

单词 superpower
superpowersu‧per‧pow‧er /ˈsuːpəˌpaʊə $ -pərˌpaʊr/ noun [countable] Examples
  • He hinted a bigger presence for the U.S. military in the Asian Pacific region where China is emerging as a superpower.
  • The book traces the emergence of China as a superpower in the 21st century.
  • The United States, as the world's only remaining superpower, must continue making arms control a central element of its foreign policy.
  • A leading figure in the Arab world, sure that the Third World should not align itself with either superpower.
  • But there is a tide here that may be irresistible even for a superpower.
  • It seemed a reasonable bargain in which each superpower could exert restraint over its regional allies.
  • On a lavishly embossed coffee table before us lies the justification for this grot-pop superpower summit.
  • The acute danger of any use of nuclear weapons is that this could escalate to a full-scale strategic exchange between the superpowers.
  • The United States is left as the only global superpower, in effect.
  • Under the new President there was clearly going to be no relaxation of the competition between the two superpowers.
  • Yet our work helps sustain the superpowers and their intolerable system of separation.
an area of land controlled by its own government, president, king etc: · Thailand is a beautiful country.· Which country would you most like to visit?
a country, considered especially in relation to its people and its political and economic structure: · The events shocked the whole nation.· The US is the most powerful nation in the world.· Leaders of the world’s major industrialized nations attended the meeting.
a country considered as a political organization with its own government: · They believe that Scotland should be an independent sovereign state.· Most European states joined the Council of Europe.
a country that is very strong and important: · a meeting of the great powers· Britain is still a world power.
one of the most powerful countries in the world: · During the Cuban Missile Crisis there was a real danger of conflict between the two world superpowers.
literary a country – used in stories: · He told them about his journeys to foreign lands.· a traveller from a far-off land
Longman Language Activatora country
a separate independent area of land whose people have their own government, president, king etc: · Brazil is one of the biggest countries in the world.· The northeast of the country will experience heavy rainfall and high winds.· Most people in this country are worried about the economy.all over/all around the country: · Riots and demonstrations broke out all over the country after the assassination of Martin Luther King.
a country considered especially in relation to its people and its social and economic conditions and structures: · Japan has become one of the richest nations in the world.· Representatives from the world's leading industrial nations will meet in Geneva.nation of: · We are a nation of both great wealth and terrible poverty.
a country considered especially as a political unit that has a particular type of political organization: · In 1830, Greece became an independent state.· The state of Israel was created in 1948.a democratic/one-party etc state (=with that type of government): · For more than 70 years, the former Soviet Union was a one-party state.member state (=a country belonging to an international organization): · the member states of the European Union
a strong country that is able to influence other countries politically or economically: · The western powers hardly knew how to react to this threat.· France was the only European power not to sign the treaty.world power (=having influence all over the world): · Germany's strong industrial base has helped maintain its status as a major world power.
a nation that has very great military and political power: · The book traces the emergence of China as a superpower in the 21st century.
country - use this especially in stories and in formal speeches: · His travels in foreign lands provided him with the inspiration for many of his poems and songs.· Our story takes place in a far-off land, long, long ago.
a country that has a lot of power
a country that has a lot of economic and military power, and can influence what happens in other parts of the world: · The United States had replaced Great Britain as the dominant world power. · China is regaining its place as a world power, a status it enjoyed for 3,000 years and lost only a few centuries ago.
one of the most powerful countries in the world: · The United States, as the world's only remaining superpower, must continue making arms control a central element of its foreign policy.· He hinted at a bigger presence for the U.S. military in the Asian Pacific region where China is emerging as a superpower.
