

单词 greenness
greengreen1 /ɡriːn/ ●●● S1 W2 adjective Entry menu
MENU FOR greengreen1 colour2 grassy3 fruit/plant4 environment5 without experience6 ill7 green with envy8 the green-eyed monster9 have green fingers10 the green stuff
Word Origin
Old English grene
  • green bananas
  • green eyes
  • a conference attended by representatives of all the Green parties of Europe.
  • A government committee is considering a proposal for a green energy policy.
  • Even when I was 21 I was so green, I had no idea that my best friend was on drugs.
  • George turned greener with each rock of the boat.
  • Go! The light's green.
  • More money needs to be invested in developing greener fuel sources.
  • Pike was a grizzled combat veteran in charge of fifteen green recruits.
  • rolling green fields
  • There are lots of green groups in Portland and Seattle.
  • Finally, this leads me into green disciplining.
  • Framed photographs of Manningham swinging a club decorated the lime green walls.
  • I looked into the mirror, my green eyes looking back out at me showing no emotion, no excitement at all.
  • Paint the arch white, green or black.
  • The green light surrounding them now seemed to be imparting a sick lifeless pallor.
  • The term green shrimp refers to all or any uncooked shrimp.
  • Then he reached under the counter for his slim green ledgers.
  • They are not mere repositories of geographic information, they are yellow, red, brown, green and blue.
not harmful to the environment: · Cycling is very environmentally friendly.· environmentally friendly holidays· Is there such a thing as an environmentally friendly car?
[usually before noun] not harmful to the environment – used especially about products: · We always try to use eco-friendly cleaning products.· eco-friendly coffins made from newspapers
[usually before noun] not harmful to the environment – used especially in the following phrases: · green products· green technology· green energy· It was voted the greenest building in Britain.
[usually before noun] clean fuels or forms of energy do not release any harmful substances into the atmosphere: · We need cleaner fuels for cars and other road vehicles.· clean energy sources such as solar panels and wind turbines
renewable energy comes from sources that can be easily replaced naturally, so that there is always more available: · The building is heated using renewable energy from the sun.· The government needs to invest more in renewable energy sources.· Wind power is renewable and produces no greenhouse gases during operation.
using the Earth’s resources, without causing damage to the environment – used especially about farming, ways of living, and development: · The flowers are produced to high environmental standards using sustainable farming methods.· Many people want to lead more sustainable lifestyles and to conserve the planet’s resources.· sustainable use of the world’s resources
balancing the amount of carbon gases that you put into the Earth’s atmosphere with other activities that will effectively reduce the amount of carbon gases, for example by planting trees: · a carbon-neutral company· Stirling is aiming to become the UK’s first carbon neutral city.· All new homes will be carbon-neutral.
[usually before noun] producing only a small amount of carbon: · Research is being done into the development of low-carbon electricity.· We will need to have a low-carbon economy.
[usually before noun] low-energy buildings and lightbulbs use very little energy: · Position is a key factor in the design of a low-energy house.
Longman Language Activatorrelating to the environment
· The explosion in the nuclear plant led to one of the most serious environmental catastrophes in history.· We want to stress the environmental benefits of a cheap, efficient public transport system.· environmental pollutionenvironmental group (=a group of people whose aim is to protect the environment) · Environmental groups and residents have united to protest against plans for a new shopping mall.
green methods, products, practices etc are intended not to cause damage to the environment. Green political groups are concerned with the protection of the environment: · A government committee is considering a proposal for a green energy policy.· More money needs to be invested in developing greener fuel sources.· a conference attended by representatives of all the Green parties of Europe
relating to the way plants, animals, people, and the natural creatures of a particular place affect and depend upon each other - used especially by scientists or groups that try to protect the environment: · The government is to provide incentives for people to protect natural ecological assets such as forests.· There are warnings that the building of the dam will upset the ecological balance of the river basin.
not knowing very much about life, people, and the world
· She's too young and inexperienced to go abroad on her own.· I'm not going to take orders from some foolish inexperienced young man.
having very little experience of the world, especially because you are young so that you do not realize that some people might want to cause others harm: · He's so innocent that anyone can take advantage of him.· Don't get her mixed up in your plan - she's just an innocent girl.
having little experience of life, so that you believe that life is simple and are too ready to trust people: · I was so naive - I believed everything the military told me.· He held onto the naive belief that Marxism would solve all the world's problems.
having little knowledge or experience of clever, fashionable things, and showing this by the way you talk and behave: · When she arrived in the city, she was just an unsophisticated country girl.· I felt very ignorant and unsophisticated when I was with my brother and his university friends.
