

单词 poster
posterpost‧er /ˈpəʊstə $ ˈpoʊstər/ ●●● S3 noun [countable] Word Origin
1800-1900 POST2 (1)
  • Anna's bedroom wall was covered in posters of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe.
  • Ernst's supporters have plastered his election posters over walls and cars.
  • Sandra collects old movie posters.
  • There are posters for the Van Gogh exhibition everywhere.
  • Two of her photos became posters for the Monterey Jazz festival.
  • A couple of years later he graduated to sticking up posters to advertise concerts.
  • Cream voile has been lavishly draped around the metal four- poster bedstead to make an attractive centrepiece.
  • Fast by the seminar and poster standards, this was unacceptably slow to the scientific community involved.
  • George Underwood designed the poster and 50 people turned up.
  • He sits under the strike posters shuffling papers.
  • I carefully hung the poster so Bob could see it from his bed without turning.
  • Photographs, framed posters, the odd award statuette.
  • The environmental organization had written to all the country's general practitioners in January offering a health education poster and booklet.
· an advertisement for shampoo· They placed an advertisement in the newspaper.
informal an advertisement: · She’s been in several TV ads.
British English an advertisement: · a job advert· He took out a front-page advert for his shop.
an advertisement on television or radio: · television commercials· He was in some commercials for beer.
an advertisement in the cinema, on television, or online for a film or programme which will be shown soon: · A second trailer for Richard Friedman’s film has just been added to the website.
a series of advertisements for a company’s products: · The company has spent more than $300 million on promotions for the brand.
an advertisement on a wall: · They selected a famous artist to do the poster for the upcoming performance.
(also hoarding British English) a large sign next to a road, with an advertisement on it: · billboard advertisements· A huge hoarding shows two contrasting images.
a piece of paper with an advertisement on it, often given to you in the street: · Someone was handing out flyers for a new nightclub.
an advertisement across the top of a page on the Internet: · Banner ads are becoming more sophisticated.
unwanted advertisements that you get in the post: · I never read junk mail.
unwanted emails advertising things: · I’m trying to delete all the spam.
(also want ad American English, small ad British English) a short advertisement that you put in a newspaper if you want to buy or sell something: · The bike was advertised for sale in the small ads section.
shapes, lines etc painted or drawn on a surface, especially as a piece of art, and often showing what someone or something looks like: · a picture of a horse· He painted the picture in 1890, just before he died.
a picture drawn with a pencil, pen etc: · We had to do a drawing of a sunflower.
a picture that is drawn quickly: · I made a quick sketch of the kind of room we wanted.
a picture made using paint: · The painting now hangs in the Museum of Modern Art.· Picasso did several paintings of her.
a picture of a person: · The portrait was painted by Rembrandt.
a picture of a place, especially in the countryside or the mountains: · Constable painted mainly landscapes.
a funny drawing in a newspaper or magazine that tells a story or a joke: · A cartoon in the New York Times showed the president talking to Osama Bin Laden.
a series of pictures drawn inside boxes that tell a story: · Charles Schultz was famous for his cartoon strip about Snoopy and Charlie Brown.
a funny drawing of someone that makes a part of someone’s face or body look bigger, worse etc than it really is, especially in a funny way: · He is famous for his caricatures of politicians.
a picture in a book: · The book has over 100 pages of illustrations, most of them in colour.
a large picture printed on paper that you stick to a wall as decoration: · old movie posters· There were lots of posters of pop bands on her bedroom wall.
a picture that is usually produced on a printing press, and is one of a series of copies of the same picture: · a limited edition of lithographic prints by John Lennon
a picture – used especially when talking about what the picture is like, or the effect it has on you: · He produced some memorable images.· a beautiful image· Some of the images are deeply disturbing.
pictures or photographs, especially ones that have been produced to be used in a book or magazine: · We are still waiting for the artwork to come back from the printers.
Longman Language Activatora picture that you paint or draw
a painting or drawing: · Van Gogh's "Sunflowers' is one of the most famous pictures in the world.· an early picture by the French Impressionist painter Claude Monetpicture of: · There was a picture of a windmill on the bedroom wall.somebody's picture (=a painting or drawing of someone): · The house belonged to the Duke of Wellington, and his picture hangs in the hall.draw/paint a picture: · I didn't know the word in Japanese so I drew a little picture.do a picture spoken (=draw or paint a picture): · Daisy did a lovely picture of a cat at school today.
a picture that someone has painted: · an exhibition of paintings by French artists· The museum has an impressive collection of early 20th century American paintings.painting of: · a painting of the Grand Canal in Venice by Canaletto· Gaugin is famous for his paintings of native women on the Pacific island of Tahiti.do a painting: · Dali did several paintings of his wife.
a picture that has been drawn using a pen or pencil: · The classroom was bright and cheerful, with childrens' drawings on the walls.drawing of: · On the wall was a drawing of a woman's head by Matisse.do a drawing: · Degas did a series of drawings of dancers at the ballet school in Paris.