absolutism, nounadministration, nounagency, nounagent, nounagent provocateur, nounalderman, nounally, nounassembly, nounautarchy, nounautocracy, nounautocrat, nounautonomous, adjectiveautonomy, nounban, nounbaron, nounbig government, nounbilateral, adjectivebody politic, nounbudget, nounbureau, nounbureaucracy, nouncabinet, nouncaliphate, nouncanton, nouncanvass, verbcapital, nouncapitalist, nounCapitol Hill, nounCBE, nouncede, verbcentral, adjectivecentral government, nouncentralism, nouncentralize, verbchancellery, nounchancery, nouncharter, nouncharter, verbchief, nounCIA, the, city hall, nouncity-state, nounclient state, nounCo., coalition, nouncold war, nouncolonial, adjectivecolonial, nouncolonialism, nouncolonize, verbcolony, nouncommissioner, nouncommune, nounconsort, nounconstitution, nounconstitutional, adjectiveconstitutionality, nounconvention, nouncoronation, nouncount, nouncounterintelligence, nouncountess, nouncounty, nouncounty council, noundecolonize, verbdemocracy, noundemocratic, adjectivedependency, noundespotism, noundétente, noundethrone, verbdevolution, noundictatorial, adjectivedictatorship, noundiplomacy, noundiplomatic immunity, noundirective, noundisinformation, noundispatch, noundispensation, noundissent, verbdistrict council, noundocumentation, nounDOD, dominion, nounDowning Street, noundynasty, nounearl, nounearldom, nounempire, nounEuro, adjectiveEurope, nounexecutive, nounexecutive privilege, nounfall, verbfall, nounfederalism, nounfeudal, adjectivefeudalism, nounfeudalistic, adjectivegazette, nounhead of state, nounhigh commission, nounimperial, adjectiveindependence, nounindependent, adjectiveinfrastructure, nouninstigate, verbinsurgent, nouninsurrection, nounintelligence, nouninternal, adjectivejunket, nounjunta, nounkingdom, nounkingship, nounkitchen cabinet, nounland office, nounland registry, nounlegation, nounlegislature, nounlicensed, adjectivelocal authority, nounlocal government, nounmaharajah, nounmaharani, nounmandate, nounmandated, adjectivemartial law, nounMBE, nounmeasure, nounmidterm, nounministry, nounminority government, nounmisrule, nounmonarchy, nounmonolith, nounmonolithic, adjectivemoratorium, nounmouthpiece, nounmove, verbmover, nounmunicipal, adjectivemunicipality, nounNASA, nounnational, adjectivenational debt, nounNational Health Service, the, nationalize, verbnational monument, nounnation state, nounNATO, nounneocolonialism, nounneutral, adjectiveneutral, nounneutralize, verbnon-aligned, adjectivenon-intervention, nounnon-proliferation, noun-ocracy, suffix-ocrat, suffixofficiate, verboligarchy, nounoperational, adjectiveoperative, nounoverthrow, verboverthrow, nounoverturn, verbpacify, verbpact, nounpalatinate, nounpardon, nounparish, nounpartition, nounpass, verbpeer, nounpeer, verbpeerage, nounpeeress, nounpermit, nounplenary, adjectiveplutocracy, nounpolice state, nounpolitburo, nounpolitical science, nounpolity, nounpork, nounpork barrel, nounportfolio, nounpossession, nounprecinct, nounprefecture, nounpremiership, nounpresidium, nounprotectorate, nounpublic, adjectivepublic service, nounquota, nounR, ratify, verbrealm, nounrecall, nounrecognition, nounrecognize, verbregency, nounregent, nounregime, nounregister, nounregulation, nounrelease, nounrepeal, verbrepresentative, nounrepressive, adjectiverepublic, nounrepublican, adjectiverescind, verbreunify, verbrevoke, verbrising, nounroyalist, nounruling, adjectivesanction, nounseat, nounsecret agent, nounsecurity service, nounself-governing, adjectiveself-rule, nounsheikh, nounshire, nounsocial democracy, nounsocialist, adjectivesocial service, nounsovereign, adjectivesovereignty, nounspin doctor, nounstaff, nounstate, nounstatehood, nounStatehouse, nounstate line, nounstate of emergency, nounstatewide, adjectivesubject, adjectivesubject, verbsultanate, nounsummit, nounsuperpower, nounsuppress, verbsupranational, adjectivesurgery, nounsuzerainty, nountechnocracy, nounterritory, nounthrone, nountopple, verbtotalitarian, adjectivetown planning, nountownship, nountransit visa, nountreaty, nountribalism, nountripartite, adjectivetrusteeship, nountsarism, nountyrant, nountzarism, noununconstitutional, adjectiveunification, noununify, verbunilateral, adjectiveunion, nounUnion Jack, nounvassal, nounVIP, nounviscount, nounviscountess, nounwelfare state, nounWhitehall, noun
Word family
WORD FAMILYnounpowersuperpowerpowerlessnessempowermentadjectivepowerfulpowerlessoverpoweringpowerpoweredverbpowerempoweroverpoweradverbpowerfullypowerlesslyoverpoweringly
a nation that has very great military and political power
see thesaurus at country




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