having very little experience of an activity or job: · Even when I was 21 I was so green, I had no idea that my best friend was on drugs.· Pike was a grizzled combat veteran in charge of fifteen green recruits.
someone who does not have much experience, and can easily be deceived: · Stop worrying about Lucia - she's no babe in the woods anymore.
amber, nounamethyst, nounapricot, nounaquamarine, nounashen, adjectiveauburn, adjectiveazure, adjectivebar, nounbarred, adjectivebeige, nounblack, adjectiveblack, nounblack, verbblack and white, adjectiveblacken, verbbleed, verbblood-red, adjectiveblue, adjectiveblue, nounbluish, adjectivebold, adjectivebottle green, nounbrassy, adjectivebrindled, adjectivebronze, nounbronze, adjectivebrown, adjectivebrown, nounbuff, nounburgundy, nouncarmine, nouncarroty, adjectivecerise, nouncerulean, nounchartreuse, nouncherry, nounchestnut, nounchestnut, adjectivechromatic, adjectivechrome yellow, nounclaret, nounclear, adjectivecoffee, nouncool, adjectivecopper, nouncoral, adjectivecream, adjectivecreamy, adjectivecrimson, adjectivecyan, adjectivedappled, adjectivedapple-grey, nounDay-Glo, adjectivediscoloration, noundiscolour, verbdrab, adjectivedull, adjectivedun, noundusky, adjectivedye, verbebony, adjectivefawn, adjectiveflaxen, adjectiveflesh-coloured, adjectiveflorid, adjectivefluorescent, adjectiveflush, nounfuchsia, noungarish, adjectivegarnet, noungaudy, adjectivegay, adjectiveginger, adjectivegold, noungold, adjectivegolden, adjectivegray, green, adjectivegreen, noungreenish, adjectivegrey, adjectivegrey, noungreyish, adjectivehazel, adjectiveindigo, nouniridescent, adjectiveivory, nounjade, nounjet-black, adjectivekhaki, nounlavender, nounleaden, adjectivelemon, nounlilac, nounlily-white, adjectivelime green, nounlivid, adjectiveloud, adjectiveluminous, adjectivelurid, adjectivemagenta, nounmagnolia, nounmahogany, nounmaroon, nounmatch, nounmauve, nounmellow, adjectivemellow, verbmonochrome, adjectivemousy, adjectivemuddy, adjectivemulticoloured, adjectivemustard, nounmuted, adjectivenavy blue, adjectiveneutral, adjectiveochre, nounoff-white, nounolive, nounopalescent, adjectiveorange, nounpale, adjectivepastel, nounpastel, adjectivepeach, nounpea green, nounpearly, adjectivepepper-and-salt, adjectivepink, adjectivepink, nounpinkish, adjectiveplum, nounplum, adjectivepowder blue, nounprimary colour, nounprimrose, nounprismatic, adjectivepuce, adjectivepure, adjectivepurple, nounpurplish, adjectivered, adjectivered, nounredden, verbreddish, adjectiveredhead, nounrestrained, adjectiverich, adjectiverose, nounrose, adjectiveroseate, adjectiverose-coloured, adjectiverosy, adjectiveroyal blue, nounruby, nounruddy, adjectiverusset, nounsable, adjectivesaffron, nounscarlet, adjectivesepia, nounshade, nounshocking pink, nounsienna, nounsilver, nounsilver, adjectivesilvery, adjectivesky-blue, adjectivesnow-white, adjectivesnowy, adjectivesoft, adjectivesombre, adjectivesteely, adjectivetaupe, nountawny, adjectiveteal, nountint, nountint, verbtone, nounturquoise, nountwo-tone, adjectiveultramarine, nounumber, nounvermilion, nounvibrant, adjectiveviolet, nounwarm, adjectivewaxen, adjectiveweak, adjectivewhite, adjectivewhite, nounwhiten, verbwhitish, adjectiveyellow, adjectiveyellow, nounyellow, verbyellowy, adjective
 a dark green dress
 The industry has promised to go green (=change so that it harms the environment less).
(=look pale and ill)
British English (=land around a city where building is not allowed)· the government's commitment to protecting the green belt
· Our door was painted a bright green colour.
· Our train was passing through rolling green countryside.
 a dark blue dress
 She could see that all the other girls were green with envy (=feeling a lot of envy).
· Both their children have blue eyes.
· All around the house were green fields and rolling hills.
(=a fuel that harms the environment as little as possible)· Are green fuels, like Biodiesel, really the solution to our fuel crisis?
· The cows moved slowly through the long green grass.
· the deep green leaves of the coconut trees
 She had blue eyes and light brown hair.
