a port in E Massachusetts, the state capital. Pop: 581 616 (2003 est)
a port in E England, in SE Lincolnshire. Pop: 35 124 (2001)
Boston in American English
(ˈbɔstən; ˈbɑstən)
cap. of Mass.; seaport on an arm (Boston Bay) of Massachusetts Bay: pop. 589,000
Derived forms
Bostonian (Bosˈtonian) (bɔsˈtoʊniən; bɑsˈtoʊniən)
adjective, noun
Word origin
after Boston, port in NE England
boston in American English
a kind of waltz
Word origin
Word lists with
card games, inhabitant, place, Major ports of the world
All related terms of 'boston'
Boston bull
→ Boston terrier
Boston crab
a wrestling hold in which a wrestler seizes both or one of their opponent's legs , turns them face downwards , and exerts pressure over their back
Boston fern
a cultivated fern ( Nephrolepis exaltata var . bostoniensis ) with odd-pinnate leaves, used as a house plant
Boston ivy
a climbing vine ( Parthenocissus tricuspidata ) of the grape family, native to Japan and China , having shield-shaped leaves and purple berries : often grown to cover walls
Boston matrix
a two-dimensional matrix , used in planning the business strategy of a large organization, that identifies those business units in the organization that generate cash and those that use it
Boston rocker
a type of 19th-cent. American rocking chair , having a curved wooden seat and a high back formed of spindles held in place by a broad headpiece
Boston bluefish
a gadoid food fish, Pollachius pollachius, that has a dark green back and a projecting lower jaw and occurs in northern seas, esp the North Atlantic Ocean
Boston lettuce
a type of butterhead lettuce
Boston Massacre
an outbreak (1770) in Boston against British troops , in which a few citizens were killed
Boston terrier
a short stocky smooth-haired breed of terrier with a short nose , originally developed by crossing the French and English bulldogs with the English bull terrier
Boston baked beans
haricot beans baked with belly pork and molasses
Boston brown bread
a dark, sweetened , steamed bread made of cornmeal , rye or wheat flour , etc., and molasses
Boston cream pie
a cake of two layers with icing and a creamy filling
Boston Tea Party
a raid in 1773 made by citizens of Boston ( disguised as Native Americans) on three British ships in the harbour as a protest against taxes on tea and the monopoly given to the East India Company. The contents of several hundred chests of tea were dumped into the harbour
ladder fern
any fern of the tropical genus Nephrolepis , some species of which are grown as ornamental greenhouse or house plants for their handsome deeply-cut drooping fronds : family Polypodiaceae
any fern of the tropical genus Nephrolepis, some species of which are grown as ornamental greenhouse or house plants for their handsome deeply-cut drooping fronds : family Polypodiaceae
Virginia creeper
a vitaceous woody vine , Parthenocissus quinquefolia, of North America, having tendrils with adhesive tips , bluish-black berry-like fruits, and compound leaves that turn red in autumn : widely planted for ornament