

单词 textbook
textbook1 nountextbook2 adjective
textbooktext‧book1 /ˈtekstbʊk/ ●●● noun [countable] Examples
  • I can't get hold of any of the college textbooks he recommended.
  • Most economics textbooks skip over the subject of investing and financial markets.
  • The grant covers the costs of tuition, fees and textbooks.
  • Elementary textbooks seem to contain no reference to it.
  • One textbook for teachers presented an entire unit on the colon.
  • Open most astronomy textbooks and you will find a statement somewhere that calls the Sun an average star.
  • She read Victorian novels and studied textbooks of anatomy.
  • Social studies textbooks have only comparatively recently begun to include gender as an area of study alongside social class or ethnicity.
  • The assumption is that textbooks, sanitized as they are, are factual and thus noncontroversial.
THESAURUStypes of book
noun [countable] a book about imaginary people and events: · The film is based on Nick Hornby’s best-selling novel.· a historical novel
noun [uncountable] books that describe imaginary people and events: · She reads a lot of romantic fiction.
noun [uncountable] novels and plays that are considered to be important works of art: · I’m studying American literature at university.
noun [uncountable] books that describe real people and events: · Men tend to prefer non-fiction.
noun [uncountable] books about imaginary events in the future or space travel
noun [countable] a book such as a dictionary or encyclopedia, which you look at to find information
noun [countable] a book about a particular subject that you use in a classroom
British English British English noun [countable] a book that you have to study as part of your course
noun [countable] a book telling visitors about a city or country
noun [countable] a book for children with many pictures in it
noun [countable] a book that has a hard stiff cover
noun [countable] a book that has a paper cover
noun [countable] a book about a real person’s life, written by another person
noun [countable] a book that someone has written about their own life
British English (also cookbook American English) noun [countable] a book that tells you how to cook different meals
Longman Language Activatora book that gives you information about a subject
a book that you look at in order to get information, for example a dictionary or encyclopedia: · Do not remove reference books from the library.· 'The Elements of Style' is a classic reference book written by the late E.B. White.· Talk to the career counselors and check out the reference books on career choices.
also encyclopaedia British a large book or set of books containing facts about a lot of different subjects, usually arranged in alphabetical order: · "Does anyone know when Mozart was born?" "Look it up in the encyclopedia."· a thirty-volume encyclopaedia· the Encyclopedia of Science
a book that contains information and ideas about a subject, that you use when you are studying that subject: · The grant covers the costs of tuition, fees and textbooks. geography/biology etc textbook: · Most economics textbooks skip over the subject of investing and financial markets.academic/college textbook: · I can't get hold of any of the college textbooks he recommended.
absenteeism, nounacademic, adjectiveacademy, nounadult education, nounalma mater, nounassessment, nounassessor, nounassignment, nounaudiovisual, adjectiveAV, binder, nounbiology, nounblackboard, nounbursary, nounbusiness studies, nounCAL, nounCALL, nouncareer counselor, nouncareers officer, nouncase study, nounCDT, nouncert., certificate, nouncertificated, adjectivechalkboard, nouncharm school, nounchemistry set, nouncivics, nounclass, nounclassicist, nounclassmate, nouncloze test, nouncoach, nouncoeducation, nouncollege, nouncollegiate, adjectivecommon room, nouncomprehension, nouncomprehensive, adjectivecomputer-literate, adjectivecomputer science, nouncontinuing education, nouncorrespondence course, nouncoursebook, nouncoursework, nouncrash course, nouncredit, nouncrib, verbcross, nouncurriculum, nounD, noundiploma, noundirect method, nounDirector of Studies, noundissect, verbdistance learning, noundistinction, noundo, verbdropout, noundyslexia, nounedify, verbedifying, adjectiveeducate, verbeducational, adjectiveeducationalist, nouneducator, nounEFL, nounELT, nounESL, nounESOL, nounESP, nounessay, nounevening class, nounexam, nounexamination, nounexamine, verbexercise, nounexercise book, nounexternal, adjectiveextracurricular, adjectiveF, fail, nounfellowship, nounfield, nounfield day, nounfield trip, nounfieldwork, nounflashcard, nounflip chart, nounflunk, verbfree period, nounfresher, nounfreshman, nounfurther education, nounglobe, noungoverness, noungrade, verbgraded, adjectivegrade point average, noungrind, nounheuristic, adjectivehistory, nounimmersion, nounineducable, adjectiveinfirmary, nounintake, nounintelligence quotient, nouninterdisciplinary, adjectiveintroductory, adjectiveinvigilate, verbIQ, nounjanitor, nounlearning curve, nounlesson, nounletter, nounletter, verbliberal arts, nounlibrarian, nounlibrary, nounlife science, nounmainstream, adjectivemasterclass, nounmatron, nounmedia studies, nounmnemonic, nounmoderate, verbmoderator, nounmodular, adjectivemodule, nounmultiple choice, adjectivenight school, nounnumerate, adjectiveopen house, nounoral, nounoverqualified, adjectivepapier mâché, nounpass, verbpass, nounpastoral, adjectivepedagogical, adjectivepedagogue, nounpedagogy, nounphonics, nounphrasebook, nounphysical education, nounpicture book, nounplacement, nounplaytime, nounpoli sci, nounpolitical science, nounpolitics, nounprincipal, nounprize day, nounproblem, nounproctor, nounprogrammed learning, nounprotégé, nounquad, nounqualification, nounqualify, verbquick, adjectiverector, nounre-educate, verbrefectory, nounreference, nounreference library, nounrequirement, nounresearch, nounresearch, verbresit, verbresource, nounresult, nounresume, nounretake, verbretake, nounreunion, nounreview, verbrevise, verbrevision, nounrole-play, nounrote, nounscholar, nounscholarship, nounscholastic, adjectiveschool, nounscience, nounscript, nounself-taught, adjectiveset, verbspeciality, nounspelling bee, nounstandard, adjectivestate school, nounstudent body, nounstudent government, nounstudent loan, nounstudent teaching, nounstudent union, nounstudy, verbstudy hall, nounsub, nounsummer holidays, nounsummer vacation, nounsuperintendent, nounteacher, nounteaching, nountechie, nounterm, nounterm paper, nounTESL, nounTESOL, nountext, nountextbook, nountick, nountick, verbtimetable, nountimetable, verbtranscript, nountrimester, nountruancy, nountuition, nountutor, nountutor, verbunderclassman, noununit, noununseen, nounvisual aid, nounvocational, adjectivewhiteboard, nounworkbook, nounworksheet, nounX, nounyearbook, noun
· The condition should figure prominently in undergraduate clinical training and in medical textbooks.· Erasmus Darwin published his Zoonomia in 1794, which was partly a medical textbook, partly a treatise in biology.· In a medical textbook, the choice between clavicle and collar-bone can justly be called a matter of stylistic variation.
