

单词 meringue
meringueme‧ringue /məˈræŋ/ noun [countable, uncountable] Word Origin
1700-1800 French
  • lemon meringue pie
  • Auguste looked round desperately for Rose, and caught sight of him half way through a meringue.
  • Fiercely tart, this dessert is a massive wedge of creamy pie topped with a puff of lighter-than-air meringue.
  • Fruit and cream meringue nests Slice strawberries and drizzle with kirsch.
  • Sandwich the meringues together with cream and serve at once.
  • She is crushed between them and can hardly handle her fork and finish her lemon meringue pie.
  • The platters are filled with raspberry meringues, apricot turnovers, dark red cherries.
  • The water is the deepest hue of aquamarine and whipped up into meringue peaks.
  • They made a lemon meringue pie from the recipe on the back of a box of vanilla wafers.
word sets
afters, nounalmond, nounanchovy, nounapple, nounapricot, nounartichoke, nounasparagus, nounaspic, nounaubergine, nounavocado, nounbacon, nounbagel, nounbaguette, nounbaked beans, nounbanana, nounbap, nounbarley sugar, nounbatter, nounbear claw, nounbhaji, nounbiscuit, nounbisque, nounblancmange, nounbloater, nounblood orange, nounblue cheese, nounboiled sweet, nounbologna, nounbouillon, nounbread, nounbreadfruit, nounbreast, nounBrie, nounbrioche, nounbroad bean, nounbroccoli, nounbrownie, nounBrussels sprout, nounbubble and squeak, nounbullseye, nounburger, nounburrito, nounbutter, nounbutter bean, nounbutterfat, nounbutterscotch, nounCanadian bacon, nouncanapé, nouncandy apple, nouncandy cane, nouncandyfloss, nouncannelloni, nouncantaloup, nouncaramel, nouncarrot, nouncashew, nouncauliflower, nouncaviar, nouncelery, nouncereal, nouncheddar, nouncheeseburger, nouncheesecake, nounchew, nounchewing gum, nounchicken, nounchicken-fried steak, nounchilli, nounChinese leaves, nounchip, nounchipolata, nounchitterlings, nounchoc, nounchoccy, nounchoc-ice, nounchocolate, nounchocolate chip cookie, nounchop, nounchop suey, nounchowder, nounchow mein, nounChristmas cake, nounChristmas cookie, nounChristmas pudding, nounchutney, nounclementine, nouncock-a-leekie, nouncoconut, nouncod, nouncoleslaw, nouncollard greens, nouncompote, nouncoq au vin, nounCornish pasty, nouncouscous, nouncrème caramel, nouncrepe, nouncrumble, nouncurry, nounDanish, nounDanish pastry, noundessert, noundevil's food cake, noundigestive biscuit, noundill pickle, noundip, noundish, noundoorstep, noundory, noundouble cream, noundouble-decker, noundoughnut, noundressing, noundrumstick, nounduck, noundumpling, nounDundee cake, nounenchilada, nounfaggot, nounfava bean, nounfish, nounfish and chips, nounfishcake, nounfish finger, nounfish stick, nounflapjack, nounfoie gras, nounfondant, nounfondue, nounfortune cookie, nounfrankfurter, noungammon, noungarbanzo, noungâteau, noungelatin, nounghee, noungherkin, noungiblets, nounginger, adjectivegingerbread, nounginger nut, nounglacé, adjectiveglacé icing, noungoose, noungooseberry, noungoulash, noungranola, noungrape, noungrapefruit, noungravy, noungreen bean, noungreengage, noungreen onion, noungreen pepper, noungreen salad, noungriddlecake, nounguacamole, nounhaggis, nounhamburger, nounharicot, nounhash, nounhash browns, nounhazelnut, nounheavy, adjectiveheavy cream, nounhelping, nounhero, nounhock, nounhominy, nounhomogenized, adjectivehoney, nounhors d'oeuvre, nounhorseradish, nounhot-cross bun, nounhot