

单词 adaptation
adaptationad‧ap‧ta‧tion /ˌædæpˈteɪʃən/ AWL (also a‧dap‧tion /əˈdæpʃən/) noun Examples
  • She was responsible for the adaptation of the book "The Witches of Eastwick" into a stage play.
  • In addition, a decrease in size seems to have accompanied adaptation to an exclusively arboreal life.
  • In this way, provisional adaptations turn into routine commitments.
  • It is simply that adaptation and ancestry can explain what adaptation alone can not.
  • Its film adaptation was a big hit and won five Oscars, including best picture.
  • The work does not involve major adaptations or renovation.
  • This form developed bipedalism and other adaptations to the newly opening arid savannah landscape and eventually became the ancestor of man.
Longman Language Activatora change made in order to use something for another purpose
the process of changing something from one form or system to another one so that it can be used for a different purpose: conversion into: · The company buys raw material such as wool for conversion into cloth.conversion of: · Local people are protesting about the proposed conversion of a church into a late-night bar.
the process of changing something in particular ways so that it can be used for a different purpose: adaptation of: · She was responsible for the adaptation of the book "The Witches of Eastwick" into a stage play.
AB, nounabdomen, nounaccommodation, nounAchilles tendon, nounAdam's apple, nounadaptation, nounadenoids, nounadrenalin, nounairway, nounambidextrous, adjectiveanatomical, adjectiveankle, nounantibody, nounantigen, nounanus, nounanvil, nounaorta, nounappendix, nounarch, nounarmpit, nounarterial, adjectiveartery, nounatrium, nounbaby tooth, nounback, nounbackbone, nounbandy, adjectivebarrel-chested, adjectivebeat, verbbelly, nounbelly button, nounbicep, nounbig toe, nounbikini line, nounbile, nounbiological clock, nounbiorhythms, nounbiped, nounbladder, nounblind spot, nounblink, verbblink, nounblood count, nounblood group, nounblood pressure, nounbloodstream, nounblood type, nounblood vessel, nounBO, nounbody clock, nounbody odour, nounbone, nounbone marrow, nounbowel, nounbow legs, nounbrain, nounbrainwave, nounbreast, nounbreastbone, nounbristly, adjectivebronchial, adjectivebronchial tube, nounbrow, nounbuck teeth, nounbullnecked, adjectiveburp, verbbust, nounbuttock, nouncanine, nouncapillary, nouncardiac, adjectivecardio-, prefixcardiovascular, adjectivecarotid artery, nouncartilage, nouncentral nervous system, nouncerebellum, nouncerebral, adjectivecervical, adjectivecervix, nounchamber, nounchange of life, nouncheek, nouncheekbone, nounchest, nounchin, nouncirculation, nounclavicle, nouncleavage, nounclitoris, nounclose-set, adjectivecoccyx, nouncochlea, nouncock, nouncollarbone, nouncolon, nouncolour, nouncolour-blind, adjectiveconception, nouncone, nounconnective tissue, nouncoordination, nouncornea, nouncortex, nouncough, verbcough, nouncowlick, nouncranium, nouncrook, verbcrotch, nouncrow's feet, nouncrutch, nouncry, verbcuticle, noundandruff, noundeep-set, adjectivedefecate, verbdefence mechanism, noundental, adjectivedentine, nounderrière, noundiaphragm, noundigit, noundigital, adjectivedimple, noundisc, noundominant, adjectivedouble-jointed, adjectivedribble, verbdrool, verbduct, nounduodenum, nounear, nouneardrum, nounearhole, nounegg, nounejaculate, verbelbow, nounenamel, nounendocrine, adjectiveentrails, nounepidermis, nounepiglottis, nounerect, adjectiveerection, nounerogenous zone, nounexcrement, nounexcreta, nounexcrete, verbexcretion, nounexpectorate, verbextremity, nouneye, nouneyebrow, nouneyelash, nouneyelid, nouneyesight, nouneye tooth, nounface, nounfallopian tube, nounfart, verbfart, nounfemur, nounfibre, nounfibula, nounfigure, nounfingernail, nounfingertip, nounfist, nounfive o'clock shadow, nounflat-chested, adjectivefoetal position, nounfolic acid, nounfollicle, nounforearm, nounforefinger, nounforehead, nounforeskin, nounframe, nounfunny bone, noungall bladder, noungallstone, noungastric, adjectivegenital, adjectivegenitals, noungland, nounglottis, noungonad, noungrey matter, noungroin, nounG-spot, noungullet, noungum, nounhair, nounhairless, adjectivehairy, adjectivehammer, nounhamstring, nounhand, nounhand-eye co-ordination, nounhandlebar moustache, nounhead, nounheart, nounheel, nounhiccup, nounhiccup, verbhip, nounHomo sapiens, nounhumerus, nounhymen, nounimmune, adjectiveimmune system, nounimmunity, nouninbred, adjectiveincisor, nounindex finger, nouninherit, verbinstep, nounintestine, nounin vitro fertilization, nouniris, nounIVF, nounjaw, nounjawbone, nounjowl, nounkidney, nounknee, nounknee cap, nounknuckle, nounlap, nounlarge intestine, nounlarynx, nounlash, nounlaugh lines, nounlaughter lines, nounleft-handed, adjectivelefty, nounlens, nounlid, nounlifeblood, nounligament, nounlip, nounlittle finger, nounliver, nounlobe, nounlong-sighted, adjectivelumbar, adjectivelung, nounlymph, nounlymph node, nounmammary, adjectivemammary gland, nounmanual, adjectivemarrow, nounmasticate, verbmatrix, nounmelanin, nounmelatonin, nounmember, nounmenopause, nounmenses, nounmenstrual, adjectivemenstrual