· This new textbook describes the Boundary Element Method, a powerful and accurate computational technique in continuum mechanics.· Because the national curriculum can not be properly taught without new textbooks, we will earmark funds for class and library books.
· Not all teachers today use a single standard textbook as their staple material and many schools have difficulty affording class sets.· Readers interested in further details may consult any standard financial accounting textbook.· Anyone interested in this type of detail should consult a standard physics textbook on light.
· It has become a textbook case of how to kill off public participation.· Suffice that this was a textbook case of civic responsibility.· It is a textbook case of how effectively corporate lobbies work in Brussels, not just Washington.· The mortgage market was one of two or three textbook cases that illustrated the change sweeping the world of finance.
· The model only works at the level of the textbook example, the single isolated sentence.· Here was a textbook example of free enterprise in the marketplace of religion, a competition in which the fittest survived.· This is a textbook example of a parallelistic couplet, with a mirror chiasmus. is parallel to.· It was a textbook example of maintenance learning.· He is a textbook example of how complicated it is to assign blame.
· The practical outcome is a series of three school textbooks.· Lipski was able to point to several passages in school textbooks containing similar references.· The new openness expressed in the academic debates, and the latest school textbook, still leaves many issues unanswered.· The issue of curriculum and subject choice goes deeper than the portrayal of women in school textbooks, however.· The government provides school textbooks but supplementary materials are developed by educational consultants or teachers.· In school textbooks a certain amount of information is given, for example in a maths problem.· This idiom encourages the very bad habit of believing that life is going to be as neatly packaged as a school textbook.· We are back again with the school textbook idiom.
a book that contains information about a subject that people study, especially at school or college:  a biology textbook see thesaurus at book coursebook
textbook1 nountextbook2 adjective
textbooktextbook2 adjective [only before noun] Thesaurus
Longman Language Activatora typical person or thing
· With his shorts and camera around his neck, he looked like a typical tourist. · "Is there a typical New York breakfast?" "Bagels and coffee." · On a typical day, the president receives more than 4,500 letters.· a typical American diner, with twangy-voiced waitresses and vinyl boothstypical of · This painting is typical of Manet's portraits of Morisot - a beautiful woman, gazing sadly out at the viewer.
formal someone or something that is representative of the group that they belong to is typical of it, and shows what the others in the group are like: representative of: · These paintings are representative of the kind of work being done by young artists nowadays.· Would you say that his views were representative of the majority of French voters?representative sample: · For our survey we asked a representative sample of voters to give us their opinions.
the archetypal person or thing is the most typical example of that kind of person or thing, and has all their most important qualities: · Indiana Jones is the archetypal adventure hero.· the archetypal pushy Hollywood mother
a classic example of something is a very typical and very good example of it: classic of: · The misunderstanding was nobody's fault and was a classic example of bad communication.· The invention of the X-ray was a classic case of discovering something by accident.· She made the classic mistake of trying to drive away without releasing the hand brake.
a situation in which things happen in a very typical and expected way: textbook case/example of: · The Apple Computer company was a textbook case for business schools about how two guys working out of a garage could change the world.· This is a textbook example of how Hollywood undermines its best ideas, by insisting on happy endings, even when they are completely implausible.
a fixed idea which most people have in their minds about what people of a particular type or from a particular country are like, but which is not actually true: · The film is full of stereotypes: a stupid blonde, a fat American tourist, and a gay man with huge muscles.stereotype of: · Charles quite plainly did not fit the stereotype of a successful, high powered businessman.racial/sexual stereotype: · They rejected the sexual stereotype of blue for a boy and pink for a girl, and dressed their baby in other colors instead.· the racial stereotype of Asian girls as quiet and hard-working
 The advertising campaign was a textbook example of how to sell a product.
used to describe something that is done exactly as it should be done, or happens exactly as it should happentextbook case/example The advertising campaign was a textbook example of how to sell a product.




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