

单词 duress
duressdu‧ress /djʊˈres $ dʊ-/ noun [uncountable] Word Origin
1300-1400 Old French duresce, from Latin durus ‘hard’
  • As far as I am concerned, it is the only body that represents the prison officers, who work under great duress.
  • But memory is highly selective, particularly within an organization that has weathered numerous crises and moments of extreme duress.
  • But that meant admitting guilt, admitting that I had acted unwillingly and not under duress and that I refused to do.
  • The Clippers were under duress from the start, falling behind the Rockets 27-12 at the start.
  • There was no improper pressure by the revenue and in particular there was no duress.
  • Under duress it may flee and hide, but it can only do this occasionally.
  • Under pain or duress, we do whatever we can to cope with the discomfort and justify its causes.
  • When a crisis or dilemma arises, such an organization will resort under duress to its customary self-defeating practices.
Longman Language Activatorto force someone do something by using threats or violence
· If you don't comply I'm afraid we'll have to force you.force somebody to do something · Thieves had tied him up and forced him to lie on the floor.· All the hostages were forced to hand over their passports.force somebody into (doing) something · She claimed she was forced to take part in the robbery by her husband.
to force someone to do something by using violence or threats: · I didn't want to take part in the attack but the soldiers made me.make somebody do something: · They made sales staff open the safe.be made to do something: · The couple were made to hand over all their money and jewellery.
written to force someone to do something that they do not want to do by threatening that something bad might happen to them if they do not do it: · Ray withdrew his confession, saying that he had been coerced by the police.coerce somebody into doing something: · The mine owners coerced the workers into going back to work, by threatening to close down the mines completely.· Officials coerced peasants into voting for the government candidates. coerce somebody to do something: · The company paid the workers the minimum rate of $4.86 an hour, but coerced some to give back half their pay in cash.
formal to make someone do something by using force or official power: compel somebody to do something: · All the young men in the area were compelled to work in the quarries and coal mines.· The attorney general has the right to compel witnesses to appear in court.
informal to force someone to do something by shouting at them, treating them badly, or using threats: · Don't let the salesman bully you -- it's your choice.bully somebody into doing something: · If you try and bully him into giving you the money he's sure to say no -- you should try and persuade him gently.bully somebody into something: · Ben didn't want to study law, but his father bullied him into it by threatening to cut off his allowance.
to force someone to give you money or do what you want, by threatening to tell embarrassing secrets about them: · Gina tried to blackmail him, by threatening to tell his wife about their affair.blackmail somebody into doing something: · The FBI blackmailed her into informing on the other members of the gang.
if someone uses force , they hit, shoot, or use other forms of violence against people in order to make them do something or stop them from doing something: · The regime was quite willing to use force and terror against its enemies. · The law permits every citizen to use reasonable force to defend themselves or their property.use force against: · The police have recently had to defend their policy of using force against rioters.
violence or the threat of violence, used to force someone to do something: · The police have been accused of using strongarm tactics when breaking up strikes and public demonstrations.use strongarm tactics/methods to do something: · More and more credit companies are using strongarm methods to collect debts.
if someone does something under duress , they only agree to do it because they have been threatened, not because they want to do it: · The defendants claimed that their confessions were made under duress.· Judge Mershon ruled that the agreement was signed under duress, and was therefore null and void.
to threaten someone
to tell someone that you will hurt them or cause serious problems for them if they do not do what you want: · Then he started threatening me and saying that my family might get hurt.threaten to do something: · When they found out he was an American, the soldiers threatened to kill him.· Every time we have a quarrel, she threatens to leave me.threaten somebody with a knife/gun etc: · After threatening the manager with a knife, he stole £300 and ran off.threaten somebody with violence/jail/legal action etc (=say you will hurt someone, put them in prison etc): · I was threatened with jail if I published the story.
to try to make someone do what you want by making them feel afraid: · He's being kept in jail until the trial so that he can't intimidate any of the witnesses.· The boss is quite tough, but don't let him intimidate you.intimidate somebody into doing something: · Some workers are saying that they were intimidated into accepting the pay cuts, with threats of job losses.
to try to make someone stay away from somewhere or stop doing something by warning or threatening them: · Journalists trying to investigate the scandal were warned off by the FBI.warn somebody off something: · The old man warned them off his land.warn somebody off doing something: · Joanna's brothers had warned him off seeing her again.
