If you say that it is natural for someone to act in a particular way or for something to happen in that way, you mean that it is reasonable in the circumstances.
It is only natural for youngsters to crave the excitement of driving a fast car. [+ for]
It is only natural that he should resent you.
A period of depression can be a perfectly natural response to certain aspects oflife.
Synonyms: logical, normal, reasonable, valid More Synonyms of natural
2. adjective
Natural behaviour is shared by all people or all animals of a particular type and has notbeen learned.
...the insect's natural instinct to feed.
Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel threatened or frustrated.
3. adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun]
Someone with a natural ability or skill was born with that ability and did not have to learn it.
She has a natural ability to understand the motives of others.
He had a natural flair for business.
Synonyms: innate, native, characteristic, indigenous More Synonyms of natural
4. countable noun
If you say that someone is anatural, you mean that they do something very well and very easily.
He's a natural with any kind of engine. [+ with]
She proved to be a natural on camera.
5. adjective
If someone's behaviour is natural, they appear to be relaxed and are not trying to hide anything.
Bethan's sister was as friendly and natural as the rest of the family.
Hannah's natural manner reassured her, and she relaxed.
Synonyms: unaffected, open, frank, genuine More Synonyms of natural
naturallyadverb [ADVERB after verb]
...people behaving naturally, not posing for the camera.
You feel you can talk quite naturally to her.
Synonyms: easily, automatically, instinctively, effortlessly More Synonyms of natural
Synonyms: unaffectedly, normally, genuinely, sincerely More Synonyms of natural
naturalnessuncountable noun
The critics praised the reality of the scenery and the naturalness of the acting. [+ of]
Synonyms: unselfconsciousness, simplicity, openness, spontaneity More Synonyms of natural
Synonyms: purity, wholeness, plainness, pureness More Synonyms of natural
Synonyms: realism, naturalism, verisimilitude, factualism More Synonyms of natural
6. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Natural things exist or occur in nature and are not made or caused by people.
It has called the typhoon the worst natural disaster in South Korea in many years.
The gigantic natural harbour of Poole is a haven for boats.
naturallyadverb [ADVERB with verb, ADVERB adjective]
Nitrates are chemicals that occur naturally in water and the soil.
Honey is a naturally acidic substance.
Synonyms: easily, automatically, instinctively, effortlessly More Synonyms of natural
Synonyms: unaffectedly, normally, genuinely, sincerely More Synonyms of natural
7. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun]
Someone's natural parent is their biological father or mother, as opposed to an adult who is looking after them or has adopted them. Someone's natural child is their biological son or daughter, as opposed to a child they are looking after or have adopted.
She has been reunited with her natural mother.
His commitments to the stepchildren will not reduce his obligation to his naturalchildren.
8. adjective [noun ADJECTIVE]
In music, a natural note is the ordinary note, not its sharp or flat form.
...B natural.
Natural is also a noun.
Is that F a natural or a sharp?
See natural causes
More Synonyms of natural
natural in British English
(ˈnætʃrəl, -tʃərəl)
of, existing in, or produced by nature
natural science
natural cliffs
in accordance with human nature
it is only natural to want to be liked
as is normal or to be expected; ordinary or logical
the natural course of events
not acquired; innate
a natural gift for sport
being so through innate qualities
a natural leader
not supernatural or strange
natural phenomena
not constrained or affected; genuine or spontaneous
not artificially dyed or coloured
a natural blonde
following or resembling nature or life; lifelike
she looked more natural without her make-up
not affected by humans or civilization; uncultivated; wild
in the natural state this animal is not ferocious
being or made from organic material; not synthetic
a natural fibre like cotton
illegitimate; born out of wedlock
not adopted but rather related by blood
her natural parents
14. music
not sharp or flat
b. (postpositive)
denoting a note that is neither sharp nor flat
B natural
(of a key or scale) containing no sharps or flats
Compare flat1 (sense 23), sharp (sense 12)
15. music
of or relating to a trumpet, horn, etc, without valves or keys, on which only notes of the harmonic series of the keynote can be obtained
determined by inborn conviction
natural justice
natural rights
17. cards
(of a card) not a joker or wild card
(of a canasta or sequence) containing no wild cards
(of a bid in bridge) describing genuine values; not conventional
based on the principles and findings of human reason and what is to be learned of God from nature rather than on revelation
natural religion
19. informal
a person or thing regarded as certain to qualify for success, selection, etc
the horse was a natural for first place
20. music
a. Also called (US): cancel
an accidental cancelling a previous sharp or flat
Usual symbol: ♮
a note affected by this accidental
Compare flat1 (sense 35), sharp (sense 19)
21. pontoon
the combination of an ace with a ten or court card when dealt to a player as his or her first two cards
22. obsolete
a person lacking intelligence
Derived forms
naturalness (ˈnaturalness)
natural in American English
(ˈnætʃərəl, ˈnætʃrəl)
existing in or formed by nature (opposed to artificial)
a natural bridge
based on the state of things in nature; constituted by nature
Growth is a natural process
of or pertaining to nature or the universe
natural beauty
