

单词 outride
outrideout‧ride /aʊtˈraɪd/ verb (past tense outrode /-ˈrəʊd $ -ˈroʊd/, past participle outridden /-ˈrɪdn/) [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyoutride
he, she, itoutrides
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyoutrode
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave outridden
he, she, ithas outridden
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad outridden
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill outride
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have outridden
Continuous Form
PresentIam outriding
he, she, itis outriding
you, we, theyare outriding
PastI, he, she, itwas outriding
you, we, theywere outriding
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been outriding
he, she, ithas been outriding
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been outriding
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be outriding
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been outriding
word sets
accelerate, verbaerodynamic, adjectiveaerodynamics, nounairfreight, nounaisle, nounarr., baggage room, nounboard, verbboarding, nounBOL, booking office, nounbrake, nounbrake, verbbrake light, nounbrake shoe, nounbreakdown clause, bulk freight, C&F, cable car, nouncable railway, nouncargo, nouncarriage, nouncarrier, nouncart, nounCFR, change, verbchange, nounchassis, nounchopper, nounCMR, compartment, nounconcourse, nounconductor, nouncongested, adjectiveconnect, verbconnection, nounconsolidator, nouncontainer, nounconveyance, nounconvoy, nouncouple, verbcoupling, nouncourier, nouncourier, verbcrash, verbcrash, nouncrew, nouncrewman, nouncruise, verbcutting, noundead reckoning, noundelivery date, departure, noundestination, noundispatch rider, noundistribution channel, diverge, verbdouble-book, verbdrop-off, noundrop-shipping, nounelevated railway, nounengine, nounengineer, nounETA, nounfare, nounfeeder, nounfirst class, nounfirst-class, adjectivefloating insurance, flow, verbFOB, FOB airport, fogbound, adjectiveFOR, fork, nounfork, verbfree of particular average, adjectivefreighter, noungangway, noungross weight, Gro t, gyroscope, nounHague Rules, nounhelmet, nounhigh-speed, adjectivehijack, verbhijack, nounhitch, verbhub airport, ICAO, intercity, adjectiveinternational airport, interstate, adjectivekph, LGV, line, nounloading, nounluge, nounluggage, nounluggage rack, nounmachine, nounmarine insurance, mileage, nounmilepost, nounmotion sickness, nounmph, mudflap, nounnavigate, verbnavigation, nounnet weight, one-way, adjectiveopen insurance, outride, verbovertake, verbpackager, nounpannier, nounpart shipment, passenger, nounpayload, nounportage, nounporter, nounpropulsion, nounramp, nounreceiving office, red-eye, nounregional airport, re-route, verbreturn, nounreturn, adjectivereverse logistics, ride, verbroller, nounround-trip, nounround-trip, adjectiveroute, nounroute, verbrun, verbrun, nounschedule, nounsecond class, nounservice, nounship, verbshipload, nounshipment, nounshipper, nounshipping, nounshuttle, nounshuttle, verbsingle, adjectivesingle, nounski, nounskid, verbskid, nounstabilizer, nounstaging post, nounstall, verbsteering wheel, nounstopping distance, nounstowage, nounsubsonic, adjectivesupersonic, adjectivesurface transport, tailwind, nountanker, nounticket, nountime machine, nountimetable, nountourist class, nountowrope, nountrack, nountrack, verbtraffic, nountranscontinental, adjectivetransfer, verbtransfer, nountransit visa, nountransportation, nountransship, travel insurance, troop carrier, nountruckload, nountunnel, nountwo-seater, nountyre, noununderway, adjectiveU-turn, nounviaduct, nounwheel, nounwheel, verbwreck, nounyaw, verbyield, verb
to ride faster or further than someone else




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