British to force a group, organization, or government to give you what you want by threatening to cause political or financial difficulties if they do not: · What gives cheaper fuel campaigners the right to hold the country to ransom?· The president said that the company would not be held to ransom by strikes.
to repeatedly threaten to harm someone: · He wanted more money and over the next few weeks made further threats.make/issue threats about: · It's a waste of time issuing vague threats about imposing sanctions -- we should send in the army.make/issue threats against: · Threats have been made against the judge who is investigating the case.
informal to threaten witnesses, judges, or other people involved in a court case in order to influence the court's decision: · The trial had to be abandoned when it was discovered that jury members had been got at by the Mafia.· He didn't like the idea that he had been nobbled, especially by a woman.· When the police questioned Davis, it was clear someone else had gotten to him first.
formal achieved by using unfair threats to force someone to admit something or give something to someone: · The confession had been obtained under duress, and therefore could not be allowed as evidence.· In her defence, the accused said that she had been acting under duress when she took the money.
access, nounacquit, verbacquittal, nounactionable, adjectiveact of God, nounadjourn, verbadminister, verbadmissible, adjectiveADR, nounadversarial, adjectiveadvocate, nounaffidavit, nounage, nounaggrieved, adjectiveagreement, nounannual return, anti-dumping, adjectiveantitrust, adjectiveAppeal Court, nounappear, verbappellate court, nounarraign, verbarticled clerk, articles of association, nounassignee, nounassizes, nounattachment, nounattest, verbattorney, nounattorney-at-law, nounattorney general, nounaverage clause, bailable, adjectivebailee, nounbailiff, nounbailment, nounban, nounbarrister, nounbeneficial owner, beneficiary, nounbequeath, verbbequest, nounbest efforts, adjectivebid-rigging, nounbill, nounbill of rights, nounblue law, nounbody corporate, bond, nounbook, verbbox, nounbreakdown clause, break fee, brief, nounbroker's lien, burden of proof, nounbusiness entity, buyer's risk, bylaw, nouncabotage, nouncadastre, nouncase, nouncase law, nouncash shell, nouncause, nouncause célèbre, nouncause of action, nouncaution, nouncaution, verbcertificate of incorporation, nouncertificate of protest, nouncertificate of search, nounchain of title, nounchallenge, nounchallenge, verbchancery, nounChapter 7, nouncharge, nouncharge, verbcharges register, chief justice, nouncircuit court, nouncite, verbcitizen's arrest, nouncivil, adjectivecivil law, nounclaim, nounclaimant, nounclass action, nounclause, nounclean, adjectivecloud on title, nouncollusion, nouncommerce clause, committal, nouncommon law, nouncommunity property, nounCommunity Reinvestment Act, nouncommutation, nounCompanies House, nouncompanies registry, company limited by guarantee, nouncompany limited by shares, nouncompany officer, competence, nouncompetent, adjectivecomplainant, nouncompletion, nouncompletion date, compliance officer, compulsory purchase, nounconditional discharge, nouncondition precedent, nouncondition subsequent, nounconduct money, confidentiality clause, confirmation hearing, conflict of laws, nounconjugal, adjectiveconsensus ad idem, nounconsent decree, consenting adult, nounconservator, nounconstituted, adjectiveconstitution, nounconstitutional, adjectiveconstitutionality, nouncontempt, nouncontest, verbcontingency fee, contract of insurance, nouncontract of purchase, nouncontract of service, nouncontravene, verbcontravention, nouncontributory negligence, nounconvey, verbconveyance, nounconveyancing, nounconvict, verbconviction, nouncopyright, nounco-respondent, nouncosignatory, nouncounsel, nouncounty court, nouncourthouse, nouncourt-martial, nouncourt-martial, verbCourt of Appeal, nounCourt of Appeals, nouncourt of inquiry, nouncourt of law, nounCourt of Queen's Bench, nouncourt order, nouncourt