any of various small shrubs of the temperate genus Thymus, having a strong mintlike odour, small leaves, and white, pink, or red flowers: family Lamiaceae (labiates)
Derived forms
thymy (ˈthymy) or thymey (ˈthymey)
Word origin
C14: from Old French thym, from Latin thymum, from Greek thumon, from thuein to make a burnt offering
thyme in American English
any of a genus (Thymus, esp. T. vulgaris) of shrubby plants or aromatic herbs of the mint family, with white, pink, or red flowers and with fragrant leaves
the leaves, used as an herb for seasoning
Word origin
ME < MFr thym < L thymum < Gr thymon < thyein, to sacrifice, smoke < IE base *dheu- > dull