

单词 way station
way stationˈway ˌstation noun [countable] American English Examples
  • For Farini the Great, the tightrope was only an adventurous way station on a roller-coaster journey through life.
  • In those days, the big waiting room looked like a Kurdish way station.
  • People thronged to the midnight service, as if the manger were the last way station on earth.
  • Six legendary singers gather in a way station after death.
word sets
baggage car, nounbaggage room, nounboat train, nounboxcar, nounBR, nounbuffer, nouncaboose, nouncarriage, nouncattle truck, nounchoo-choo, nouncoach, nouncommunication cord, nounconductor, nouncouchette, nouncowcatcher, nouncutting, nounday return, noundepartures board, noundepot, nounderail, verbdining car, nounelectrify, verbemergency cord, nounengine, nounexpress, nounflatcar, nounfreight, nounfreight train, noungauge, noungrade, noungrade crossing, noungradient, nounguard, nounguard's van, nounhandcar, nouninbound, adjectivelight railway, nounline, nounlineman, nounlocal, nounlocomotive, nounloop, nounmail train, nounmain line, nounmetro, nounmonorail, nounnarrow gauge, nounplatform, nounPullman, nounrail, nounrailroad, nounrailway, nounrailway line, nounrailway station, nounrapid transit system, nounrestaurant car, nounrolling stock, nounshunt, verbshunt, nounsiding, nounsignal, nounsignal box, nounsignalman, nounsleeper, nounsleeping car, nounspur, nounstation master, nounsteam, nounstock car, nounsubway, nountender, nounterminus, nounthrust, nountrack, nountrain, nountrain spotter, nountruck, nounturntable, nounvan, nounvestibule, nounwagon, nounway station, noun
1 old-fashioned a place to stop between the main stations of a railway2a place where you can stop before going on somewhere elseway station to The refugee camps, however dreadful, were a way station to their dream.




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