reporter, nouncourtroom, nouncramdown, nouncriminal, adjectivecriminal injury, criminalize, verbcriminal law, nouncross-examine, verbCrown Court, nouncurfew, nouncustodial, adjectiveD.A., noundata protection, death sentence, noundeath warrant, noundeclaration of association, noundecree, noundecree absolute, noundecree nisi, noundecriminalize, verbdeed, noundeed of conveyance, noundefalcation, noundefend, verbdefendant, noundeficiency judgment, noundeficiency judgment, de jure, adjectivedeposition, noundeputy, nounderivative lease, desertion, noundiminished responsibility, noundiplomatic immunity, noundirectors register, disabled quota, disbar, verbdischarge of contract, noundisclaim, verbdisclaimer, noundiscretionary, adjectivedisinherit, verbdismiss, verbdispense, verbdisposition, noundispossess, verbdissent, noundissolution, noundistrain, verbdistrict attorney, noundistrict court, noundivorce, noundivorce, verbdivorced, adjectivedocket, noundonee, noundouble jeopardy, noundraftsman, noundrink-driving, noundrunk driving, noundue process, nounduress, nouneasement, nounedict, nouneffective, adjectiveeminent domain, nounempower, verbenabling, adjectiveenabling clause, enact, verbendowment, nounenforced, adjectiveenjoin, verbescape clause, escrow, nounescrow agent, estate, nounestoppel, nounevidence, nounexamination, nounexamination-in-chief, nounexamine, verbexculpate, verbexecute, verbexecutor, nounexecutrix, nounexhibit, nounexpectations, nounex post facto law, nounexpropriate, verbextradite, verbextrajudicial, adjectivefair dealing, false representation, nounfee absolute, nounfiduciary, nounfiduciary, adjectivefinding, nounfirm name, nounfixtures and fittings, nounforce majeure, nounforeman, nounforewoman, nounfreeholder, nounfree pardon, nounfrustration of contract, fugitive, nounfugitive, adjectivegagging order, gag order, noungarnishee, verbgarnishee, noungeneral counsel, noungeneral practice, noungive, verbgrand jury, noungrantee, noungrantor, noungreen paper, noungross misconduct, ground rent, nounguarantee, verbguarantor, nounguaranty, nounguillotine, verbguilt, noungun control, nounhabeas corpus, nounHague Rules, nounhear, verbhearing, nounheir, nounheir apparent, nounhereafter, adverbhereditament, nounhereinafter, adverbhereof, adverbhereto, adverbheritable, adjectiveHigh Court, nounHighway Code, nounhirer, nounhuman right, nounimplied term, inadmissible, adjectiveinalienable, adjectiveincriminate, verbindemnify, verbindemnity, nounindict, verbindictable, adjectiveindictment, nounindustrial tribunal, nouninitiative, nouninjunction, nounin loco parentis, adverbinnocence, nouninnocent, adjectiveinoperative, adjectiveinquest, nouninsanity, nouninstruct, verbintellectual property, nounintent, nouninterdict, nouninterlocutory injunction, invoke, verbJane Doe, nounjob quota, joint and several liability, JP, nounjudge, nounjudge, verbjudicial, adjectivejuridical, adjectivejurisdiction, nounjurisprudence, nounjurist, nounjuror, nounjury, nounjury box, nounjury service, nounjustice, nounJustice of the Peace, nounjustifiable homicide, nounjuvenile, adjectivekangaroo court, nounKing's Counsel, nounlaw firm, nounlawyer, nounlease, nounleasehold, adjectiveleaseholder, nounlegatee, nounlegator, nounlessee, nounlessor, nounletters of administration, nounliable, adjectivelicensee, nounlien, nounlienee, nounlienor, nounlimited liability, nounliquidated damages, litigant, nounlitigate, verblitigation, nounlitigator, nounlitigious, adjectiveliving will, nounloophole, nounmagisterial, adjectivemagistracy, nounmagistrate, nounMagistrates' Court, nounmaintenance, nounmajority, nounmalfeasance, nounmalpractice, nounmarriage certificate, nounmarriage licence, nounmarriage lines, nounmaterial, adjectivematerial fact, nounmemorandum, nounmiscarriage of justice, nounmisdirect, verbmisfeasance, nounmisstatement, nounmistrial, nounM'lord, nounM'lud, nounmoiety, nounmonies, nounmoot court, nounmoratorium, nounmovable, nounno-fault, adjectivenolo contendere, nounnonfeasance, nounnon-negotiable, adjectivenotary, nounnuisance, nounnullify, verbnullity, nounoath, nounopen-and-shut