

单词 unrefined
unrefinedun‧re‧fined /ˌʌnrɪˈfaɪnd◂/ adjective Examples
  • An hour's rehearsal wasn't much but sufficient to ensure an almost trouble free, if distinctly unrefined performance.
  • Because they are more slowly metabolised, unrefined foods supply a steady stream of energy throughout the day.
  • In 1913, 150,000 tons of unrefined sugar arrived at the Nord stations, 85 percent of it at La Chapelle-Charbons.
  • It's no lower in calories, but it's higher in fibre and unrefined carbohydrates.
  • The mineral traces in unrefined salt can sometimes affect the foods with which they are used.
  • The modern diabetic diet consists of high unrefined carbohydrate, and fibre, with a low fat content.
word sets
aggregate, nounalloy, nounamber, nounanneal, verbarc welding, nounasbestos, nounassay, verbautomaker, nounaviation, nounBakelite, nounbasketry, nounbenzene, nounbevel, nounbiodegradable, adjectiveblast, verbblast furnace, nounboom, nounboom town, nounbore, verbbore, nounborehole, nounby-product, nouncane, nouncast, verbcasting, nouncedar, nounchipboard, nounchippings, nouncoalface, nouncollier, nouncolliery, nounconcentrate, nouncondenser, nounconstruction, nounconstructor, nounconverter, nouncork, nouncottage industry, nouncross-grained, adjectivecrude, adjectivedeskill, verbdetonate, verbdetonator, noundetoxification, noundevelopment, noundie, noundie casting, noundiesel, noundiesel fuel, noundiggings, noundrill, verbdrive, verbelectronics, nounend product, nounepoxy resin, nounextrude, verbfabricate, verbfabrication, nounforge, nounfound, verbfoundry, nounglass fibre, noungoldmine, nounground glass, nounhigh technology, nounindustrial, adjectiveindustrial archaeology, nounindustrialism, nounindustrialist, nounindustrialization, nouningot, nouninstallation, nounjute, nounlaminate, nounlaminated, adjectivelaser, nounlatex, nounlight industry, nounlime, nounlode, nounlow-tech, adjectivelubricant, nounlubricate, verbmacadam, nounmacerate, verbmachine, verbmachine tool, nounmachinist, nounmaker, nounmanganese, nounmanufacture, verbmanufacture, nounmasonry, nounmaterial, nounmatrix, nounmeat-packing, nounmetal, nounmetal fatigue, nounmetallic, adjectivemetallurgy, nounmetalwork, nounmill, verbmine, nounmine, verbminer, nounmining, nounmodular, adjectivemodule, nounmolten, adjectivemolybdenum, nounmortise, nounmother lode, nounmould, verbmoulding, nounochre, nounoff-cut, nounoil, nounoil paint, nounopencast, adjectiveoxyacetylene, nounpackaging, nounpaint stripper, nounpaintwork, nounpaling, nounpallet, nounpan, nounpanelling, nounpanel pin, nounpaper, adjectivepapier mâché, nounpatent leather, nounperfumery, nounpit, nounpitch, nounpithead, nounplane, verbplant, nounplywood, nounpost-industrial, adjectiveprocess, nounproduce, verbproduct, nounproduction, nounproductivity, nounpulp, verbpump, verbPVC, nounquarry, nounquartz, nounready-made, adjectiverefine, verbrefined, adjectivereprocess, verbroller, nounrough-hewn, adjectiverubber, nounsafety lamp, nounsandblast, verbsealskin, nounshaft, nounshavings, nounsheeting, nounsheet metal, nounshipbuilder, nounskilled, adjectiveslag, nounslag heap, nounsludge, nounslurry, nounsmelt, verbsmith, nounsmithy, nounsmokestack, nounsmokestack industry, nounsoftwood, nounsolder, nounsolder, verbsoldering iron, nounspirit level, nounspray paint, nounsteam, nounsteel, nounstrip mine, nounStyrofoam, nounsunrise industry, nounsynthesis, nounsynthesize, verbtannery, nountemper, verbtensile strength, nountextile, nounthree-ply, adjectiveunrefined, adjectiveunvarnished, adjectiveupright, nounvarnish, nounvat, nounvinyl, nounvulcanize, verbwarehouse, nounwattle, nounwax, nounwaxen, adjectivewaxy, adjectiveweld, verbweld, nounwelder, nounwickerwork, nounwire, nounwood, nounwood pulp, nounwork, verbworking, nounworkshop, nounwrought iron, nounyarn, noun
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounrefinementrefineryadjectiverefinedunrefinedverbrefine
1an unrefined substance is in its natural form:  unrefined sugar2formal not polite or educated




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