

单词 freight train
freight trainˈfreight train noun [countable] Examples
  • A spokesman said the freight train driver spotted the danger but could not prevent the collision.
  • Investigators were photographing the wreckage from all angles, and searching for a data recorder that had been aboard the freight train.
  • Jack was able to stop the freight train without accident.
  • The freight train passed in front of the express as it approached Paddington.
  • The freight train was partially derailed, with its shattered front end resting close to a home.
  • The scare began just after 5am when some one smelt acid as a freight train pulled into the station.
word sets
baggage car, nounbaggage room, nounboat train, nounboxcar, nounBR, nounbuffer, nouncaboose, nouncarriage, nouncattle truck, nounchoo-choo, nouncoach, nouncommunication cord, nounconductor, nouncouchette, nouncowcatcher, nouncutting, nounday return, noundepartures board, noundepot, nounderail, verbdining car, nounelectrify, verbemergency cord, nounengine, nounexpress, nounflatcar, nounfreight, nounfreight train, noungauge, noungrade, noungrade crossing, noungradient, nounguard, nounguard's van, nounhandcar, nouninbound, adjectivelight railway, nounline, nounlineman, nounlocal, nounlocomotive, nounloop, nounmail train, nounmain line, nounmetro, nounmonorail, nounnarrow gauge, nounplatform, nounPullman, nounrail, nounrailroad, nounrailway, nounrailway line, nounrailway station, nounrapid transit system, nounrestaurant car, nounrolling stock, nounshunt, verbshunt, nounsiding, nounsignal, nounsignal box, nounsignalman, nounsleeper, nounsleeping car, nounspur, nounstation master, nounsteam, nounstock car, nounsubway, nountender, nounterminus, nounthrust, nountrack, nountrain, nountrain spotter, nountruck, nounturntable, nounvan, nounvestibule, nounwagon, nounway station, noun
a train that carries goods




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