

单词 keel
keel1 nounkeel2 verb
keelkeel1 /kiːl/ noun Word Origin
1300-1400 Old Norse kjölr
  • At the same time, the keel can be reinforced with extra pieces of spare fabric, and eyelets riveted in place.
  • But then he wasn't carrying tons of lead on a keel that had to be dragged through the water.
  • Had the peak risen up from the waters and punctured the keel, thereby skewering the vessel in place?
  • I was supposed to be a caretaker, charged with setting the branch back on an even keel.
  • So when we got up here, I was really enjoying sort of keeping things on an even keel at home.
  • These bronze fastenings protrude through the keel and would have secured the main station frames of the hull.
  • These two kept her on an even keel.
word sets
adrift, adjectiveaft, adjectiveahoy, interjectionaircraft carrier, nounamidships, adverbanchor, nounanchor, verbanchorage, nounark, nounastern, adverbballast, nounbarge, nounbargee, nounbargepole, nounbarnacle, nounbarque, nounbarrage, nounbeach, verbbeam, nounbecalmed, adjectiveberth, nounberth, verbbilge, nounbill of lading, nounbillow, nounblade, nounboat, nounboat hook, nounboathouse, nounboating, nounboatman, nounbob, verbbollard, nounboom, nounbow, nounbridge, nounbrig, nounbulkhead, nounbunk, nounbuoy, nouncabin, nouncabin boy, nouncabin class, nouncabin cruiser, nouncable, nouncanal, nouncanal boat, nouncanoe, nouncanoe, verbcapstan, nouncaptain, nouncatamaran, nouncircumnavigate, verbclipper, nouncoast, verbcoaster, nouncoastguard, nouncockpit, nouncommodore, nouncompanionway, nounconning tower, nouncoracle, nouncordage, nouncox, nouncoxswain, nouncraft, nouncrew, verbcrossing, nouncrow's nest, nouncruise, verbcruise liner, nouncruiser, nouncruise ship, nouncutter, noundeck, noundecompression chamber, nounderrick, noundinghy, noundisembark, verbdisgorge, verbdisplacement, noundock, noundock, verbdocker, noundockside, noundockyard, noundory, noundownstream, adverbdraught, noundraw, verbdrawbridge, noundredge, verbdredger, noundrift, verbdrift, noundrifter, noundriftwood, noundrilling platform, noundrown, verbdry dock, noundugout, noundyke, nounembark, verbensign, nounferry, nounferry, verbferryboat, nounfigurehead, nounfirst mate, nounfirst officer, nounfleet, nounflotilla, nounfo'c'sle, nounforecastle, nounfounder, verbfrigate, nounfrogman, noungalleon, noungalley, noungangplank, noungangway, noungondola, noungondolier, noungrappling iron, nounground, verbgunnel, noungunwale, nounhalyard, nounharbour, nounhatch, nounhawser, nounhelm, nounhelmsman, nounhigh tide, nounhigh water, nounhigh water mark, nounhold, nounhoot, nounhoot, verbhouseboat, nounhovercraft, nounhulk, nounhull, nounhydrofoil, nounhydroplane, nounhydroplane, verbicebreaker, nouninboard, adjectiveinflatable, nouninflow, nounJet Ski, nounjetty, nounjib, nounjunk, nounkayak, nounkeel, nounketch, nounknot, nounkt, land, verblanding stage, nounlane, nounlaunch, verblaunch, nounleeward, adjectivelife belt, nounlifeboat, nounlife buoy, nounlife jacket, nounlifeline, nounlife preserver, nounlife raft, nounlife vest, nounlighter, nounlighthouse, nounlightship, nounliner, nounlist, verblock, nounlock keeper, nounlog book, nounlongshoreman, nounlow tide, nounlow water, nounlow water mark, nounlugger, nounmainmast, nounmainsail, nounmaritime, adjectivemast, nounmaster, nounmasthead, nounmerchantman, nounmerchant navy, nounmerchant seaman, nounminesweeper, nounmizzen, nounmoor, verbmooring, nounmother