Lactose is a type of sugar which is found in milk and which is sometimes added to food.
lactose in British English
(ˈlæktəʊs, -təʊz)
a white crystalline disaccharide occurring in milk and used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and baby foods. Formula: C12H22O11
Also called: milk sugar
lactose in American English
a white, crystalline disaccharide found in milk and prepared by evaporation of the whey leaving the crystallized sugar: used in infant foods, medicine, etc.
Word origin
lacto- + -ose1
lactose in the Pharmaceutical Industry
(Pharmaceutical: Excipients)
Lactose is a white crystalline substance used in pharmaceuticals as a diluent and excipient.
Lactose is a sugar that is widely used as an excipient or diluent in tablets.
Lactose is the most widely used diluent in powders, tablets, and capsules, as it is unlikelyto have side effects.
Lactose is a white crystalline substance used in pharmaceuticals as a diluent and excipient.