case, nounopen verdict, nounoperative mistake, nounordinance, nounoriginating application, originating summons, outlaw, nounout-of-court settlement, nounoyez, interjectionpalimony, nounpanel, nounparalegal, nounpardon, verbpardon, nounparty, nounpass, verbpassage, nounpatent, nounpatent, adjectivepaternity, nounpaternity suit, nounpatrimony, nounpenal code, nounpenalty, nounperformance contract, perjury, nounpersonal injury, personal representative, personalty, nounpetition, nounpetition, verbpetitioner, nounplaintiff, nounplanning permission, nounplea bargaining, nounpleadings, nounpledgee, nounpolice, verbpositive discrimination, nounpower of attorney, nounprecedent, nounprejudice, verbpreservation order, nounpresume, verbprice-fixing, nounprima facie, adjectiveprimary residence, prime tenant, primogeniture, nounprivate law, nounprivileged, adjectiveprivity, nounprobate, nounprobate, verbprobation, nounprobationer, nounprobation officer, nounpro bono, adjectiveprocedural, adjectiveproceeding, nounproceedings, nounprohibit, verbprohibition, nounprohibitive, adjectivepromulgate, verbpronounce, verbproposition, nounproscribe, verbprosecute, verbprosecution, nounprosecutor, nounprotective custody, nounprove, verbprovision, nounprovisional licence, nounproximate cause, nounpublic defender, nounpublic prosecutor, nounpublic service vehicle, punishable, adjectiveQC, nounquarter sessions, nounquash, verbQueen's Counsel, nounreal property, nounrecess, nounrecess, verbrecognition, nounrecognizance, nounrecorder, nounreeve, nounregulation, nounremand, verbremand, nounrepeal, verbrescind, verbrespondent, nounrestoration, nounrestore, verbretainer, nounretrial, nounretroactive, adjectiveretrospective, adjectiveretry, verbreversion, nounrevocation, nounrevoke, verbRex, nounright of appeal, nounroad tax, nounroot of title, royalty payment, rule, verbruling, nounsaid, adjectivesalami slicing, nounSarbanes-Oxley Act, nounscheme of arrangement, nounsentence, nounsentence, verbsequester, verbsession, nounsettlement date, settlement terms, shall, modal verbshell company, sheriff, nounsheriff court, nounshow trial, nounsitting tenant, nounsmall claims court, nounsolicitor, nounsolicitor general, nounSOX, nounspecial licence, nounspecific performance, speed limit, nounstakeholder, nounstate attorney, nounstate court, nounstated case, statute, nounstatute law, nounstatute of limitations, nounstatutory, adjectivestatutory report, stay, nounstay of execution, nounstipendiary magistrate, nounstoppage in transit, nounsub judice, adverbsubmission, nounsuborn, verbsubpoena, nounsubpoena, verbsue, verbsuit, nounsumming up, nounsumming-up, nounsummons, nounsummons, verbSupreme Court, nounsurety, nounsuspended sentence, nounswear, verbtechnicality, nountenant at sufferance, nountenant at will, nountenant for years, nountenant in common, nountenure, nountestament, nountestator, nountest case, nountest certificate, nountestify, verbtestimony, nounthereinafter, adverbthird party, nounthrough, prepositionticket, nounticket, verbtitle, nountitle deed, nountitle holder, nountort, nountradename, nounTrading Standards, treasure trove, nountrespass, verbtrespass, nountrial, nountrust for sale, nounultra vires, adjectiveunderwriting power, undue influence, noununlicensed, adjectiveuphold, verbverdict, nounvindicate, verbvisa, nounvoucher, nounward, nounwarrant, nounwhereas, conjunctionwill, nounwill, verbwinding up, nounwitness, nounwitness, verbwitness box, nounwrit, nounwrongful termination,
· Would it now be regarded as economic duress?
· In other words, we are of opinion that the payment was made under duress.· Payments thus demanded colore officii are regarded by the law as being made under duress.· Holmes J. considered that in these circumstances the payment was made under duress.· She told about the shame, and the heartbreaking decision she was forced to make under duress.
illegal or unfair threatsunder duress The confession was obtained under duress.




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