the doctrine that the intention of a donor or testator should be carried out as closely as practicable when literal compliance is impossible
Word origin
C15: from Anglo-French, literally: as near (as possible, etc)
cy-pres in American English
(ˈsiˈpreɪ; ˈsaɪpreɪ)
adjective, adverb
1. Law
as near(ly) as possible: designating or according to an equitable doctrine for the interpretation of legal instruments having specific terms which cannot be carried out literally, whereby the court attempts to reform the instrument in accordance with the general intent of the settlor, testator, etc. rather than allow it to fail
the cy-pres doctrine
Also cy pres
Word origin
Late Anglo-Fr < OFr si pres, so nearly < L sic, so + presse, adv. of pressus, pp. of premere, press1