

单词 pigeonhole
pigeonhole1 nounpigeonhole2 verb
pigeonholepi‧geon‧hole1 /ˈpɪdʒənhəʊl $ -hoʊl/ noun [countable] Examples
  • Hence Buckshot LeFonque, a group devoted to the idea of making pigeonholes a thing of the past.
  • She got up and crossed to a little antique rosewood desk with pigeonholes and tiny drawers along the top.
  • Surely the people shoved in and out of these pigeonholes have not themselves changed so vastly and so often.
  • The judicial difficulties that arise when fitting variation into pigeonholes are testimony to evolution.
  • The male experience is seen as a universal experience, while the female experience is put in a different pigeonhole.
  • There were empty arched pigeonholes at the back, fretted and carved, and two empty little drawers.
word sets
address, verbaddressee, nounaerogramme, nounairmail, nounbox number, nouncertified mail, nounChristmas card, nounc/o, compliment slip, nouncorrespond, verbcorrespondence, nouncorrespondent, nouncovering letter, nouncover letter, noundate stamp, noundead letter, noundirect mail, nounenclose, verbenclosure, nounenvelope, nounepistle, nounesquire, nounexpress, nounexpress mail, nounfirst class, nounfirst-class, adjectiveforward, verbforwarding address, nounFPO, frank, verbfranking machine, nounFreepost, noungeneral delivery, nounJiffy bag, nounjunk mail, nounletterbox, nounlove letter, nounmailbag, nounmailbox, nounmail carrier, nounmail drop, nounmailer, nounmailing list, nounmailman, nounmailshot, nounmail train, nounmanila, nounmissive, nounmoney order, nounnote card, nounnotelet, nounnotepaper, nounnr, p & p, packet boat, nounparcel, nounparcel post, nounpcm, pen friend, nounpen pal, nounpigeonhole, nounpillar box, nounPO, PO Box, nounpoison-pen letter, nounpost, nounpost, verbpostage, nounpostage meter, nounpostage stamp, nounpostal, adjectivepostal order, nounpostbag, nounpostbox, nounpostcard, nounpostcode, nounposte restante, nounpostie, nounpostman, nounpostmark, nounpostmaster, nounpostmistress, nounpost office, nounpost office box, nounpostscript, nounpp., PPS, nounPS, nounredirect, verbregister, verbregistered post, nounreply-paid, adjectiveRR, sae, nounsalutation, nounSASE, nounsecond class, nounself-addressed, adjectivesender, nounsnail mail, nounsorting office, nounspecial delivery, nounstamp, nounstamp, verbstamped addressed envelope, nounsurface mail, nounthird class, nounvalentine, nounwriting paper, nounX, nounzip code, noun
one of a set of small open boxes fixed to a wall. You leave letters, messages etc for particular people in the boxes.
pigeonhole1 nounpigeonhole2 verb
pigeonholepigeonhole2 verb [transitive] Verb Table
Simple Form
PresentI, you, we, theypigeonhole
he, she, itpigeonholes
PastI, you, he, she, it, we, theypigeonholed
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave pigeonholed
he, she, ithas pigeonholed
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad pigeonholed
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill pigeonhole
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have pigeonholed
Continuous Form
PresentIam pigeonholing
he, she, itis pigeonholing
you, we, theyare pigeonholing
PastI, he, she, itwas pigeonholing
you, we, theywere pigeonholing
Present perfectI, you, we, theyhave been pigeonholing
he, she, ithas been pigeonholing
Past perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theyhad been pigeonholing
FutureI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill be pigeonholing
Future perfectI, you, he, she, it, we, theywill have been pigeonholing
  • Most people don't think of him as a real actor. He is pigeonholed as an action movie star.
  • When your band becomes successful, people immediately try to pigeonhole you, but we're into all kinds of music - dance, rock, jazz, blues.
  • You shouldn't pigeonhole people according to your first impressions of them.
  • Bird-watchers have an austere view of existence: that which can not be pigeonholed should be shot.
  • It is difficult to decide whether Sun and Peng can be pigeonholed as belonging to a particular school, trend or coterie.
  • Joe Kennedy, like Clinton, is not easily pigeonholed as liberal, very much like his anti-bigness, pro-empowerment father.
  • The new president is not easily pigeonholed.
Longman Language Activatorto say that someone or something belongs to a particular type
also categorise British to decide that someone or something belongs to a particular group of people or things that have similar qualities: categorize somebody/something as something: · Dali was categorized as a surrealist painter.· Forecasts suggest that by the year 2010, only about 30 percent of U.S. households will be categorized as middle class.
to put things or people into particular groups, especially according to an official or scientific system: classify somebody/something as something: · Carpentry and furniture making are usually classified as skilled trades.classify somebody/something by/according to something: · Wines can be classified according to their sugar content - that is dry, medium or sweet.· Eggs are classified by weight as Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small, and Peewee.
to decide unfairly, that certain people have particular qualities, abilities, or needs, for example because they are of a particular sex, race, or social class: · Teachers often stereotype kids who speak with strong regional accents.stereotype somebody as something: · There is a tendency to stereotype childless women as being hard and career-orientated.
to say that someone or something can be described as a particular type or group, in a way that is too simple and therefore unfair: · You shouldn't pigeonhole people according to your first impressions of them.· When your band becomes successful, people immediately try to pigeonhole you, but we're into all kinds of music - dance, rock, jazz, blues.
if you include something under a particular category or heading, you decide that it belongs to that particular group of things: classify/categorize/file/list something under something: · In our library, novels are classified under Crime, Romance, and General.· The Association of British Travel Agents is listed under "Trade Associations and Professional Bodies" in the Yellow Pages.
to unfairly consider a person, activity etc as belonging to a particular type or group SYN  labelpigeonhole somebody/something as something Patsy was pigeonholed as a Country and Western singer, but that’s too simple.




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