ship, nounmotorboat, nounnarrow boat, nounnautical, adjectivenavigable, adjectivenavigate, verbnavigation, nounoakum, nounoar, nounoarlock, nounoarsman, nounoarswoman, nounoceangoing, adjectiveoffshore, adjectiveoil slick, nounoil tanker, nounoutboard motor, nounoutrigger, nounoverboard, adverboyster bed, nounpacket boat, nounpaddle, nounpaddle, verbpaddle steamer, nounpassage, nounpelagic, adjectiveperiscope, nounpier, nounpilot, nounpilot, verbpitch, verbPlimsoll line, nounplot, verbply, verbpoop deck, nounport, nounporthole, nounport of call, nounpowerboat, nounprivateer, nounpromenade deck, nounpropeller, nounprow, nounpunt, nounpunt, verbpurser, nounquadrant, nounquarterdeck, nounquay, nounraft, nounrafting, nounreef, verbrefit, verbregatta, nounresurface, verbrig, verbrig, nounrigging, nounroll, verbroll, nounroll-on roll-off, adjectivero-ro, nounrow, verbrowboat, nounrowing, nounrowing boat, nounrowlock, nounrubber dinghy, nounrudder, nounsail, verbsail, nounsailboat, nounsailing, nounsailing boat, nounsailing ship, nounsailor, nounsaloon, nounsampan, nounschooner, nounscull, nounscull, verbscupper, verbscupper, nounscuttle, verbseaborne, adjectivesea captain, nounsea dog, nounseafaring, adjectiveseagoing, adjectivesea lane, nounsea legs, nounsealer, nounseaman, nounseamanship, nounseaworthy, adjectivesheet, nounship, nounshipmate, nounshipping, nounshipping lane, nounship's chandler, nounshipwreck, nounshipwright, nounshipyard, nounside-wheeler, nounskiff, nounskull and crossbones, nounslaver, nounslipway, nounsloop, nounsluice, nounsmack, nounsonar, nounspar, nounspeedboat, nounsplice, verbSS, starboard, nounsteam, verbsteamboat, nounsteamer, nounsteamship, nounsteerage, nounsteersman, nounstern, nounstevedore, nounsteward, nounstewardess, nounstoker, nounsub, nounsubmarine, nounsubmarine, adjectivesubmersible, nounsundeck, nounsupertanker, nounswab, verbswell, nounswing bridge, nountack, nountack, verbtender, nounthird class, nountiller, nountonnage, nountopside, adverbtowpath, nountransport, nountransport ship, nountrawler, nountrim, verbtrimaran, nountroopship, nountub, nountug, nounupstream, adverbvessel, nounvoyage, nounvoyage, verbwake, nounwardroom, nounwarship, nounwaterborne, adjectivewaterlogged, adjectivewaterway, nounweir, nounwhaler, nounwheelhouse, nounwhirlpool, nounwindjammer, nounwindward, adjectivewreck, nounyachting, noun
 Now that the crisis is over, we must try to get things back on an even keel.
· Confusion seems to reign in many areas of your life at present, so try to get on an even keel.· So when we got up here, I was really enjoying sort of keeping things on an even keel at home.· Others may yearn for life on a more even keel but they do not feel entitled to it.· I was supposed to be a caretaker, charged with setting the branch back on an even keel.· That Nigel was on an even keel again was a double comfort.· In Chapter 11, companies' management usually remains in place while the company tries to get back on an even keel.· By the time the taxi had delivered them to the restaurant Fabia was feeling on more of an even keel.· Then maybe they are on an even keel.
  • Confusion seems to reign in many areas of your life at present, so try to get on an even keel.
  • I was supposed to be a caretaker, charged with setting the branch back on an even keel.
  • In Chapter 11, companies' management usually remains in place while the company tries to get back on an even keel.