 We painted the door blue. Paint the walls in a contrasting colour. The living room was painted in pastel shades of pink and blue.
 Tender green shoots will appear in February.
(=one with a lot of plants or trees growing in it)· We were on a ridge above a green valley, with the mountains beyond it.
· Eat plenty of green vegetables.
(=area of grass for everyone to use)· a cricket match on the village green
· Baked potatoes, green beans and a nicely basted pork roast.· No green beans, no corn on the cob, no succulent tomatoes like the year before.· Serve with green beans or lightly boiled spinach.· We had grilled chicken dark meat over rice with a little sauce, and a side order of steamed green beans.· Make the soup and dessert the day before and serve some green beans or spinach with the lamb.· Puny had left baked chicken, and green beans cooked with new potatoes, one of his favorite meals.· If you are using green beans, trim the ends and cut them in half. 3.· Squash and green beans sustained the worst damage, with 50 percent 70 percent, respectively, of these crops lost.
· In some exceptional cases, a relaxation of green belt restrictions may be justifiable to allow such extensions.· In the meantime proposals have been submitted for private-sector mini New Towns in the green belt around London and beyond.· Argues that it is being forced to loosen its green belt restrictions as a result.· In terms of the aims set out in 1955, it can be said that green belt policies have been fairly successful.· The district council objects to the proposed channel because it involves development in the green belt and within a local landscape area.· In response to such criticisms, many feel that a more flexible approach to green belts is required.· But I regret that nowhere has any formal green belt as yet been proposed.· Over the next six years green belts fell out of ministerial favour, but rehabilitation followed in 1970.
· The glint of the green bottle on the glass shelf above the basin.· When the last green bottle accidentally falls, there are no green bottles hanging on the wall.· It was too late, Fon thought, her mind on the green bottle, far too late.· It comes in a green bottle and that is the major pleasure it affords.· The outside of the green bottle became crusted with frost.
· Mr Premji apparently told him that the green card scheme was bureaucratic and unworkable.· Noncitizens can make a contribution under the law, provided they hold green cards.· It takes an average of nine months to get a green card application processed, officials said.· I touched my green card in my jacket pocket and felt the plastic protective cover between my fingers.· Wednesday is the deadline for immigrants to apply for the required spruced-up green cards.· But applicants will be given a receipt, along with their old green card, to use as proof of legal residency.· Q.. What is the penalty for those who marry only to obtain a green card for one of the spouses?
· More tarmac and concrete has left fewer green fields for water to drain into underground reserves, as Sheila Brocklebank reports.· The beautiful green fields with their thick hedges were behind us, and we were now on the cold, open moor.· Cowbells clang across the endless green fields.· Scattered farmhouses, sentry telephone poles, and budding green fields flanked them on each side.· Beyond was a thin hedge; and beyond that, a green field between two copses.
· Most clients who seek them in fact qualify for green form assistance and they are comparatively uncommon.· Until then, green form professional advice will continue to be available.· A solicitor is required to obtain authority to use the green form scheme in such proceedings.· Rather more attention has been paid to the future of the green form scheme and to multi-party actions.· The Key Card and the green form are intended to be placed side by side and are reproduced on pages 448-451.· It comes in a green form and a yellow form.· Hardy in mild areas, especially green form.· In nature the green form lives in green places and the yellow form in yellow and brown places, with rare exceptions.
· The warriors always accompany them when they must travel long distances to find green grass.· It is exhilarating, like the first glimpse of green grass when entering a baseball stadium.· Their presence, particularly under a lawn, is betrayed by the worm casts which are easily spotted between the green grass.· The tree limbs were covered with leaves and the green grass cushioned the sapphire blue of the sky.· All her life had been spent surrounded by grimy bricks with hardly a green grass blade in sight.· All eyes and ears for greener grass.· The Doctor had fallen on to plush green grass.· So John Broome is switching on to the green, green grass of home.
· Beyond this rose the green hill that sheltered Applegarth.· The kid drove along through the green hills of California without saying a word.· It is nailed to the top of a green hill, surrounded by greenery, facing the sun.· Inside a yellow barn set in rolling green hills, 10 Sufis spin like synchronized tops across the wooden floor.· Now Mrs Knelle drove away from the lake, along a narrow road between green hills where sheep grazed.· His shouts would fill the whole valley, echoing from the dark green hills of bush.· She began to mince them into a fragrant green hill on the board in front of her.· Few outsiders pass through these green hills.