dog, nounhotpot, nounhoumous, nounhuckleberry, nounhumbug, nounhumus, nounice, nouniceberg lettuce, nounice cream, nouningredient, nouninstant, adjectiveIrish stew, nouniron rations, nounjacket potato, nounjalapeño, nounjam, nounjambalaya, nounjawbreaker, nounJell-O, nounjelly, nounjelly baby, nounjelly bean, nounjelly roll, nounjerky, nounJerusalem artichoke, nounkabob, nounkale, nounkebab, nounkedgeree, nounkernel, nounketchup, nounkidney, nounkidney bean, nounkipper, nounkiwi fruit, nounkorma, nounkumquat, nounlamb, nounlasagne, nounleek, nounlemon, nounlemon curd, nounlemon sole, nounlentil, nounlettuce, nounlima bean, nounlime, nounlinguini, nounliquorice, nounliver, nounliver sausage, nounloaf, nounlobster, nounloganberry, nounlollipop, nounlox, nounlozenge, nounluncheon meat, nounlychee, nounmacaroni, nounmacaroon, nounmarzipan, nounmash, nounmatzo, nounmayo, nounmayonnaise, nounmeatball, nounmeatloaf, nounMelba toast, nounmelon, nounmeringue, nounmilk pudding, nounmincemeat, nounmince pie, nounminestrone, nounmixed grill, nounmonkey nut, nounmoussaka, nounmousse, nounmuesli, nounmuffin, nounmulberry, nounmullet, nounmulligatawny, nounmunchies, nounmush, nounmushy peas, nounmuskmelon, nounmussel, nounmutton, nounnachos, nounnan, nounneapolitan, adjectivenectarine, nounnonpareil, nounnoodle, nounnougat, nounoat cake, nounoatmeal, nounomelette, nounopen-faced sandwich, nounopen sandwich, nounorange, nounoven-ready, adjectiveoyster, nounpacked lunch, nounpaella, nounpancake, nounpantry, nounpapaya, nounpaprika, nounparfait, nounParmesan, nounparsley, nounparsnip, nounparson's nose, nounpassion fruit, nounpasta, nounpastrami, nounpastry, nounpasty, nounpâté, nounpatty, nounpavlova, nounpawpaw, nounpea, nounpeach, nounPeach Melba, nounpeanut, nounpeanut butter, nounpear, nounpease pudding, nounpecan, nounpemmican, nounpeppermint, nounpepperoni, nounpersimmon, nounpickle, nounpilchard, nounpineapple, nounpippin, nounpistachio, nounpitta bread, nounpizza, nounplantain, nounplum, nounplum pudding, nounpomegranate, nounpopcorn, nounpoppadom, nounPopsicle, nounpound cake, nounprofiterole, nounpudding, nounquiche, nounradish, nounragout, nounraisin, nounrasher, nounraspberry, nounravioli, nounredcurrant, nounred pepper, nounrelish, nounrice pudding, nounrisotto, nounrissole, nounroly-poly, nounsalad, nounsalsa, nounsamosa, nounsausage roll, nounsavoury, nounschnitzel, nounsemolina, nounshepherd's pie, nounsherbet, nounsoft-boiled, adjectivesole, nounsorbet, nounsoufflé, nounsoup, nounsour cream, nounsoy sauce, nounspaghetti, nounSpam, nounspare ribs, nounspeciality, nounspecialty, nounsponge, nounsubmarine sandwich, nounsuccotash, nounsucker, nounsummer pudding, nounsundae, nounsushi, nounsweet, nounsweetbread, nounsweetie, nounsweet roll, nounSwiss roll, nounSwiss steak, nounsyllabub, nountagliatelle, nounterrine, nountoad-in-the-hole, nounvol-au-vent, nounwafer, nounwaffle, nounwater biscuit, nounwater chestnut, nounwater ice, nounwatermelon, nounweenie, nounWelsh rarebit, nounwhip, nounwhipped cream, nounwhipping cream, nounYorkshire pudding, noun
· They made a lemon meringue pie from the recipe on the back of a box of vanilla wafers.· She is crushed between them and can hardly handle her fork and finish her lemon meringue pie.
a light sweet food made by mixing sugar and the white part of eggs together very quickly and then baking it




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