

单词 valve
valvevalve /vælv/ ●○○ noun [countable] Word Origin
1400-1500 Latin valva ‘part of a door’
  • Below this a valve closes, dividing the airflow to the engine so that it runs as two separate three cylinder units.
  • His slide work caused many to accuse him of using an easier-to-use valve trombone.
  • Sadly today, the making of valves is a dying art.
  • Secrecy sang in the static air, like an old valve radio with the volume turned down.
  • The engine depends heavily upon turbocharging and on five valves per cylinder for its 150 horsepower.
  • The margins of the valves are often wavy, and deeply folded in other species.
  • The solution, if that is the case, is to install a pressure-reducing valve on the water system.
  • This machine used valves rather than transistors or microchips and required input in the form of punched cards.
word sets
alternator, nounarc, nounblow, verbcapacitor, nouncathode, nouncell, nouncharge, nouncharge, verbcharger, nouncircuit, nouncircuit board, nouncircuit breaker, nouncircuitry, nouncoil, nouncondenser, nounconnection, nouncontact, nouncord, nouncordless, adjectivecurrent, nounDC, dimmer, noundirect current, noundischarge, verbdischarge, nounE, earth, nounearth, verbelectric, adjectiveelectrician, nounelectricity, nounelectrics, nounelectrode, nounelectronic, adjectiveelectronics, nounfuel cell, nounfuse, verbfuse box, nounfused, adjectivegrid, nounlive, adjectivelive wire, nounmagic eye, nounmagneto, nounnegative, adjectiveneutral, adjectivenoise, nounoscillate, verboscillator, nounoutlet, nounphotoelectric, adjectivephotoelectric cell, nounpin, nounplug, nounpoint, nounpre-set, adjectiveprinted circuit, nounprogramme, nounprogramme, verbpulse, nounremote control, nounresistance, nounresistor, nounscan, verbscanner, nounshort, nounshort, verbshort circuit, nounshort-circuit, verbsocket, nounsolid-state, adjectivesonar, nounsuperconductivity, nounsuperconductor, nounterminal, nountime switch, nountoggle switch, nountorch, nountransformer, nountransistor, nounvacuum tube, nounvalve, nounW, wire, nounwiring, nounzapper, noun
· It had earlier been found that the total benefit to the employer of the new valve from low 5.· The already type-tested new design of valves was immediately approved and production went ahead.
· Peavey Classic 50 watt 2x12, old valve model, £400.· Secrecy sang in the static air, like an old valve radio with the volume turned down.
· Are the joints, ball valves and pipes newish?· Lift up the ball valve arm as high as it will go, and tie up to prevent the cistern refilling.
· Unscrewing the control valve opens the cap and allows the contents to flow out.· A simple air pressure control valve as used in aircraft is shown in Figure 7.10 to illustrate the procedure.· When you open the control valve the liquid is released into the stove burner as a gas.· Additional components comprise an extra electro-hydraulic control valve to actuate fourth-to-fifth and fifth-to-fourth shifts and the extra gear set itself.· The stoves either fit directly on to the cartridge or are fed through a short hose with a control valve.· The pumps are available together with a complete range of new steam and air fittings and control valves.· Systems vary but the essentials are a detergent reservoir or reservoirs, solution pumps, dosing injector and control valves.
· There are sealed for life bearings all over the valve gear and coupling rods.· The main gasoline engine can be turned and its valve gear operates.· I have been told it could be an oil feed problem to the valve gear, but the pipe is clear.· In its simplest form, with piston-covered transfer and exhaust ports, it also does away with a four-stroke's valve gear.
· Most of the heart valves collected will be transplanted in to local patients, many of them children.· After visiting a heart specialist, Tom discovered she had heart valve damage, court papers said.· The number to ring is Remember ... human heart valve donation ... something so simple ... could mean so much.· Alarming numbers of Fen-Phen users, they found, were turning up with damaged heart valves.· Training will be provided for you to operate the heart / lung bypass machine and prepare heart valves for surgical implantation.
· An hour later there was a build-up of pressure when a relief valve failed to open automatically.· Plumbing it in on most sprayers involves running a supply pipe from between the pressure relief valve and tank return line.
· It is a safety valve, you might say a brothel of the mind.· Fortuitously, the advancing Union forces operated as a safety valve.· Do these eruptions act as a safety valve or will they lead to a cataclysm?· Gradually the voluntary churches thus came to be safety valves for society, means of draining potentially dangerous conflict into harmless channels.· So far the devaluation has acted as a safety valve for the most immediate pressures.· Then an interesting phenomenon takes place: they become a safety valve.· Sometimes, a safety valve may be fitted into the boiler flow pipe; a draincock is always fitted in the return.· Investment funds and other big investors also use them as safety valves.
· If you use unleaded in an engine not designed for it then premature failure of the exhaust valve seats will result.· Without the presence of a lead compound, an engine's valve seats go unprotected.· The only effective remedy is to install hardened valve seats or a replacement cylinder head, both expensive options.· A loose valve seat usually falls out totally and damages the engine very quickly.· It will cost more to repair the burnt valve seats and valves than the saving on fuel.· Also have the inlet valve seats recut at the same time.
· Once the piston is at the bottom of the cylinder, valve 3 is closed and valve 2 opened.· As soon as he could breathe comfortably, he closed the valve.
· His mask fitted well, the valve worked properly, the large cylinder in use was two-thirds full.
· The operating control is actually opening the water valve and allowing hot water to enter the heater matrix.· A device resembling a coaster was attached to the bottom of the can and plugged in, which opened the valve.· If you open the valve on the tyre, air flows out until the pressure inside the tyre equals that outside.· It is a good idea to open and close valves every so often to make sure that they don't get gummed up.· Blood flowing forwards opens the valves and flattens the pockets.· When you open the control valve the liquid is released into the stove burner as a gas.· I felt the blood draining from my face like somebody had opened a valve in my ankle.
· The dye vats themselves are now controlled by a computer which automatically operates valves, flow direction and controls temperatures.· Fortuitously, the advancing Union forces operated as a safety valve.· Under standby conditions, the circuit requires 20mA approximately and while operating the solenoid valve, 200mA.· So an electrically-operated flow valve was developed, in conjunction with Silsoe, to replace the air-actuated system.
· The main gasoline engine can be turned and its valve gear operates.· Capshaw got up and turned the valve on the gas lamp.· Then Charlie turned the oxygen valve on to full supply and I was back in the plane again.
· I use a two-gang adjustable valve but this never stops stable long enough for the skimmer to work efficiently.· Investment funds and other big investors also use them as safety valves.
1valve (2)valve (1)a part of a tube or pipe that opens and shuts like a door to control the flow of liquid, gas, air etc passing through it:  heart valves2the part on a trumpet or similar musical instrument that you press to change the sound of the note3British English a closed glass tube used to control the flow of electricity in old radios, televisions etc SYN vacuum tube American English




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