

单词 devoutly
devoutde‧vout /dɪˈvaʊt/ adjective Word Origin
1100-1200 Old French devot, from Latin devotus; DEVOTE
  • a devout Muslim
  • Bernard was the most devout of all her sons.
  • It is my devout hope that we can work together and solve this crisis.
  • Rachel's parents are devout Mormons.
  • The shema is still repeated daily by devout Jews the world over.
  • Conley is a devout believer in specialty niches.
  • For me, our passion was a devout involvement of heart, body and mind.
  • Inside the restored stone house, an altar crowned by a statue of Mary drew the devout and the curious.
  • Louis became an extremely devout and ascetic man.
  • Only two groups of women who make up the Republican base gave Dole strong support: devout evangelical women and homemakers.
  • The devout Roman Catholic said she got involved with Richard because he said he cared for her and he was single.
  • The devout, semiliterate Kasturbai stood aghast and uncomprehending.
THESAURUSbelieving in a religion
believing strongly in a religion and obeying its rules: · My father was a very religious man.· Are you religious?
having a very strong belief in a religion: · a devout Catholic
believing in the traditional beliefs, laws, and practices of a religion: · orthodox Jews
Longman Language Activatorhaving strong religious beliefs
· At one time, I was very religious and a regular church-goer.· He's always been a religious man, and I think that has helped him.deeply religious (=very religious) · Like many Victorians, Ruskin was deeply religious.· Hooker was born on a Mississippi farm, to a deeply religious mother who disapproved of almost all music.
British /practicing American practising Catholic, Jew, Muslim etc is actively involved in a particular religion and keeps its rules, customs etc: · Harri was the only practising Muslim in the class.· Over 500 of the prisoners are practising Christians.
believing very strongly in a particular religion and carefully obeying all its rules: devout Muslim/Catholic/Jew etc: · Bernard was the most devout of all her sons.· Rachel's parents are devout Mormons.· The shema is still repeated daily by devout Jews the world over.
having strong religious beliefs and showing this in the way you behave: · She reminded Corbett of a sweet, pious young nun he once knew.· Ethelred was not the most pious of kings, and his clashes with the church were stormy and frequent. pious Jew/Muslim/Catholic etc: · There are 613 commandments required of a pious Jew.
believing in, and following very closely, all the ideas, rules, and customs of one of the main religions, even when other people within the same religion do not always think they are important: · Orthodox Christianity teaches that Jesus was raised to life three days after he was crucified.· The Almoravids attempted to bring Africa back to orthodox Islamic practice.orthodox Jew/Muslim/Christian etc: · This interpretation of Karma is rejected by orthodox Hindus.
someone who believes strongly that the laws of their religion must be followed very strictly: · The president's announcement is bound to anger religious fundamentalists.· When it comes to gay sex, fundamentalists and Catholics are more than willing to co-operate with each other.Islamic/Muslim/Christian/Hindu etc fundamentalist: · The protest was led by a small group of Christian fundamentalists.
acolyte, nounafterlife, nounagnostic, nounangel, nounanimism, nounanoint, verbapostasy, nounapostate, nounarchangel, nounbelieve, verbbeliever, nounbell-ringer, nounbless, verbblessed, adjectiveblessing, nouncelebrant, nounChristian Science, nouncircumcise, verbcircumcision, nouncommunion, nounconfession, nounconvent, nounconversion, nounconvert, nouncoreligionist, nouncowl, nouncredo, nouncreed, nouncult, noundaemon, nounDecalogue, noundefrock, verbdeism, noundenomination, noundenominational, adjectivedevotee, noundevotion, noundevotional, adjectivedevout, adjectivedivine, adjectivedivinity, noundruid, nounfaith, nounfast day, nounfeast, nounfervour, nounfiesta, nounfollow, verbfrankincense, noungentile, noungod, noungoddess, noungrace, nounhabit, nounhair shirt, nounhallelujah, interjectionhallowed, adjectivehalo, nounheathen, adjectiveheathen, nounheaven, nounheavenly, adjectivehell, nounheresy, nounheretic, nounhermit, nounhermitage, nounheterodox, adjectivehigh priest, nounidol, nounidolatry, nounincarnation, nounincense, nouninfidel, nounintercession, nouninvocation, nouninvoke, verbirreligious, adjective-ism, suffixlayman, nounlaywoman, nounlibation, nounliturgical, adjectiveliturgy, nounmartyr, nounmartyr, verbmeditate, verbmeditation, nounmission, nounmonastery, nounmonastic, adjectivemonk, nounmonotheism, nounMoonie, nounMormon, nounMosaic, adjectivemystery play, nounmystic, nounmystical, adjectivemysticism, nounneophyte, nounnovice, nounnovitiate, nounnuminous, adjectivenun, nounnunnery, nounoblation, nounobservance, nounoffering, nounOlympian, adjectiveordain, verborder, nounorthodox, adjectiveotherworldly, adjectivepagan, adjectivepagan, nounpantheism, nounpantheon, nounParsee, nounpilgrim, nounpilgrimage, nounpious, adjectivepluralism, nounpolytheism, nounpractise, verbpray, verbprayer, nounprayer wheel, nounpreach, verbpreacher, nounpriest, nounpriestess, nounpriesthood, nounpriestly, adjectiveprophet, nounprophetess, nounpurify, verbRasta, nounRastafarian, nounRastaman, nounRE, nounrecant, verbreincarnation, nounreligious, adjectivereligiously, adverbreliquary, nounrepent, verbretreat, nounrevelation, nounrevivalism, nounrite, nounritual, nounsacred, adjectivesacrifice, nounsacrifice, verbsacrificial, adjectivesanctify, verbsanctity, nounsanctuary, nounsanctum, nounsatanism, nounscripture, nounsect, nounsectarian, adjectiveservice, nounshaman, nounShinto, nounshrine, nounsin, nounsin, verbsinful, adjectivesinner, nounsoul, nounspirit, nounspiritual, adjectivespiritualism, nounspirituality, nounSr, sun god, nounsuppliant, nounsupplicant, nounsupplication, nounSupreme Being, nounTao, nounTaoism, nountemple, nountenet, nounthanksgiving, nountheism, nountheo-, prefixtheocracy, nountheologian, nountheological college, nountheology, nountonsure, nountranscendental, adjectivetranscendental meditation, nountransmigration, noununbelief, noununbeliever, nounungodly, adjectiveunholy, adjectiveunorthodox, adjectivevisionary, nounvoodoo, nounvotary, nounworship, verbworship, noun
· A devout Catholic, he has said this will be his last season while he devotes himself to his family.· She was a devout Catholic and, so far as I am aware, morally unassailable.· In her youth she was a devout Catholic, faithfully performing the Stations of the Cross.· He is a devout Catholic who loves classic cars, stodgy puddings and paintings.
1someone who is devout has a very strong belief in a religion:  a devout Catholic see thesaurus at religious2formal a devout hope or wish is one that you feel very strongly:  It is my devout hope that we can work together in peace.devoutly adverb




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