A diagonal line or movement goes in a sloping direction, for example, from one corner of a square across to the opposite corner.
...a pattern of diagonal lines.
Synonyms: slanting, angled, oblique, cross More Synonyms of diagonal
diagonallyadverb [ADVERB with verb]
Vaulting the stile, he headed diagonally across the paddock.
In a moment he was seated, diagonally opposite her, brow furrowed.
Synonyms: aslant, obliquely, on the cross, at an angle More Synonyms of diagonal
2. countable noun
A diagonal is a line that goes in a sloping direction.
The bed linen is patterned in stylish checks, stripes, diagonals and triangles.
3. countable noun
In geometry, a diagonal is a straight line that joins two opposite corners in a flat four-sided shape such as a square.
Mark five points an equal distance apart along the diagonals.
diagonal in British English
1. mathematics
connecting any two vertices that in a polygon are not adjacent and in a polyhedron are not in the same face
slanting; oblique
marked with slanting lines or patterns
4. mathematics
a diagonal line or plane
5. chess
any oblique row of squares of the same colour
cloth marked or woven with slanting lines or patterns
something put, set, or drawn obliquely
8. another name for solidus (sense 1)
one front leg and the hind leg on the opposite side of a horse, which are on the ground together when the horse is trotting
Derived forms
diagonally (diˈagonally)
Word origin
C16: from Latin diagōnālis, from Greek diagōnios, from dia- + gōnia angle
diagonal in American English
(daɪˈægənəl; daɪˈægnəl)
extending between the vertices of any two nonadjacent angles in a polygonal figure or between any two vertices not in the same face in a polyhedral figure; extendingslantingly between opposite corners
moving or extending obliquely, esp. at a 45° angle; slanting
having slanting markings, lines, etc.
a diagonal line or plane
any diagonal course, row, order, or part
cloth woven with diagonal lines; twill
Derived forms
diagonally (diˈagonally)
Word origin
L diagonalis < Gr diagōnios < dia-, through + gōnia, an angle, corner: see knee
Examples of 'diagonal' in a sentence
He burst away on a diagonal run against the Exeter defence.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
How did White capitalise on his pressure on the long diagonal?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
He then seemed to move with it in a strange diagonal direction.
John Foot Calcio: A History of Italian Football (2006)
Some of the bones are arranged into diagonal crosses.
The Times Literary Supplement (2012)
White exploits the pin on the long diagonal to advance in the centre.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
Then draw in the diagonal line from one corner of the square to the opposite corner.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Scan the coupon and draw two diagonal lines across it.
The Sun (2009)
Just draw a diagonal line under your cheekbones and blend.
Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Bring the needle out and take another long diagonal stitch from left to right so that the threads cross.
Churchill, Jane (ed.) Collins Complete Books of Soft Furnishings (1993)
Punters should also avoid choosing numbers that form shapes across the ticket because many people opt for diagonal or symmetrical patterns.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Quality diagonal passes and marauding runs.
The Sun (2013)
Carefully paint the fine diagonal lines.
Times, Sunday Times (2011)
The rash over the abdomen is often diagonal, running from the back towards the front.
Lewith, George & Horn, Sandra Drug-Free Pain Relief (1987)
There's a long diagonal pass to the left wing.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
By association, diagonal lines of all kinds contain a suggestion of depth.
Freeman, Michael Collins Complete Guide to Photography (1993)
Apply it lightly to the apples of the cheeks, rather than in diagonal stripes under the cheekbone.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
So why not adapt a range of prohibition notices, all employing that horrid diagonal line struck across a circle?
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
But QPR hoops versus white shirts with a single red diagonal stripe kept me busy for hours.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
STOP Ozil playing those diagonal passes into the channels.
The Sun (2012)
Sometimes our main tactic was the long, high, diagonal cross.
The Sun (2014)
The bishop on c6 now becomes a powerful piece, bearing down the long diagonal.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Slice the pudding 1cm thick in long, diagonal slices.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
In other languages
British English: diagonal /daɪˈæɡənl/ ADJECTIVE
A diagonal line or movement goes in a slanting direction.
...a pattern of diagonal lines.
American English: diagonal
Arabic: قُطْريّ
Brazilian Portuguese: diagonal
Chinese: 对角线的
Croatian: dijagonalan
Czech: úhlopříčný
Danish: diagonal
Dutch: diagonaal
European Spanish: diagonal
Finnish: vino
French: diagonal
German: diagonal
Greek: διαγώνιος
Italian: diagonale
Japanese: 対角の
Korean: 대각선의
Norwegian: diagonal
Polish: przekątny
European Portuguese: diagonal
Romanian: oblic
Russian: диагональный
Latin American Spanish: en diagonal
Swedish: diagonal
Thai: ทแยงมุม
Turkish: köşegen
Ukrainian: діагональний
Vietnamese: chéo
Chinese translation of 'diagonal'
[line]斜的 (xié de)
(in geometry) 对(對)角线(線) (duìjiǎoxiàn)
(in pattern or design) 斜纹(紋) (xiéwén)
a pattern of diagonal lines
those slanting cheekbones
The mountain ridge runs at an oblique angle to the coastline.
cater-cornered (US, informal)
Additional synonyms
in the sense of cross
lying or placed across
in the sense of oblique
at an angle
The mountain ridge runs at an oblique angle to the coastline.