

单词 checked
checkedchecked /tʃekt/ ●●○ adjective Examples
  • a checked skirt
  • A checked lumberjack-style shirt and tight blue jeans.
  • But certainly some ebullience in me was checked, held in and turned inwards.
  • Classificatory or other indicators of relationships should be checked and recorded in their final form.
  • Clearly, consultations were of copies other than those checked.
  • He wore casual country tweeds and checked shirt which was unusual on Old Year's Night.
  • His jeans and checked shirt, though old and well worn, looked clean and of good quality.
  • Put it over there with those others which are being checked right through.
  • There is also an emphasis on checked fabrics, matched with plain colours.
word sets
accessory, nounalter, verbappliqué, nounarmband, nounarmhole, nounbag, nounbejewelled, adjectivebillfold, nounboater, nounbow, nounbowler, nounbow tie, nounbraid, nounbraid, verbbreast-pocket, nounbrim, nounbum bag, nounbust, nounbutton, nounbutton-down, adjectivebuttonhole, nouncape, nounchecked, adjectivecivvies, nounclasp, nouncleat, nounclingy, adjectiveclothes brush, nounclothes hanger, nounclutch bag, nouncoat check, nouncoat hanger, nouncoatroom, nouncobbler, nouncockade, nouncocktail dress, nouncodpiece, nouncollar, nouncollar stud, nouncolour-coordinated, adjectivecolourfast, adjectivecorsage, nouncostume, nouncoveralls, nouncravat, nouncrinkly, adjectivecut, noundark glasses, noundarn, verbdarn, noundart, noundécolletage, noundetailing, noundiadem, noundiaphanous, adjectivedishevelled, adjectivedowdy, adjectivedown-at-heel, adjectivedress, noundress, verbdressed, adjectivedressmaker, noundress sense, noundressy, adjectiveepaulette, nounfacing, nounfancy dress, nounfinery, nounfleecy, adjectivefop, noungarb, noungather, verbgingham, noungold-rimmed, adjectivegranny, adjectivegroom, verbhabit, nounhandbag, nounherringbone, nounknit, verbknitwear, nounline, verblined, adjectiveliner, nounlingerie, nounlining, nounlivery, nounlocker room, nounmade-to-measure, adjectivemade-to-order, adjectivemakeover, nounmodel, nounmodel, verbmodelling, nounmohair, nounname tag, nounnatty, adjectiveneckline, nounout, adverbpack, nounparasol, nounpinstripe, nounplaid, nounpleat, nounpleated, adjectiveplume, nounplumed, adjectiveplunging neckline, nounpocket, nounpocketbook, nounpocket handkerchief, nounpolka dot, nounpompom, nounpopper, nounpouch, nounpower dressing, nounpress, verbproof, verbpurse, nounraffish, adjectiveragged, adjectiverail, nounretro, adjectivesalon, nounsensible, adjectivesequin, nounset, verbshoeshine, nounshoulder bag, nounshoulder pad, nounshoulder strap, nounsingle-breasted, adjectivesize, nounsleeve, nounsleeveless, adjectivesling, nounsmocking, nounsoigné, adjectivespangle, nounsportswear, nounstarch, verbstitch, nounstud, nounstudded, adjectivetack, verbtail, nountailor, nountailored, adjectivetailoring, nountapered, adjectivetartan, nountatters, nounthread, nounthread, verbtie-dye, verbtie-pin, nountoe, nountoecap, nountoggle, nountongue, nountoupée, nountrainer, nountrimmings, nountrouser press, nounturn-up, nountweedy, adjectiveunbecoming, adjectiveundress, noununmentionables, nounvalet, nounwallet, nounwear, verbwearer, nounweatherproof, adjectivewell-dressed, adjectivewell-groomed, adjectivewristband, nounzip, nounzipper, noun
(=baggage that you check in rather than carry onto the plane yourself)· You can claim for loss or damage to checked baggage.
· He wore casual country tweeds and checked shirt which was unusual on Old Year's Night.· His jeans and checked shirt, though old and well worn, looked clean and of good quality.· Diana cut a nondescript figure in her checked shirt, her sister's anorak, cords and wellington boots.· He wore an open-necked checked shirt, and jeans, and occasionally reached for the pint of lager at his side.· The collar of a checked shirt peeped from the neck of a thick blue sweater.· Beneath it was one of his usual checked shirts - short-sleeved this time, revealing strong bronzed arms.
checked cloth has a regular pattern of differently coloured squares:  a checked blouse




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