

单词 ethnographer
ethnographyeth‧nog‧ra‧phy /eθˈnɒɡrəfi $ eθˈnɑː-/ noun [uncountable] Examples
  • A series of individual observation and interview measures will be derived on the basis of this ethnography.
  • Critics of ethnography stress its unreliability.
  • He was lightly wounded at Detroit and wrote papers on ethnography, as well as collecting specimens wherever his career sent him.
  • It is this special knowledge, or gnosis, which hopefully can make the inside ethnography so different and illuminating.
  • The ordinary methods of Hellenistic ethnography would have been sufficient.
  • There is one further feature of the ethnography which must be mentioned before I discuss the general pattern.
  • Waiting lists can't be seen as bus queues Value of ethnography soc: Only that they're not queues.
  • What can ethnography tell us about the big issues?
word sets
clansman, nounclanswoman, nounculturally, adverbculture, noundemography, noun-ese, suffixethnic, adjectiveethnography, nounethnology, nounfirst generation, nounintermarry, verbinterracial, adjectivekinship, nounmegalith, nounnative, adjectiveneanderthal, nounNeanderthal man, nounNeolithic, adjectivenomad, nounorientalist, nounpeace pipe, nounprimitive, adjectiveprimordial, adjectivepygmy, nounracial, adjectivesavage, adjectivesavage, nounsettlement, nounsettler, nountaboo, adjectivetotem, nountotem pole, nountribal, adjectivetribalism, nountribe, nountribesman, nountribeswoman, nountroglodyte, nounwampum, nounwar dance, nounwar paint, nounwhite, adjective
the scientific description of different races of peopleethnographer noun [countable]ethnographic /ˌeθnəˈɡræfɪk◂/ adjectiveethnographically /-kli/ adverb




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