of, pertaining to, or occupied with the study of natural science
conducting natural experiments
in a state of nature; uncultivated, as land
growing spontaneously, without being planted or tended by human hand, as vegetation
having undergone little or no processing and containing no chemical additives
natural food
natural ingredients
Compare "> organic (sense 11)
having a real or physical existence, as opposed to one that is spiritual, intellectual, fictitious, etc
of, pertaining to, or proper to the nature or essential constitution
natural ability
proper to the circumstances of the case
a natural result of his greed
free from affectation or constraint
a natural manner
arising easily or spontaneously
a natural courtesy to strangers
consonant with the nature or character of
in accordance with the nature of things
It was natural that he should hit back
based upon the innate moral feeling of humankind
natural justice
in conformity with the ordinary course of nature; not unusual or exceptional
happening in the ordinary or usual course of things, without the intervention of accident, violence, etc
related by birth, but not recognized by law; illegitimate
a natural son
related by blood rather than by adoption
based on what is learned from nature rather than on revelation
true to or closely imitating nature
a natural representation
unenlightened or unregenerate
the natural man
being such by nature; born such
a natural fool
24. Music
neither sharp nor flat
changed in pitch by the sign ♮
not treated, tanned, refined, etc.; in its original or raw state
natural wood
natural cowhide
26. (of a horn or trumpet)
having neither side holes nor valves
not tinted or colored; undyed
having a pale tannish or grayish-yellow color, as many woods and untreated animal skins
29. Cards
being a card other than a wild card or joker
b. (of a set or sequence of cards)
containing no wild cards
having or showing feelings, as affection, gratitude, or kindness, considered part of basic human nature
31. "> Afro (sense 1)
any person or thing that is or is likely or certain to be very suitable to and successful in an endeavor without much training or difficulty
33. Music
a white key on a piano, organ, or the like
the sign ♮, placed before a note, canceling the effect of a previous sharp or flat
a note affected by a ♮, or a tone thus represented
34. old-fashioned
a person with a learning disability
35. Cards "> blackjack (sense 2b)
36. "> Afro (sense 2)
37. (in craps)
a winning combination of seven or eleven made on the first cast
a natural substance or a product made with such a substance
an ointment containing mink oil and other naturals
Derived forms
Word origin
[1300–50; ME ‹ L nātūrālis ( see nature, -al1); r. ME naturel ‹ MF ‹ L, as above]
Examples of 'natural' in a sentence
He told me a natural ability will only take you so far.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
He has found a very good natural habitat.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It gave great coverage for dark circles while looking natural.
The Sun (2016)
Business for me is a natural thing.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
What could be more natural than the two architects of that ascent allowing all their petty grievances to overflow?
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
It's natural for people to feel a stronger sense of belonging in smaller groups.
The Sun (2016)
And it's why lounging on soft sand by a lapping tropical lagoon feels so natural.
Times, Sunday Times (2017)
When she took to the wheel like a natural, her father was not surprised.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
Grief is a powerful feeling, bereavement is as natural a life process as the passing of the seasons.
Times, Sunday Times (2016)
The emergence of antibiotic resistance is a product of natural selection.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Watch aquatic creatures in their natural habitat.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
My life is about education and enthusing people about the natural world.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
We look and feel like a natural party of permanent opposition.
The Sun (2015)
And then she looked straight up and went on in her natural manner.
Elizabeth Gaskell North and South (1855)
This natural looking move seems to be new.
Times, Sunday Times (2014)
Some proposals appear to be natural winners.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
His natural father married three times before dying of a heart attack.
Times, Sunday Times (2012)
You sense that he is seeking a balance between these two natural impulses of the coaching mind.
Times, Sunday Times (2010)
It seemed to flow in a natural way.
The Sun (2007)
That simply means the most natural position for your back.
Sally Gunnell, Kathryn Leigh BE YOUR BEST: How Anyone can become Fit, Healthy and Confident (2002)
You understand other people so well and will be a natural team leader.
The Sun (2008)
Very scary feeling that all his natural life is gone.
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
They bring natural ability and we provide the technical depth and knowledge.
Times, Sunday Times (2009)
Whether these flights were acts of bravery or their natural behaviour is somethingyou can argue about.
The Sun (2014)
The most natural human instinct in the face of peril is to fly.
Times, Sunday Times (2007)
The natural look is what you have when you wake up.
Times, Sunday Times (2013)
Is there anything natural that could help?
Times, Sunday Times (2006)
He's one of those guys who is a natural music person.
Times, Sunday Times (2008)
In other languages
British English: natural /ˈnætʃrəl; -tʃərəl/ ADJECTIVE
If you say that it is natural for someone to act in a particular way, you mean that it is reasonable in the circumstances.
It is only natural for young people to want excitement.