

单词 mastic
masticmas‧tic /ˈmæstɪk/ noun [uncountable] Word Origin
1300-1400 Latin mastiche, from Greek
  • Apply bitumastic paint Use non-setting mastic to make the new joint.
  • But everything on the inner side of the mastic had to be kept dry.
  • I would be grateful if you can recommend a mastic solution to stick down the blocks. 4.
  • Remake the joint if necessary, bedding the overlapping section on a generous bed of silicone-rubber mastic.
  • Similarly, repairs and maintenance should only be carried out by a specialist mastic asphalt contractor.
  • Stick with mastic varnish, then seal with layer of lead foil pressed into wet paint and seal again with lead.
  • The draftsman should consider not only window glass, but also window frames, window sills, mastic joints, soffits.
  • These flat roofing materials fall into three major categories: built-up felt roofing, mastic asphalt and single-ply membranes.
word sets
AC, accessory, nounadapter, nounaerosol, nounalarm, nounarm, nounash, nounattaché case, nounbag, nounbar, nounbarrel, nounbeep, verbbeeswax, nounbell, nounbelly, nounbelt, nounbench, nounbenzine, nounbinding, nounbiro, nounbolt, nounbooth, nounbox, nounbox, verbbrad, nounbriefcase, nounbristle, nounbrolly, nounbrush, nounbucket, nounbuckle, nounbuffer, nounbulb, nounBulldog clip, nounbulletin board, nounbullhorn, nounbung, nounbunting, nounbusiness card, nounbutt, nounbutton, nounbuzzer, nouncable, nouncalling card, nouncan, nouncandle, nouncane, nouncarbon, nouncarbon copy, nouncarbon paper, nouncard, nouncardboard, nouncardboard, adjectivecardboard cut-out, nouncard catalog, nouncarrier, nouncarrier bag, nouncarryall, nouncart, nouncarton, nouncartridge, nouncase, nouncaster, nouncatch, nounCellophane, nouncesspit, nounchain, nounchalice, nounchannel, nounchart, nounchute, nouncitronella, nounclamp, nouncleat, nounclip, nounclipboard, nouncomb, nouncombination lock, nouncompartment, nouncord, nouncrank, nouncrate, nouncrepe paper, nouncycle, noundetector, noundial, noundigital, adjectivedisposable, adjectivedrape, verbdrawing pin, noundryer, noundurable goods, nounDurex, nounearplug, nounelastic band, nouneraser, nouneyelet, nounfabric, nounfelt-tip pen, nounfemale, adjectivefence, nounfiberglass, nounfibreglass, nounfigurine, nounfilament, nounfile, verbFilofax, nounfire extinguisher, nounfirewood, nounfitness, nounflag, nounflagon, nounflagstaff, nounflashlight, nounflat, adjectivefloodlight, nounfoam, nounfoam, verbfog, verbfolder, nounfoolscap, nounforecourt, nounfountain, nounfountain pen, nounframe, nounfunnel, nounfuse, noungadget, noungadgetry, noungargle, verbgas, nounglue, noungoggles, noungold card, noungranny knot, noungravel, noungravelled, adjectivegravelly, adjectivegrease, noungreetings card, noungrommet, noungum, noungun, noungunnysack, noungut, nounhand-held, adjectivehandle, nounhandloom, nounharness, nounhasp, nounhealth, nounhessian, nounhinge, nounhip, nounhoarding, nounhoist, nounholder, nounhook, nounhoop, nounhooter, nounhose, nounhosepipe, nounhub, nounhygiene, nounhygienic, adjectiveillness, nounindented, adjectiveinflatable, adjectiveingrained, adjectiveink, nouninn, nouninnkeeper, nouninsoluble, adjectiveivory, nounjacket, nounjack-knife, nounjoss stick, nounjuggle, verbkey, nounkeypad, nounkey ring, nounKleenex, nounknife, nounknob, nounlabel, nounladder, nounlantern, nounlatch, nounlatchkey, nounlather, nounlather, verbLCD, nounlead, nounlectern, nounlegal pad, nounlens, nounletterbox, nounlever, nounlibrary, nounlid, nounlidded, adjectivelift, nounlight, nounlight bulb, nounlink, nounlinseed oil, nounlitter bin, nounlock, nounlodestone, nounlog, nounloop, verblost property, nounmagnet, nounmagnetic, adjectivemagnifying glass, nounmale, adjectivemantle, nounmanual, adjectivemarker, nounmarker pen, nounmarket day, nounmast, nounmastic, nounmatchstick, nounmaterial, nounmeter, nounmeths, nounmode, nounmortar, nounmortise lock, nounmould, nounmounting, nounmovement, nounnail, nounnameplate, nounnet, nounnib, nounnipple, nounnon-standard, adjectivenoose, nounnotebook, nounnotepad, nounnoticeboard, nounnozzle, nounnut, nounoil, verboilcan, nounoily, adjectiveorb, nounoutfit, nounoutlet, nounovernight, adverbpack, verbpackage, nounpad, nounpad, verbpadlock, nounpaintwork, nounpantyliner, nounpaper, nounpaperclip, nounpasserby, nounpaste, verbpasteboard, nounpatron, nounpatronage, nounpatronize, verbpattern, nounpaving, nounpearl, nounpen, nounpenknife, nounpicket fence, nounpillbox, nounpince-nez, nounpinhead, nounpipe, nounpix, nounpizza parlor, nounplug, nounpocket, nounpocketbook, nounpocket calculator, nounpocket knife, nounpointer, nounpoison, nounpole, nounportfolio, nounPost-it, nounpowder, nounpowdered, adjectivepropellant, nounpropelling pencil, nounpump-action, adjectivePX, nounquarter, verbrack, nounreceptionist, nounreel, nounrefill, nounreflector, nounrefrigerate, verbregimen, nounreservation, nounreserve, verbsachet, nounsack, nounscratchpad, nounscratch paper, nounscreen, nounsealant, nounsealer, nounsearchlight, nounseason ticket, nounseat, nounself-assembly, adjectiveseptic tank, nounservice, nounservice, verbsetting, nounshade, nounsharpener, nounshovel, nounshovel, verbshovelful, nounsilver paper, nounsiphon, nounslat, nounslice, verbslot machine, nounslug, nounsmoke, nounsoot, nounsort, nounspare part, nounspigot, nounsponge, nounspool, nounspout, nounspray, nounspray can, nounspray paint, nounspring, nounstaff, nounstake, nounstalk, nounstandard, nounstaple, nounstapler, nounstationery, nounsteam, nounsteam clean, verbsteel, nounsteel wool, nounstepladder, nounstick, verbstick, nounsticker, nounstilt, nounstopper, nounstorm lantern, nounstrap, nounstreamer, nounstring, nounstub, nounsucker, nounSuperglue, nounswipe, verbswitch, nounswivel, nountab, nountack, nountag, nountag, verbtank, nountap, nountape, nountassel, nountattle, verbtea break, nounthong, nounthread, nountime-saving, adjectivetinder, nountinderbox, nountissue, nountop, nountote bag, nountowel, verbtray, nountrolley, nountube, nountubing, nountwine, nountwo-way mirror, nounumbrella, nounvent, nounvial, nounwaiting room, nounwasher, nounwaste paper, nounwatch, nounwaterspout, nounwheeled, adjectivewhistle, verbwooden, adjectivewriting paper, noun
a type of glue that does not crack or break when it is bent




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