a picture consisting of a few lines drawn quickly with a pen or pencil: sketch of: · I thought your sketches of the garden were very attractive.do/make a sketch: · The architect did a sketch of how the building will look when it's finished.quick/rough sketch (=a sketch done very quickly): · Gabriella did a quick sketch of her baby daughter.
a picture in a book, which shows people or events that have been mentioned in the book: · The new encyclopedia is full of color illustrations and photographs.· Who did the illustrations for the book? They're lovely.
a very large picture or photograph printed on paper, which you put on a wall for decoration: poster of: · Anna's bedroom wall was covered in posters of James Dean and Marilyn Monroe.
a painting, drawing, or photograph of a person: portrait of: · A full-length portrait of the Queen hung on the wall.paint a portrait: · The artist Hans Holbein was best known for painting portraits.self-portrait (=a picture of the artist done by the artist): · Rembrandt's "Self-portrait with feather in cap"· A series of 43 self-portraits by Greek-born American Lucas Samaras (b. 1936) have been donated to the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
a painting or photograph showing an area of countryside: · "What kind of photographs do you take?" "Mostly landscapes, and some portraits."landscape painter/artist/photographer: · Constable is probably England's most famous landscape artist.
a small detailed drawing, especially one which is done in order to prepare for a larger picture, or as part of a series of drawings of the same kind of subject: study of: · Renoir did several studies of small plants and flowers.study for: · The exhibition includes a series of studies by Picasso for his painting Guernica.
a picture of someone without any clothes on: · To be honest, I prefer his flower pictures to his nudes.· a nude by Picasso
a written sign that gives instructions or information
· There was a big sign above the entrance.· A neon sign flashed on and off in the window.· Didn't you see the "No smoking" sign?· Turn left and then follow the signs till you get to the freeway.traffic/road sign (=a sign that gives information to drivers) · Out in the desert there are hardly any road signs along the highway.
especially British a piece of paper giving instructions or information, that is put in a place where people can see it: · The details of the trip are on that notice over there.put up a notice: · I'll put up a notice about the meeting on the bulletin board.take down a notice: · Now that the sale is over someone needs to take down the notices.
a large printed piece of paper that is put on a wall in a public place, and that gives information about something that is going to happen, for example a film or concert: · Sandra collects old movie posters.· Ernst's supporters have plastered his election posters over walls and cars.poster for: · There are posters for the Van Gogh exhibition everywhere.
ABC1, nounabove the line, adjectiveadoption curve, advert, nounadvertise, verbadvertisement, nounadvertising agency, nounaffiliate marketing, aftermarket, nounAIDA, nounair time, announcement, nounaudience research, Audit Bureau of Circulation, nounbait-and-switch, adjectiveBDI, below the line, adjectivebillboard, nounblind test, brand extension, nounbrand extension strategy, brand stretching, nounBritish Rate and Data, nounbusiness gift, business-to-business advertising, button ad, nounbuying decision, nounbuying habits, nounC2DE, nouncannibalization, nouncanvassing, nouncareline, nouncategory killer, nounCLV, cognitive dissonance, nouncolumn-inch, nounComdex, nouncommodity product, competitive intelligence, nouncompetitive strategy, concept testing, nounconsumer behaviour, consumer panel, consumer resistance, conversion rate, copy testing, nouncopywriter, nouncore competence, cost-per-click, nouncost per impression, nouncost per thousand, nounCPC, creative brief, creative director, cross promotion, customer-centric, adjectivecustomer loyalty, customer profile, customer profiling, customer research, dealer aids, noundemand curve, derisk, verbdirect-to-consumer advertising, drip method, noun-driven, suffixelectronic point of sale, empty nesters, nounendorse, verbendorser, nounend-to-end, adjectiveevent management, field research, first mover, nounfirst-mover advantage, flyer, noungimmick, nounhalo effect, high end, nounhoarding, nounHouse of Quality, nounincome group, island display, jingle, nounknocking copy, last-mover advantage, lead user, line extension, nounline stretching, nounmailing list, nounmailshot, nounmakegood, nounmarket-oriented, adjectiveMarlboro Friday, nounmerchandiser, nounmotivational research, nicher, nounnichist, nounonline catalogue, o.n.o., opinion leader, nounopportunities to see, nounpack shot, nounpeople meter, positioning, nounposter, nounPR, nounpress agent, nounpress communications, press kit, price-insensitive, adjectiveprice-sensitive, adjectiveprint advertising, private-label, adjectiveproblem child, nounproduct differentiation, product parity, promo, nounpromote, verbpromotion, nounpromotional, adjectiveprospectus, nounpublicist, nounpublicity, nounpublicize, verbpublic relations, nounpulsing, nounpush, verbrebrand, verbreference group, remarket, verbreposition, verbsaleable, adjectivesales analysis, sales channel, sales engineer, sales incentive, sales resistance, sandwich board, nounsecond-mover advantage, selling point, nounsell-through, adjectivesoft sell, nounspiff, nounsplit run, nounspot colour, nounSRDS, stage-gate, adjectiveStandard Rate and Data Service, nounstealth marketing, target buyer, target customer, Target Group Index, nountarget market, telemarketing, nountelephone interviewing, nountradename, noununique visitor, noununit sales, want ad, noun
 A team of volunteers were putting up posters.
