

单词 sheathe
sheathesheathe /ʃiːð/ verb [transitive] literary Word Origin
1300-1400 sheath
Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theysheathe
he, she, itsheathes
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theysheathed
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave sheathed
he, she, ithas sheathed
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad sheathed
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill sheathe
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have sheathed
Continuous Form
PresentIam sheathing
he, she, itis sheathing
you, we, theyare sheathing
PastI, he, she, itwas sheathing
you, we, theywere sheathing
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been sheathing
he, she, ithas been sheathing
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been sheathing
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be sheathing
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been sheathing
  • He was sheathed in a blue body stocking which had yellow stripes running from his armpits to his ankles.
  • Its walls and floor were sheathed in gypsum slabs, whilst its ceiling was painted blue and supported by a gypsum pillar.
  • No weapons were visible, although Alexei guessed that a dagger was sheathed in Jotan's sleeve.
  • The bottom was sheathed with a brass alloy called Muntz metal.
word sets
air rifle, nounair-to-air, adjectiveammo, nounammunition, nounanti-aircraft, adjectiveanti-personnel, adjectiveanti-tank, adjectivearmament, nounarmoured car, nounarmourer, nounarmour-plated, adjectivearrow, nounarrowhead, nounarsenal, nounartillery, nounatomic bomb, nounautomatic, nounballistic missile, nounballistics, nounbandolier, nounbarbed, adjectivebarrage, nounbarrage balloon, nounbarrel, nounbattering ram, nounbattery, nounbayonet, nounbayonet, verbbazooka, nounBB gun, nounblank, nounblaze, verbblowpipe, nounbludgeon, nounblunderbuss, nounbolt, nounbomb, nounbomber, nounbombing, nounbomb scare, nounbooby trap, nounboom, nounbore, nounbow, nounbrass knuckles, nounbroadsword, nounbuckshot, nounbullet, nounbullet-proof, adjectivebutt, nouncaisson, nouncalibre, nouncanister, nouncannon, nouncannonball, nouncarbine, nouncartridge, nouncatapult, nounchain mail, nounchamber, nouncharge, verbchemical warfare, nounchemical weapon, nounclip, nouncluster bomb, nouncock, verbColt, conventional, adjectivecordite, nouncosh, nouncrossbow, nouncruise missile, nounCS gas, nouncudgel, nouncutlass, nouncut-throat razor, noundagger, noundart, noundecommission, verbdetonator, noundevice, noundirk, noundisarm, verbdischarge, verbdismount, verbdouble-barrelled, duel, nounduel, verbdum-dum, nounelevation, nounemplacement, nounequalizer, nounfirearm, nounfirebomb, nounflak, nounflame thrower, nounflick knife, nounforty-five, nounfusillade, nounfusion bomb, noungauge, noungerm warfare, noungrenade, nounguidance, nounguided missile, noungun, noungun carriage, noungunner, noungunnery, noungunpowder, noungun-running, noungunshot, nounhaft, nounhair trigger, nounhalberd, nounhammer, nounhand grenade, nounhandgun, nounH-bomb, nounheat-seeking, adjectiveheavy, adjectivehilt, nounholster, nounhoming device, nounhowitzer, nounhydrogen bomb, nounICBM, nounincendiary, adjectiveKalashnikov, nounknuckle-duster, nounlance, nounlandmine, nounlive, adjectivelongbow, nounlong-range, adjectivemace, nounmachete, nounmachine gun, nounmagazine, nounmagnum, nounmarksman, nounmarksmanship, nounmegaton, nounmisfire, verbmissile, nounmortar, nounmunitions, nounmushroom cloud, nounmusket, nounmustard gas, nounmuzzle, nounnapalm, nounnerve gas, nounnightstick, nounnitroglycerine, nounnon-proliferation, nounnosecone, nounnuclear, adjectivenuke, verbnuke, nounordnance, nounparry, verbpayload, nounpepper, verbpike, nounpistol, nounplastic explosive, noun.22, nounpoison gas, nounpommel, nounpound, verbprime, verbprimer, nounprojectile, nounpropellant, nounquarterstaff, nounramrod, nounrange, nounrapid-fire, adjectiverapier, nounrearm, verbrecoil, verbrepeater, nounreport, nounrevolver, nounrifle, nounrocket, nounround, nounrubber bullet, nounsabre, nounsafety catch, nounsawn-off shotgun, nounscabbard, nounscimitar, nounsemi-automatic, adjectiveshaft, nounsheathe, verbshell, nounshell, verbshield, nounshooter, nounshot, nounshotgun, nounshrapnel, nounsidearm, nounsight, nounsilencer, nounsilo, nounsix-shooter, nounslash, nounsling, nounslingshot, nounslug, nounsmart bomb, nounsmoke bomb, nounsmokescreen, nounsnipe, verbsniper, nounspear, nounspear, verbSten gun, nounstockpile, nounstockpile, verbstun gun, nounsubmachine gun, nounsurface-to-air missile, nounsurface-to-surface missile, nounswordsmanship, nountank, nountear gas, nounthermonuclear, adjectivetime bomb, nountommy gun, nountorpedo, nountorpedo, verbtracer, nountrident, nountrigger, nountruncheon, noununload, verbvolley, nounvolley, verbwarhead, nounwater cannon, nounweapon, nounweaponry, noun
  • He was sheathed in a blue body stocking which had yellow stripes running from his armpits to his ankles.
  • Its walls and floor were sheathed in gypsum slabs, whilst its ceiling was painted blue and supported by a gypsum pillar.
  • No weapons were visible, although Alexei guessed that a dagger was sheathed in Jotan's sleeve.
  • Shifting winds blew clouds of spray over the rocks, trees, and shrubs until they seemed to be sheathed in alabaster.
  • The bottom was sheathed with a brass alloy called Muntz metal.
  • You are sheathed in black cloth and your freckles are pale and many.
1to put a knife or sword into a sheath:  He sheathed his sword.2 be sheathed in/with something to be covered by something:  The grassy hills were sheathed in mist.




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