the use of such securities as eurobonds to enable investors to lend directly to borrowers with a minimum of risk but without using banks as intermediaries
Examples of 'securitization' in a sentence
It gives a detailed analysis of the regulatory changes in the field of mortgage securitization.
M A Davtyan, E L Dankevich 2014, 'Modern trends in the Russian mortgage-backed securities market', RUDN Journal of Economics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This paper surveys the literature examining securitization.
João Pinto, Paulo Alves 2016, 'The economics of securitization: evidence from the European markets', Investment Management & Financial Innovations Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
This article reviews empirical findings concerning motives behind securitization and its implications.
Krzysztof Jackowicz 2010, 'About motives behind Securitization and its Implications: An Overview of EmpiricalFindings', Contemporary Economics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
On the macroeconomic level securitization lowers credit interest rates in the long term.
Krzysztof Jackowicz 2010, 'About motives behind Securitization and its Implications: An Overview of EmpiricalFindings', Contemporary Economics Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (
We also determined that “securitization” research fascinated numerous scholars during the 16-year period.
King Jeng LU, Tainyi LUOR, Liang CHIUNG-JU, Hsi-peng LU 2013, 'Contribution to Research on Securitization: Assessment of SCI and SSCI Articles from1996 To 2012', Informatică economică Retrieved from DOAJ CC BY 4.0 (