Hence, we hypothesized that the nonvisual effects of polychromatic white light might be increased by blocking the green component.
Soomin Lee, Naoshi Kakitsuba, Tetso Katsuura 2018, 'Do green-blocking glasses enhance the nonvisual effects of white polychromatic light?',Journal of Physiological Anthropology Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (