making you angry► annoying · Jason is one of the most annoying people I have ever met.· Just as I stepped into the shower the phone rang. It was so annoying.
► irritating annoying, especially because something keeps happening that makes you a little angry: · Sammy has an irritating habit of leaving the refrigerator door open while he's fixing something to eat.· It's so irritating how Ellen always tries to finish people's sentences for them.
► infuriating also maddening especially British making you very angry and impatient: · Jill's attitude towards the people who work under her is infuriating.· I can't believe she's been reading our mail. How infuriating!
► be a pain in the neck also be a pain in the ass/butt especially American informal to be very annoying. Be a pain in the ass/butt are impolite expressions: · It's such a pain in the neck to have to drive downtown every day.· Bobby's being a real pain in the butt today. I wish he'd just go home.
► stupid informal used when you are talking about something that makes you feel very annoyed or impatient, for example because it does not work properly: · I have to stay late and finish this stupid report.· The stupid gate won't open properly.
► frustrating a situation that is frustrating is annoying and makes you feel very impatient by making it impossible for you to do what you want: · It's so frustrating when you're in a hurry and the traffic isn't moving.· Learning a new language can be a frustrating experience.