variation or mutability in nature or life, esp successive alternation from one condition or thing to another
a variation in circumstance, fortune, character, etc
Derived forms
vicissitudinary (viˌcissiˈtudinary) or vicissitudinous (viˌcissiˈtudinous)
Word origin
C16: from Latin vicissitūdō, from vicis change, alternation
vicissitude in American English
(vɪˈsɪsəˌtud; vɪˈsɪsəˌtjud)
a condition of constant change or alternation, as a natural process; mutability
the vicissitude of the sea
regular succession or alternation, as of night and day
2. [pl.]
unpredictable changes or variations that keep occurring in life, fortune, etc.; shifting circumstances; ups and downs
a difficulty that is likely to occur, esp. one that is inherent in a situation
SIMILAR WORDS: ˈdiffiˌculty
Derived forms
vicissitudinary (viˌcissiˈtudiˌnary)
adjective or viˌcissiˈtudinous
Word origin
Fr < L vicissitudo < *vix, a turn, change: see vicar
Examples of 'vicissitude' in a sentence
By then the house and its occupants have been through many vicissitudes.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
Despite its many vicissitudes, few in the business would swap their lifestyle for selling insurance.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Home is Burning is a deft piece of writing that captures the vicissitudes of family life whether in sickness or in health.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Writing for the Magazine from hospital, she ponders the vicissitudes of life in the spinal injury unit.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
There are many good reasons to pray, but only one rises above the vicissitudes of life, above the vagaries of the emotional roller coaster we ride daily.
Christianity Today (2000)
Synonyms of 'vicissitude'
variation, change, shift, change of fortune
More Synonyms of vicissitude
changes in circumstance or fortune
stiffening himself to withstand life's vicissitudes
Every day without variation my grandfather ate a plate of ham.
They are going to have to make some drastic changes.
a shift in policy
change of fortune
life's ups and downs (informal)
Additional synonyms
in the sense of change
the fact of becoming different
They are going to have to make some drastic changes.