

单词 declaration
declarationdec‧la‧ra‧tion /ˌdekləˈreɪʃən/ ●●○ noun [countable, uncountable] Examples
  • a customs declaration
  • On the 19th of July a declaration of war was delivered in Berlin.
  • They issued a declaration that it will be attempting to take over another three British companies.
  • Bans on their writings and imprisonment followed, despite the declarations of independence-but with one difference.
  • Helsinki was full of pious declarations about the inviolability of borders and non-interference in internal affairs.
  • In these circumstances, advertisements will be construed as a declaration of intention to hold an auction and not a contract.
  • Such grabbed two wickets in Lancashire's second innings to justify a bold declaration by Graham Gooch.
  • The audience of 2, 500 responded to his declaration with sustained and thunderous applause.
something that someone says or writes publicly in order to tell people what they intend to do, what their opinion is etc: · The president will make a statement to the press this afternoon.
a public or official statement telling people what has happened or what will happen: · The announcement was heard by millions of radio listeners this morning.· The company made an announcement yesterday that Rogers has resigned as managing director.
an important official statement, especially about what a government or organization intends to do: · On the 19th of July a declaration of war was delivered in Berlin.· Independence Hall is where the delegates met to sign the Declaration of Independence and write the Constitution.
an official statement giving information to the newspapers, radio, or television: · The singer issued a press release saying that she was too ill to continue with the tour.
a formal statement saying that something is true, especially one a witness makes in a court of law: · The testimony of the two arresting officers was an important part of the prosecution case.· The jury based their decision almost entirely on the testimony of one witness.
law a written statement that you swear is true, for use as proof in a court of law: · A prison doctor who treated the accused sent an affidavit about his mental state.
Longman Language Activatorsomething someone says
something that you say, for example about what you think or something that you have noticed: · What do you mean by that remark?· I'm fed up with your snide remarks.· Elliot had been accused of making racist remarks.remark about: · I ignored his rude remark about my clothes.remark on: · Some further remarks on this subject will be made in the next chapter.make a remark: · Mr Hill sat down and made a few remarks about the weather.casual/chance remark (=something that you say for no particular reason): · It was just a casual remark - I didn't mean anything by it.
something that you say or write, especially to give an opinion: · OK, that's what we are suggesting - does anyone have any comments?comment on/about: · He made some comment about my dress, then carried on reading his book.· Her comments on interest rates had little impact on financial markets.make a comment: · We were discussing her new movie, and Jill made some interesting comments about it.
: a strange/stupid/horrible etc thing to say a remark that is strange, stupid etc: · What an awful thing to say about your mother!· I know it's a terrible thing to say, but sometimes I wish I'd never been born.
something you say, that people had not thought about or discussed until you mentioned it: point about: · Michael's point about training is an interesting one.good point: · That's a good point, and we should take it into consideration.make a point (=say something in a discussion, which people had not thought of before): · In his speech, Marks made the point that far more people died from smoking tobacco than from taking drugs.
something that someone says or writes publicly in order to tell people what they intend to do, what their opinion is etc: · In a statement, the BBC admitted that it had given incorrect information.make a statement (=say something publicly): · The President will make a statement to the press this afternoon.
a public or official statement telling people what has happened or what will happen: · The announcement was heard by millions of radio listeners this morning.announcement of/about: · I read the announcement of her death in today's paper.make an announcement: · Silence, please. Mr Bennett is about to make an announcement.
an important official statement, especially about what a government or organization intends to do: declaration that: · They issued a declaration that it will be attempting to take over another three British companies.declaration of war/independence/intent etc: · On the 19th of July a declaration of war was delivered in Berlin.
a remark in which you say what you think or have noticed about something: observation that: · The inspector began his report with the observation that the school was a happy place.observation about: · I agree with your observations about the pricing of products.make an observation: · A tour of Washington DC inspired one visitor to make some interesting observations about the gap between the rich and the poor.
· The court therefore exercised its discretion and refrained from granting a formal declaration since it would achieve nothing.· No formal declaration of charge is necessary.· In September Nicholas responded with a formal declaration of war.
· The joint declarations precipitated several days of military confrontation between the federal army and republican forces.· In the words of the joint declaration, the two countries have opened a new page in their relations.· On July 16 Renamo and the government signed a joint humanitarian declaration designed to allow unrestricted passage for food convoys.
· The Law Society will require evidence such as a marriage certificate, deed poll or statutory declaration.
· They are a unilateral declaration by the man that he need not trouble about the formalities expected between non-intimates.· Nicky has run up a unilateral declaration of independence.
· Friez expects the disaster declaration will be made within days after the state sends the report to the president, he said.· Schafer could issue a state disaster declaration and request a Presidential Disaster Declaration as soon as Friday.· He said federal agriculture agencies in North Dakota handle those assessments, which don't require a state disaster declaration first.
· What can follow such declarations, such experiences?· This was immediately followed by similar declarations or silent acquiescence by other nations.· Bans on their writings and imprisonment followed, despite the declarations of independence-but with one difference.
· The court therefore exercised its discretion and refrained from granting a formal declaration since it would achieve nothing.
· Schafer could issue a state disaster declaration and request a Presidential Disaster Declaration as soon as Friday.· Department of Agriculture could issue its own declaration.
· Heinz suggested that laws and constitutions of countries should be strengthened to make international declarations against torture into enforceable law.· I shall therefore make the declarations sought.· Overuse has made such declarations meaningless.· Aberdeen University Written application was made for photocopies of declarations.· Schafer may make the state declaration and request a presidential declaration as soon as today.· I propose to make the declaration which is sought.
· He then sought a declaration that A.P.E.X. was not entitled to do this.· Collin Peterson, D-Minn, called on Ventura to seek the declaration.· She sought a declaration that the coroner had a duty to hold an inquest into the death.
· The biggest achievement to date is to get dealers to sign a declaration that they are not dealing in conflict diamonds.
1an important official statement about a particular situation or plan, or the act of making this statement:  a ceasefire declaration Under Islamic law it was possible to divorce by simple declaration.declaration of the declaration of war2an official or serious statement of what someone believesdeclaration of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights declarations of undying love3a statement in which you officially give information about yourself:  a declaration of taxable earnings




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