  • So when we got up here, I was really enjoying sort of keeping things on an even keel at home.
  • That Nigel was on an even keel again was a double comfort.
  • Then maybe they are on an even keel.
  • These two kept her on an even keel.
1on an even keel steady, without any sudden changeskeep something/get something back on an even keel Now that the crisis is over, we must try to get things back on an even keel.2[countable] a bar along the bottom of a boat that keeps it steady in the water
keel1 nounkeel2 verb
keelkeel2 verb Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theykeel
he, she, itkeels
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theykeeled
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave keeled
he, she, ithas keeled
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad keeled
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill keel
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have keeled
Continuous Form
PresentIam keeling
he, she, itis keeling
you, we, theyare keeling
PastI, he, she, itwas keeling
you, we, theywere keeling
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been keeling
he, she, ithas been keeling
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been keeling
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be keeling
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been keeling
  • Frighten or surprise one and it will stiffen and keel over in what appears to be a dead faint.
  • His momentum carried him as far as the launcher and with out-thrust foot he sent it keeling over on to its side.
  • It would allow him to go quietly in his sleep or keel over happily on the fourth green.
  • Once Muzzy Izzet had rounded off a neatly worked equaliser the Second Division side might have been expected to keel over.
  • She hated him, hated him, her respect and breathless excitement keeling over under the weight of her rage and humiliation.
  • The worker on the ladder looks as if he is ready to keel over from exhaustion.
  • Truly I would keel over in spasms of exquisite nostalgia.
Longman Language Activatorwhen someone accidentally falls from a standing position
to accidentally fall from a standing position: · She was going up the stairs when she fell.· George held on tightly, afraid that he might fall.fall down the stairs/steps etc: · There was concern for the Queen Mother yesterday after she fell down a short flight of steps at the airport.
to fall onto the ground from a standing position: · Ben fell down and scraped his knee.· Beginning skiers can expect to fall down a lot.· The pavement was slippery and it was easy to fall over.
British if someone, especially an old person, has a fall , they fall and hurt themselves: · My neighbour has had a fall and broken a rib.· Grandma had a bad fall in the snow that winter.
to fall quickly down a slope or down stairs, rolling over and over and unable to stop: tumble down/off/into etc: · She tumbled down the stairs and landed in a heap at the bottom.· A bus veered off the road and tumbled down the hill into the river below.
to fall over suddenly so that you are lying on your front on the ground, especially in a way that makes you look funny: · She fell flat on her face getting out of the car.· The last time I wore high-heeled shoes I fell flat on my face outside a restaurant.
to fall suddenly and heavily onto the ground, into a chair etc, because of tiredness, illness, or injury: · One of the horses collapsed from exhaustion after the race.collapse on: · Cohen was hospitalized after he collapsed on the floor and briefly lost consciousness.collapse into: · Milligan collapsed into a chair, sighing deeply.
to suddenly fall to the ground, because you are ill or have had a shock: · She'd been complaining of a headache all morning, and suddenly she just keeled over.· Carson keeled over and died in front of the nightclub after taking a number of illegal drugs.
to fall forward with so much force that you roll over: · She slipped on the polished floor and went head over heels.· Shelly's horse stepped into soft sand and went down, horse and rider going head over heels in a cloud of dust.
· Once Muzzy Izzet had rounded off a neatly worked equaliser the Second Division side might have been expected to keel over.· Truly I would keel over in spasms of exquisite nostalgia.· His momentum carried him as far as the launcher and with out-thrust foot he sent it keeling over on to its side.· The worker on the ladder looks as if he is ready to keel over from exhaustion.· Frighten or surprise one and it will stiffen and keel over in what appears to be a dead faint.· She hated him, hated him, her respect and breathless excitement keeling over under the weight of her rage and humiliation.· It would allow him to go quietly in his sleep or keel over happily on the fourth green.
keel over phrasal verb to fall over sideways:  Several soldiers keeled over in the hot sun.




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