

单词 dust jacket
dust jacketˈdust ˌjacket noun [countable] Examples
  • A dust jacket, on the other hand, sets up expectations.
  • I shall refrain from doing so, though even the dust jacket has chosen to ignore that discretion.
  • Just look at the dust jacket.
  • The firm of Longman claims the first dust jacket, on Heath's Keepsake for 1835.
  • The publishers, on the dust jacket, add to this list teachers and students of community health.
  • Unless, of course, you include the dust jacket.
word sets
abstract, nounagony aunt, nounagony column, nounannual, nounanthology, nounantiquarian, adjectiveappendix, nounarticle, nounauthor, nounautobiography, nounback, nounbackslash, nounbackspace, nounballoon, nounbanner headline, nounbestiary, nounbest-seller, nounbibliography, nounbibliophile, nounbind, verbbinder, nounbinding, nounbiographer, nounbiography, nounblackout, nounbold, adjectiveboldface, nounbook, nounbookbinding, nounbooklet, nounbookmark, nounbookmobile, nounbookplate, nounbookseller, nounbookshop, nounbookstall, nounbookstore, nounbound, adjectivebox, nounbraille, nounbroadsheet, nounbrochure, nounbubble, nounbulletin, nounby-line, nouncalendar, nouncaption, nouncarry, verbcatalogue, nouncentrefold, nounchain letter, nounchapbook, nounchapter, nounchequebook journalism, nouncircular, nouncirculation, nouncity desk, nouncity editor, nounclassified ad, nounclip, nounclipping, nouncodex, nouncol, collection, nouncolour supplement, nouncolumn, nouncolumnist, nouncomic, nouncomic strip, nouncommentary, nouncommentator, nouncompanion, nouncompendium, nouncomposition, nouncompositor, nouncontribute, verbcontributor, nouncopy, nouncopy editor, nouncopyist, nouncorrespondent, nouncoursebook, nouncover girl, nouncover story, nouncross-refer, verbcross-reference, nouncutting, noundaily, noundesk, noundiarist, noundiary, noundictionary, noundime novel, noundirectory, noundog-eared, adjectivedoorstep, verbdotted line, noundraft, noundraft, verbDTP, noundust jacket, nouned., edit, verbedition, nouneditor, nouneditorial, nouneditorship, nounemend, verbencyclopedia, nounentry, nounerratum, nounet al, adverbet cetera, adverbexclusive, nounexposure, nounexpurgated, adjectivefeature, nounff, figure, nounfiller, nounfinancial supermarket, Fleet Street, fly leaf, nounfolio, nounfollow-up, nounfont, nounfootnote, nounforeword, nounformat, nounformat, verbfrontispiece, nounfull-page, adjectivefull stop, nounfunny papers, noungagging order, galley, noungazette, noungazetteer, nounghost, verbghost writer, noungloss, noungloss, verbglossary, nounglossy, noungonzo journalism, noungossip column, noungraphic design, nounguide, nounguillotine, nounhack, nounhagiography, nounhalftone, nounhandbill, nounhandbook, nounhardback, nounhardcover, nounheading, nounheadline, nounheadline, verbheadword, nounhistory, nounhumorist, nounillustrate, verbillustration, nounimpression, nounimprimatur, nounimprint, nounindent, verbindentation, nounindex, nounindex, verbinsert, nouninset, nouninset, verbinstalment, nouninterpolate, verbISBN, nounissue, nounitalicize, verbitalics, nounjacket, nounjournal, nounjournalese, nounjournalism, nounjournalist, nounjourno, nounl, landscape, nounlayout, nounleader, nounleading article, nounleaf, nounletter-size, adjectivelibrary, nounlimited edition, nounlined, adjectiveLinotype, nounliterature, nounlocal paper, nounlocal rag, nounloose-leaf, adjectivelower case, nounmag, nounmagazine, nounmanuscript, nounmargin, nounmasthead, nounmezzotint, nounmicrofiche, nounmisprint, nounmonograph, nounmonthly, nounmorocco, nounmuckraking, nounN/A, N.B., news, nounnews agency, nounnewshound, nounnewsletter, nounnewspaper, nounnewsprint, nounnews release, nounnon-fiction, nounnote, nounnotebook, nounnotice, nounnumber, nounobituary, nounoffprint, nounoffset, adjectiveomnibus, nounop. cit., open letter, nounorgan, nounoverleaf, adverboverprint, verbp., pagination, nounpamphlet, nounpamphleteer, nounpap, nounpaparazzi, nounpaper, nounpaperback, nounpaperboy, nounpaper girl, nounpaper round, nounpaper shop, nounpara, passage, nounpaste-up, nounperiodical, nounpersonal ad, nounpersonal column, nounphrasebook, nounpicture book, nounpiece, nounplate, nounpocketbook, nounpp., prequel, nounpress, nounpress baron, nounpress box, nounpress conference, nounpress corps, nounpress cutting, nounpress gallery, nounpressman, nounpress office, nounpress release, nounprint, verbprint, nounprinted matter, nounprinter, nounprinting, nounprinting ink, nounprinting press, nounproblem page, nounproof, nounproofread, verbpublication, nounpublish, verbpublisher, nounpublishing, nounpull-out, nounquarterly, adjectivequarterly, nounquarto, nounquire, nounquotation, nounquote, verbrag, nounreader, nounreadership, nounreading, nounream, nounred ink, nounreference, nounreference book, nounreference library, nounrelease, verbreprint, verbreproduce, verbreproduction, nounreproductive, adjectivereview, nounreview, verbreviewer, nounrevise, verbrevision, nounrider, nounroman, nounsans serif, nounsaturation, nounscare story, nounscoop, nounscoop, verbsection, nounserif, nounset, verbsilk screen, adjectivesketch, nounslipcase, nounsmall ad, nounsoft porn, nounsource, nounspace, nounspine, nounsplash, verbspoiler, nounstay of execution, nounstop press, nounstory, nounstorybook, nounstringer, nounstrip, nounstrip cartoon, nounsub, nounsub, verbsubedit, verbsub-editor, nounsubheading, nounsubscribe, verbsubscriber, nounsubscription, nounsuperscript, adjectivesupplement, nounsymposium, nounsyndicate, verbtable, nountabloid, nountext, nounthumb index, nountitle page, nountome, nountract, nountreatise, nountrot, nountype, nountypeface, nountypescript, nountypesetting, nountypographer, nountypography, nounvanity press, nounvellum, nounvignette, nounvol., volume, nounweekly, nounwell-thumbed, adjectivewoodblock, nounwrite-up, noun
a paper cover of a book, which you can remove




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