

单词 substratum
substratumsub‧stra‧tum /ˌsʌbˈstrɑːtəm $ -ˈstreɪ-/ noun (plural substrata /-tə/) [countable] Examples
  • His books have tapped into a deep substratum of human religiosity.
  • A particular branch, the Grammatical Shastra, was formulated using the Sanskrit vocabulary as a substratum, with no ambiguity whatsoever.
  • Cultivation: An extremely undemanding plant as to its growing medium, and will grow almost in any substratum.
  • Cultivation: Very undemanding as to its growing medium, it will grow well on any substratum.
  • Research in other cell lines has suggested that the mechanical properties of the substratum are important in the maintenance of cellular differentiation.
  • The substratum of this experience is the mastery of a technique.
  • The distinction between substratum and entity also enables us to further specify the relations between Zeus and the world.
  • They are suitable aquarium plants and are cultivated like Cryptocoryne species in a medium-rich substratum and water that is not too acid.
  • Unlike the two previous species, this one prefers more organic content in its substratum.
word sets
agglomerate, nounalabaster, nounanthracite, nounasbestos, nounatoll, nounbasalt, nounbasin, nounbauxite, nounbed, nounbedrock, nounberyl, nounbluff, nouncanyon, nouncape, nouncarboniferous, adjectivechalk, nounchalky, adjectivechasm, nounclay, nouncliff, nouncoal, nouncoastal, adjectivecoastline, nounconglomerate, nouncontinental drift, nouncontinental shelf, nouncore, nouncove, nouncrag, nouncrater, nouncreek, nounCretaceous, adjectivecrevasse, nouncrust, nouncrystal, nouncrystalline, adjectivecrystallize, verbdelta, noundeposit, noundeposition, noundune, noundust bowl, nounearthquake, nounelevation, nounemery, nounepicentre, nounepoch, nounera, nounerode, verberosion, nounerupt, verbescarpment, nounestuary, nounextinct, adjectivefault, nounfeeder, nounfeldspar, nounfiord, nounfjord, nounflint, nounflood plain, nounfluvial, adjectivefold, nounfool's gold, nounfossil, nounfossilize, verbfriable, adjectivegeology, noungeyser, nounglaciation, nounglacier, nounGondwanaland, granite, noungrassland, noungroundwater, noungulf, noungully, nounheadland, nounhinterland, nounhot spring, nounigneous, adjectiveimpervious, adjectiveinactive, adjectiveinlet, nounisthmus, nounjasper, nounjet, nounkaolin, nounknoll, nounlagoon, nounlake, nounlandlocked, adjectivelandslide, nounlandslip, nounlava, nounleach, verblevee, nounlime, nounlimestone, nounloam, nounlowlands, nounmagma, nounmarble, nounmarsh, nounmarshland, nounmatrix, nounmetamorphic, adjectivemica, nounmineral, nounmineralogy, nounmining, nounmoraine, nounmorass, nounmountain, nounmountainside, nounmountaintop, nounmudslide, nounnugget, nounoasis, nounoilfield, nounore, nounoutcrop, nounpalaeontology, nounPalaeozoic, adjectivePangaea, peninsula, nounpermafrost, nounpetroleum, nounpillar, nounpinnacle, nounplate, nounplate tectonics, nounporous, adjectivepothole, nounprairie, nounprecipice, nounpromontory, nounpumice, nounpyrites, nounquartz, nounravine, nounreservoir, nounridge, nounrift, nounrift valley, nounriver, nounrock, nounrock salt, nounsand, nounsand bar, nounsandstone, nounsapphire, nounscarp, nounschist, nounscree, nounseam, nounsediment, nounsedimentary, adjectivesedimentation, nounseismic, adjectiveseismograph, nounseismology, nounsettlement, nounshale, nounshelf, nounshingle, nounsilica, nounsilicate, nounsilt, nounslate, nounstalactite, nounstalagmite, nounstone, nounstrait, nounstrata, stratified, adjectivestratum, nounsubsoil, nounsubstratum, nounsummit, nounterrain, nounthermal, adjectivetopaz, nountopsoil, nountor, nountremor, nountributary, nountrilobite, nountsunami, nountundra, nounturquoise, nounvalley, nounvein, nounvolcanic, adjectivevolcano, nounwatercourse, nounwaterfall, nounwater table, noun
technical a layer that lies beneath another layer, especially in the earth:  a substratum of rock a social substratum




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