· Stems of pale pink blooms above bright green leaves.· With its light green leaves it is a suitable complement to darker brownish green plants.· So the kindly plant grew to cover the rock with her green leaves.· The dorsal side of the blades of specimens having green leaves is usually lighter, yellow-green.· After a while they brought their bowls out of the cupboard and the green leaves grew taller and flower buds began to fatten.· Cornish said the guayule shrub, which has silvery green leaves, has long been viewed as a possible source of latex.· There are insects that look exactly like green leaves.· Their new light green leaves look vulnerable.
· A solitary street-lamp shed feeble green light, leaving most of the street in shadow.· Doctors gave him the green light yesterday to start against New Orleans on Sunday night.· Huge capital schemes, given an amber light in the Autumn Statement, could get the green light straight away.· The president gave him a green light, and in the next three years he re-created his role at the company completely.· Stockton Borough Council is expected to give the green light to the Forum move at the end of this week.· The action got a green light Monday from the Food and Drug Administration.· She counted twelve green lights, blessed twelve Halifax bombers on their way.· There was this eerie green light.
· Next, add the meat, soy sauce, green onions, and deep-fried bean curd.· Serve garnished with cilantro, diced lime, and green onions.· Crush peppercorns, then combine with star anise and green onions.· Slice the green onion into 2-inch lengths, then shred lengthwise; set aside about 2 tablespoons of the green tops.· Garnish with cilantro and green onions.· Remove from heat and add roasted pepper, tomato, green onion, and thyme; mix thoroughly.· Scatter the green onion bottoms and half the ginger on the plate and lay the fish on top, skin side down.
· The proposed launch of the green paper last week was postponed on the orders of Downing Street.· A green paper nightie this time, and by now I don't give a damn about the cellulite.· Two green papers were produced, suggesting different ways of doing this.· Alternately, a piece of light green paper might be glued over the hardboard.· Part three of the bill examines major changes to radio services, first outlined in the 1986 green paper.
· At its southern end are the rolling green pastures of Parliament Hill, north London's premier spot for kite-flying.· Sometimes, cowboys use more heroic life-saving measures, lifting weak cattle into trucks so they can be hauled to greener pastures.· A flock of sheep grazed in one green pasture, across the fence from a herd of contented Guernseys.· Open green pastures and the distinctive monoliths gathered together in a circle.· Drought had prompted ranch manager Matt Swan to move most of the cattle from the 7-L Camp to greener pastures.· Then, a little higher, it surprised them, suddenly unveiling green pasture and rose bushes with delicate pink blossom.· The narrator and her parents and neighbors leave their home in the Midwest and head to greener pastures via the Oregon Trail.
· Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add the onion, garlic and green pepper and cook until soft. 2.· It had cheese, mushrooms, green peppers and more.· Serve with a green pepper and cucumber salad.· Likewise for a very nice green pepper plant.· This is basically made of mangoes and chopped green peppers.· Add sausage slices, diced ham, onion, green pepper and celery.· Positive results prompted further trials and asparagus, green peppers, melons, onions, nectarines and pears were also grown.· Add corn, onion, green pepper, salt and pepper.
· Thus, a second green revolution may be in the offing hereby big energy production increases, but the energy-poor still starve.· Biotechnology is going to be speeding up the green revolution in agriculture.· Callenbach's Ecotopia on the other hand is brought about by a green revolution of West Coast ecological activists.· But the potential of biotechnology, like that of the green revolution, is assessed in different ways by different people.· Bhundri is a relatively rich village, where several farms have tractors, and all the farmers practise green revolution agriculture.· We all know that there has been a green revolution.
· As a former actor I must say I have never seen a green room that was green.· Then she sat down on the floor, in the dark, green room among the birds.· Buzz lay on a high, black-barred hospital bed, in a pale green room as small as a shoe box.
· Tossed green salad is almost always part of most restaurant meals.· Add sliced apples or pears to a green salad.· Serve with a jacket potato and a green salad.· A little, however, goes a long way to adding interest to a plain green salad.· Serve with grated Parmesan cheese and a green salad.· Most specials are just $ 6 and all come with green salad and bread.· A green salad can be enhanced by primrose and violet heads, and they make appealing decorations for a cake.· On the side, I enjoy the tortilla soup and a green salad topped with chopped avocado and jicama.
· The curtains looked like spring, but a spring that had happened somewhere else: all green shoots and rainfall and blossom.· Using your thumb and index finger, remove soft, new green shoots to just above the set of leaves.· What Forest displayed at Elland Road were not green shoots of recovery but a field of talent in full bloom.· It was weeks before the bulbs in William and Jenny's bowls began to show green shoots.· It can not just point smugly to the late-flowering green shoots of recovery and wait for economic summer to arrive.· To claim that a packed Oxford Street is an indication of the green shoots of recovery is surely rather premature.· I just skip and run - and look for green shoots.· Let's hope that a wet spring will bring green shoots for Roberts and the economy alike.