· The large four poster like a barge of state sailed empty into emptiness three centuries too late.· Analysis Record the results from the analysis chart on the board or on a large poster.· A large poster hung above them advertising A.R.P. outfits.· Their wickedness was emphasised by several large posters detailing the dangers of both active and passive smoking.· Pinned to one wall was a large poster advertising one of his films: The Young Can Suffer.· There is a large poster which appears on the London underground and in some national newspapers.
· A few new posters appeared as students from other colleges went to Beida to have a look at what was happening.· Patrick committee created a new poster for the week-long festival.· Yesterday, the full programme was announced and a new poster put on display.
· A bilingual poster advertising motor cars for private hire.· The national party organizations increasingly make use also of press and poster advertising.· Inset Tourists now reach Victoria Falls: poster advertising its natural wonders.· On every side images of love and violence erupted from glass-fronted posters advertising coming attractions.· Dismantling revealed traces of Victorian wallpaper and a Midland Railway poster advertising excursions in 1875.· Pinned to one wall was a large poster advertising one of his films: The Young Can Suffer.· Please find enclosed a set of factsheets and poster advertising the Fair Deal Exhibition.· A judge decided that the poster advertising the film was much too close to the one used for the original Cleopatra.
· Our premier Regency room with its magnificent gorgeously draped four poster bed and its attractive and spacious bedroom ensures a luxurious interlude.· Springall's lying alone under its leather covering in the great four poster bed in his mansion.
· He is no performer in a costume, no trumped up poster boy.· I was the poster boy for that initiative.· One is a responsible leader and the other a partisan poster boy.· My cousins are furious that I called them poster boys for bad behavior.
· Instead they tried to take their minds off the poster campaign by providing weekend entertainment.· Snooker ace John Parrott and soccer stars from Tranmere Rovers were featured in previous poster campaigns.· The Tory poster campaign, too, has been criticised for being too backward looking and negative.· It did, however, spend huge sums in television advertising and also embarked on a massive poster campaign.· The campaign was backed by a major poster campaign.· The poster campaign for Trainspotting was crucial in fostering its box-office success and has been widely copied.· But a spokesman for the firm which organised the poster campaign said it should come down within the next five days.· We must also divert money from the expensive irrelevancies of poster campaigns and media triumphalism towards full-time agencies and local party-building.
· The 1947 poster child, Nancy Drury from Louisville, Kentucky, was a victim of the 1944 epidemic.· Doctors call Howley their poster child.
· There were election posters up for the mayoral race.
· Steinem became the poster girl for feminism in the 1970s because she was good-looking, smart, articulate and blatantly heterosexual.
· I look at the movie poster on my wall, it's like a blip.· They were tussling, in their cute little MBA-zombie way, over who would get which cool movie poster.· There are four movie posters on my wall.· No movie posters, no multi-lingual Telecom ads, no London Transport signs.· Drying off after a shower, I stood looking at two framed movie posters on the bathroom wall.
· Steinem became the poster girl for feminism in the 1970s because she was good-looking, smart, articulate and blatantly heterosexual.
· A lady on his floor covered her door with posters of saints.· By now the campus is covered with posters.
· George Underwood designed the poster and 50 people turned up.· Maybe Jackson Pollack would design the poster.· General Design a poster or leaflet which would encourage people to eat more potatoes.· Children were asked to design an interpretative poster which highlighted the vulnerability and needs of Britain's threatened otter population.· David designed the first poster for our first Sunday evening and stuck it up outside the pub.· He had not designed a poster since 1949 but in 1954 his interest in this art form revived.
· The walls were hung with posters and drawings with a Parisian flavour.· They hung posters to hide the cracks.· I carefully hung the poster so Bob could see it from his bed without turning.
· Now he plans to produce a poster of the garden to sell.
· Inside the ticket hall, a team of volunteers were putting up posters.· She had put posters up everywhere, of places she had been to and places she wanted to go to.· Consider the implications of: Do we really want to know who put up the poster?· Tell your friends and put up the enclosed poster where it will be seen.
· Inside the ticket hall, a team of volunteers were putting up posters.
· For details, see the poster in the church porch.· Now we see everything from famous-artist poster prints to teacup patterns.· He hadn't seen any posters in the village.· I haven't seen a single poster for this bloody show.· She may be encouraged if she sees a poster on the wall about Aids.
a large printed notice, picture, or photograph, used to advertise something or as a decoration:  A team of volunteers were putting up posters. a poster campaign for the electionposter for the poster for the exhibitionposter of posters of old movie stars see thesaurus at advertisement




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