period, nounmenstruate, verbmiddle ear, nounmiddle finger, nounmidget, nounmidriff, nounmilk tooth, nounmind, nounmolar, nounmucous membrane, nounmuscle, nounnail, nounnape, nounnasal, adjectivenavel, nounnervous, adjectiveneurology, nounneuron, nounniacin, nounnipple, nounnode, nounnodule, nounnostril, nounocular, adjectiveoesophagus, nounoral, adjectiveovary, nounoverbite, nounoviduct, nounpalate, nounpalm, nounpalpitate, verbpalpitations, nounpancreas, nounpassage, nounpatella, nounpectorals, nounpelvic, adjectivepelvis, nounpenetrate, verbpepsin, nounperiod, nounperiod pain, nounperspiration, nounperspire, verbphallus, nounpharynx, nounphlegm, nounphysical, adjectivephysiognomy, nounphysiology, nounphysique, nounpigeon-toed, adjectivepit, nounpituitary, nounplacenta, nounplasma, nounplatelet, nounpore, nounpotbelly, nounpremenstrual, adjectiveprepubescent, adjectivepressure point, nounprimal, adjectiveprivate parts, nounprognathous, adjectiveprostate, nounpuberty, nounpubescent, adjectivepubic, adjectivepudendum, nounpulmonary, adjectivepulp, nounpulse, nounpupil, nounquad, nounquadruplet, nounquin, nounquintuplet, nounradius, nounreceptor, nounrecessive, adjectiverectal, adjectiverectum, nounred blood cell, nounREM sleep, nounrenal, adjectiveretina, nounRhesus factor, nounRH factor, nounrib, nounrib cage, nounright, adjectiveright-handed, adjectiveright-hander, nounrigor mortis, nounring finger, nounrod, nounRoman nose, nounround-shouldered, adjectiverun, verbsalivary gland, nounsallow, adjectivescalp, nounscaly, adjectivescapula, nounsciatic, adjectivescrotum, nounsemen, nounseminal, adjectivesense, nounsense organ, nounsensory, adjectivesextuplet, nounshank, nounshin, nounshinbone, nounshoulder, nounshoulder blade, nounside, nounsinew, nounsinus, nounskeletal, adjectiveskull, nounsleep, verbsleep, nounsmall intestine, nounsneeze, verbsneeze, nounsnub nose, nounsnub-nosed, adjectivesoft palate, nounsolar plexus, nounsole, nounsphincter, nounspinal, adjectivespinal column, nounspine, nounspit, verbspit, nounspittle, nounspleen, nounspotty, adjectivesputum, nounsternum, nounsteroid, nounstirrup, nounstomach, nounstool, nounstubble, nounsubcutaneous, adjectivesuck, verbsuckle, verbsuckling, nounsweat gland, nounsystem, nountailbone, nountan, verbtan, nountanned, adjectivetarsus, nountartar, nountaste bud, nountear, nounteardrop, nounteat, nountemple, nountendon, nountestes, nountesticle, nountestis, nountestosterone, nounthickset, adjectivethigh, nounthorax, nounthroat, nounthumb, nounthumbnail, nounthyroid, nountibia, nounticklish, adjectivetoe, nountoenail, nountongue, nountonsil, nountooth, nountorso, nountouch, nountrachea, nountriceps, nountrunk, nountympanum, nounulna, nounumbilical cord, nounurethra, nounuterus, nounuvula, nounvagina, nounvascular, adjectivevein, nounvenous, adjectiveventricle, nounvessel, nounvestibule, nounvital, adjectivevocal cords, nounvoice box, nounvulva, nounwaist, nounwall-eyed, adjectivewax, nounwhite, nounwhite blood cell, nounwindpipe, nounwisdom tooth, nounwomb, nounwrinkle, verbwrist, nounyawn, verbyawn, noun
 He’s working on a screen adaptation of his latest novel.
· Charity cash-raising activities to finance special adaptations.· Also, in association with the Partially Sighted Society, special adaptations were made.· Life in the ocean depths poses many special problems, requiring special adaptations.· It does this through a special adaptation that allows it to adjust the concentration of its blood.· Laying and distributing the eggs in small batches is a special adaptation to these hot desert conditions.
· It is a highly successful adaptation of an advertisement which was first shown back in the early 1980s in Britain.· The first attempts failed, but with collaboration from Hebb and others, successful adaptations were made.
· Where a film adaptation could ventilate the humid bachelor atmosphere of Hornby's novel is in giving opportunities for women.· Its film adaptation was a big hit and won five Oscars, including best picture.
· Equally disappointing is the latest stage adaptation of a Roald Dahl story for children at Christmas.· The censors had also insisted on a cut in his stage adaptation of Anna Karenina.
· For the male pied flycatcher, bigamy is obviously a successful strategy, but it also requires quite complex behavioural adaptations.· It required cellular adaptations in thought and nerve fiber.· Life in the ocean depths poses many special problems, requiring special adaptations.· The application form asks if you require adaptations, and you must say what you need and why.
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounadaptabilityadaptationadapteradaptoradjectiveadaptableadaptedverbadapt
1[countable] a film or television programme that is based on a book or playadaptation of the BBC adaptation of the best-selling booktelevision/film/stage etc adaptation He’s working on a screen adaptation of his latest novel.2[uncountable] formal the process of changing something to make it suitable for a new situationadaptation to adaptation to the environment




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