· Fewer still would argue that people did not need green spaces within their communities.· Other goals that were achieved included a vast increase in green space and a major expansion of the community college system.· The purpose of the surveys is to expose consensus and conflicts about popular values for green spaces close to the city.· Distant trucks coming at us looked slow until they got parallel to us across the green space.· We will encourage more parks, gardens and green spaces.· I liked the green spaces of Nam, too.· The refinery's 175 hectares will be replaced by areas of parks and green spaces.· The gardens are a welcome green space within the bustling Town.
· Whereas traditional politicians offer visitors green tea, the Reform of Heisei serves black coffee.· The residents filled out a questionnaire in 1984 about their habits, including how much green tea they drank.· It may be black or green tea flavoured with jasmine flowers, is very fragrant and is always drunk without milk.· I ask if I might have some green tea and feel even better as I sip the bitter, warm liquid.· Yes, especially the spice and green teas-and they managed it without the caffeine too.· Order a hot sake or green tea from the server.· Zahara brought a cup of green tea.· Some have shown green tea to be beneficial against disease, others have not.
· Lightly as sandpipers marking the shoreline boats at the jetty sprang and rocked upon the green water.· The firm glossy green water mosses with ovate to lanceolate leaves belong to the genus Fontinalis.· It tasted like pale green water.· So she was under the sea; this was green water around her, not air.· Probably the only effective cure for green water is a U/V filter.· I will go with you, I will be rabbit-of-the-stream, Down through the water, the green water and the rabbit.· An ultra-violet unit will help to control green water.· They wandered down a small incline where they stopped on a bridge and stared down into the browny green water.
PHRASES FROM THE ENTRYthe green-eyed monster
  • He had green fingers, my grandfather. He could grow anything.
  • The flower show season is upon us, and whether you have a green thumb or not, you should take a look at your garden.
  • Tonight these dames were going to have greener fingers than Percy Thrower.
  • You really do have green fingers.
  • Just get a rhythm going with the steel, and start feeding the green stuff under the blade.
  • Color Cam Neely blue, and make everybody else green with envy when Jaromir Jagr showcases his enormous talents.
  • His voice had a freshness that would make many tenors under the age of 40 go green with envy.
  • It's enough to turn your fellow board directors green with envy.
  • Many thanks for a first class mag, even if I do go green with envy at some of the kit!
PHRASES FROM OTHER ENTRIESthe grass is greener (on the other side)
  • The board just gave us the green light to begin research.
  • Doctors gave him the green light yesterday to start against New Orleans on Sunday night.
  • Everyone has given it the green light.
the green roompastures new/greener pastures
  • Clematis so bristles with brittle green shoots in spring that planting then is an anxiety rather than a pleasure.
  • If green shoots are now appearing, the media is entitled to claim some credit for watering them.
  • It can not just point smugly to the late-flowering green shoots of recovery and wait for economic summer to arrive.
  • It was weeks before the bulbs in William and Jenny's bowls began to show green shoots.
  • The curtains looked like spring, but a spring that had happened somewhere else: all green shoots and rainfall and blossom.
  • To claim that a packed Oxford Street is an indication of the green shoots of recovery is surely rather premature.
  • Using your thumb and index finger, remove soft, new green shoots to just above the set of leaves.
  • What Forest displayed at Elland Road were not green shoots of recovery but a field of talent in full bloom.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnoungreengreenerygreensthe greeningadjectivegreengreenishverbgreen
1colour having the colour of grass or leaves:  beautiful green eyes Raw coffee beans are green in colour.dark/light/pale/bright green a dark green dress bottle green, lime green, pea green, → olive green at olive(3)2grassy covered with grass, trees, bushes etc:  green fields3fruit/plant not yet ready to be eaten, or very young:  The bananas are still green. tiny green shoots of new grass4environment a) (also Green) [only before noun] connected with the environment or its protection:  green issues such as the greenhouse effect and global warming He was an early champion of green politics. b)harming the environment as little as possible:  We need to develop greener cleaning products. The industry has promised to go green (=change so that it harms the environment less). see thesaurus at environmentally friendly5without experience informal young and lacking experience SYN  naive:  I was pretty green then; I had a lot of things to learn.6ill informal looking pale and unhealthy because you are ill:  George looked a bit green the next morning.look green about/around the gills (=look pale and ill)7green with envy wishing very much that you had something that someone else has8the green-eyed monster literary jealousy – often used humorously9have green fingers British English, have a green thumb American English to be good at making plants grow10the green stuff American English informal moneygreenness noun [uncountable]




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