

单词 videotape
videotape1 nounvideotape2 verb
videotapevid‧e‧o‧tape1 /ˈvɪdiəʊteɪp $ -dioʊ-/ noun [countable, uncountable] Examples
  • Encrypted discs will now prohibit pristine copies to videotape.
  • Now, videotape provides instant pictures, which solves the problem of processing delays.
  • The district attorney has a videotape of you making that confession!
  • The quartet, which entered the competition with a leading seven nominations, accepted via videotape from Minneapolis.
  • Yet the belief that a videotape somehow speaks for itself persisted.
word sets
album, nounamp, nounamplifier, nounamplify, verbaudiotape, nounB-side, nouncassette, nounCD, nounCD player, nouncompact disc, nouncompact disc player, nounDAT, noundisc, nounDolby, dub, verbearphone, nounearpiece, nounflip side, nounforty-five, noungramophone, nounhead, nounheadphones, nounhi-fi, nounhigh fidelity, adjectiveindie, nounjacket, nounlabel, nounliner note, nounlong-playing record, nounloop, nounloudspeaker, nounLP, nounmicrophone, nounmix, verbmixer, nounmonitor, nounneedle, nounpersonal stereo, nounphonograph, nounplayback, nounprerecord, verbpress, verbquadraphonic, adjectiverecord, nounrecord, verbreplay, verbreplay, nounreproduction, nounre-release, verbrewind, verbscratchy, adjectiveseventy-eight, nounsingle, nounsound check, nounspeaker, nounstereo, nounstereo, adjectivestudio, nounstylus, nountalking book, nountape, nountape, verbtape deck, nountape record, verbtape recorder, nountape recording, nountranscribe, verbtranscript, nountransfer, verbturntable, nounvideo, nounvideo, verbvideo, adjectivevideo camera, nounvideo cassette, nounvideo cassette recorder, nounvideodisc, nounvideographer, nounvideo recorder, nounvideotape, nounvideotape, verbvinyl, nounWalkman, nounwipe, verbwire, noun
a videovideotape of a videotape of everyday life in Havana
videotape1 nounvideotape2 verb
videotapevideotape2 (also video British English) verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theyvideotape
he, she, itvideotapes
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theyvideotaped
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave videotaped
he, she, ithas videotaped
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad videotaped
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill videotape
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have videotaped
Continuous Form
PresentIam videotaping
he, she, itis videotaping
you, we, theyare videotaping
PastI, he, she, itwas videotaping
you, we, theywere videotaping
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been videotaping
he, she, ithas been videotaping
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been videotaping
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be videotaping
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been videotaping
  • Will you videotape tonight's game for me?
  • Cross-examination by defence lawyers should also be videotaped at an informal hearing before trial, with the press and public excluded.
  • Matches are videotaped and charted to keep track of errors and winners.
  • She then called for her daughter Paula Rolon to videotape the arrest.
  • They are making their pitch on radio stations, and are videotaping interviews with returning refugees and playing them in the camps.
  • You might want to start by videotaping or photographing entire rooms.
word sets
album, nounamp, nounamplifier, nounamplify, verbaudiotape, nounB-side, nouncassette, nounCD, nounCD player, nouncompact disc, nouncompact disc player, nounDAT, noundisc, nounDolby, dub, verbearphone, nounearpiece, nounflip side, nounforty-five, noungramophone, nounhead, nounheadphones, nounhi-fi, nounhigh fidelity, adjectiveindie, nounjacket, nounlabel, nounliner note, nounlong-playing record, nounloop, nounloudspeaker, nounLP, nounmicrophone, nounmix, verbmixer, nounmonitor, nounneedle, nounpersonal stereo, nounphonograph, nounplayback, nounprerecord, verbpress, verbquadraphonic, adjectiverecord, nounrecord, verbreplay, verbreplay, nounreproduction, nounre-release, verbrewind, verbscratchy, adjectiveseventy-eight, nounsingle, nounsound check, nounspeaker, nounstereo, nounstereo, adjectivestudio, nounstylus, nountalking book, nountape, nountape, verbtape deck, nountape record, verbtape recorder, nountape recording, nountranscribe, verbtranscript, nountransfer, verbturntable, nounvideo, nounvideo, verbvideo, adjectivevideo camera, nounvideo cassette, nounvideo cassette recorder, nounvideodisc, nounvideographer, nounvideo recorder, nounvideotape, nounvideotape, verbvinyl, nounWalkman, nounwipe, verbwire, noun
to record a television programme, film, event etc on a video




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